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Three-dimensional figures of Soma as an idea for the children's designer

In the last publication we reviewed a new lock for cubes from our designer. We found the next use for the cubes of the correct form for building Soma figures. Everything was as usual: someone said that it was perfect, and we got into the Internet and realized that it was not just perfect, but, practically, the only right decision to use for this the open project designer Kubotronic. Moreover, purchased solutions are not cheaper. But first things first.

Ideally, because after connecting the cubes to get the necessary blocks, ANYTHING does not come out.

After a quick acquaintance with sources on the Internet, we reached the official page of Soma cubes, according to Wikipedia. Other sources, including the Gardner Martin book “MATHEMATICAL HEADS AND ENTERTAINMENT” of 1971, gave a detailed justification for the uniqueness of the proposed concept and examples of solutions.

Here is a quote from the book:
“The Chinese tangram puzzle, known for several millennia, is a square of some material, cut into seven pieces in a certain way. The game consists in the fact that from seven elements various figures are put. From time to time, attempts were made to create three-dimensional analogs of tangram, but none of them can match the Soma cubes, invented by Danish Pete Heine, whose hex and tick math games we have already told.

Soma Pete Hein's cubes came up during Werner Heisenberg’s lecture on quantum mechanics. While the famous physicist was talking about space cut into cubes, Pete Hein's vivid imagination prompted him to formulate a curious geometric theorem: if you take all the irregular shapes that are made up of three or four cubes glued together, you can make one bigger cube of them . "

This event occurred in 1933, and since then the cubes have been actively promoted to the masses, including children. In Russia, these cubes are known as Nikitin's Cubes, which he described in his books on developing activities with children.

In general, the task is as follows: either to fold something symmetrical, or according to a model, or from a limited number of details, well, or something, something completely different and original :)

Purchased cubes, usually wooden or plastic, and already glued together as needed. Price according to Yandex.Market starts from 350r to 800r, i.e. A CUBATRONIC, manufactured independently, can also actively compete in cost here.

In addition, the solution from Kubotronik has the advantage that, first, having printed cubes for each shape in different colors, they can later be mixed and thus complicate the task for the child.

Moreover, if you separately add more elements or rebuild the existing 27 cubes, you can solve various problems, using examples to explain the basics of the geometry of simplest shapes to children and introduce the concepts of face, edge, area, volume. Moreover, the Kubotronika cube acquires the function of a unit of volume.

Below is an example of the transformation of CUBA 2x2x2 in PARALLELEPIP 2x2x3.

Download STL files for making cubes on our website .

On the page with examples
The book Martin Gardner "MATHEMATICS AND ENTERTAINMENT" 1971.
Site Nikitin B.P.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258351/

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