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Why do I need cyber money?

Yandex. Money
I got myself a Yandex.Money wallet. Why did I do this? Why does the owner of a savings book in Sberbank and a personal bank account (not a credit, but a salary) also have cyber-money? I have no excuse! But I will try to explain my act ...

Until recently, electronic money in Russia was not too popular, and communication was only with Sberbank, where we stood and queue in frenzy, in order to give our own money (change cash into electronic money that was sent to the addressee). A simple person started a bank card just because at work or at a university the salary (scholarship) was paid on the card, and not at the box office. Naturally, on the very first day of receipt, this money was withdrawn at the nearest ATM and turned into cash. We are now being taught to pay with a card, but so far it is not being planted as quickly as abroad.
If you work as a legal entity, there is always a checking account, and payments from customers are legal. individuals go to it. Those. Immediately, as the computer programmers say, “by default” you have electronic money, and in order to turn it into cash, you need to pay, as I wrote, quite a serious percentage . Therefore, all the relationships between jur. individuals go electronically. For us, the “physicists” (physical persons), this is unusual and new. True, the Internet has long been living and actively paying with electronic money, and first of all WebMoney comes to my mind, but today I will focus on how and why I use Yandex.Money.

And so, at one time I wanted to get an e-wallet like WebMoney, but I was stopped by the fact that I needed to download some extra program to my computer, and considering the general paranoia I didn’t want to put anything extra (of course, if downloaded from the Internet suddenly stopped working toys :)).

In Yandex.Money this is not. All calculations are carried out through the Web-interface. Why Yandex.Money? In general, the choice was small. When I started advertising Yandex.Direct, I decided to make the withdrawal of money there in Yandex as well, so as not to go far. You can see the Yandex.Direct ads on my site on the left and at the bottom of the page, and when I click on the link, a small percentage comes off, which eventually ends up in Yandex.Money. For fans of freebies, I’ll say that advertising brings at least some tangible income, your site should be visited by several thousand people a day, so the thought that we are sitting and don’t pay for small projects like mine doesn’t. Rather, it was interesting to me just to try what happens. What if money flows like a river?

But still, some small electronic money is there and you need to spend it. Where? Of course, to pay for the Internet. Most providers support Yandex.Money. Now, as I wrote, it is not necessary to go anywhere and waste your time, just press a few buttons and the Internet is paid. You can pay and renewal domains. Money comes instantly. At one time, I went to Polezhaevskaya in Ru-center to pay for domains, then they moved to Sokol. Then he found a way not to drive, but to pay with a bank card. Now I pay by cyber-money, the most convenient way for me.

I also pay for the phone. I'm not talking about mobile. It goes without saying. In this case, the money falls into the account within five minutes. You do not need to think, “Oh my money is running out, you need to look for the nearest point of payment acceptance” You at any time, having the Internet at hand, simply throw several rubles (and not necessarily 500, as in Svyaznoy with cash payment) to the account of any phone, any cellular operator, all this without removing additional interest. Here you sit in the office, a friend calls you to your wife, and the money on the phone is gone, the connection was cut off, the money ran out, the whole world collapsed. No need to tear in all places on his hair. We look at Yandex.Money, throw 50 rubles on the phone and the world comes to life again.

Again, these receipts for home phone. They always come after we collected the whole pack of payments for an apartment, electricity and something else there, defended the queue at Sberbank and paid. I have these receipts come exactly the day after a trip to Sberbank. Stand again for 150 rubles, I really do not want. And then, about a miracle, it turns out you can pay for the phone MGTS and Rostelecom (intercity) through Yandex.Money. I somehow tried to just pay the bill for the phone with my usual bank card transfer, so I almost did not turn off the phone - they don’t see money with a regular transfer and that's it. And if through Yandex.Money, they see it. Therefore, it turns out a great time saver. It turns out that in general all utilities can be paid by cyber-money, both for an apartment and for electricity. At the same time, for an apartment you can even see how much they counted you there, it is very convenient for me. So gentlemen, Internet users, are you still standing in line at Sberbank?

The only thing left is to throw any amount in Yandex.Money in the cheapest way. About advertising, I have already said. The method is good, but not very effective. Yandex, in its agreement, writes that it is impossible to force the user to click on an advertisement like “support us, click on a banner.” And what to do? Hanging flash on the site on top of all windows, as many do? So these sites can not be read. No, this is not my method. I myself can put a small amount in Yandex.Money for my own convenience.

Payment cards do not recommend. A card of 500 rubles is worth 560 next to my house - and this is sorry, 12% loss will be a bit too much. Yandex writes that there is a point on Frunzenskaya, where cards are sold at no extra charge. I'm not interested in going there. Faster defend the queue at Sberbank. You can replenish through payment terminals - this is 5-6% (well, at least not 12). And best of all through an authorized bank. There is a list on the Yandex website, there are generally only 1% taken. It turns out that you spend time once to put money into an account, then save it many times by making small and fast payments over the Internet without standing in lines for each payment.

I liked the good “repeat last payment” mode. Just what you need to repeat payment for the phone, everything is already filled in, it remains only to set the amount. In this case, you can always see the receipts and expenses of payments, which is convenient for managing personal finances. Yes, they are just being carried out automatically, and there is no need to enter anything anywhere, to keep some kind of accounting, these payments are almost the same from month to month and it is easy to predict and track them whether you paid for the Internet for the next month or forgot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25837/

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