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VeeamON Forum Mosów

June 2, 2015
Moscow, The Ritz-Carlton Moscow
Moscow, st. Tverskaya d. 3

In October 2015, we are hosting the second global rally of virtualization lovers VeeamON . The interest to the event last time was enormous, including among the Russian audience. But we understand that it is not easy to break loose and fly to Las Vegas. Therefore, Vegas comes to Russia - meet the first VeeamON Forum Russia in Moscow this summer. You can learn a lot about the latest Veeam technologies and try them out yourself. There will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of building modern high-availability data centers by large Russian companies, as well as to communicate with the engineers of Veeam, NetApp and HP. Traditionally, a separate surprise has been prepared for our hack readers.

Real experience instead of boring slides

As we all know, marketing and reality do not always go hand in hand. When new technologies and approaches regularly appear around, and sometimes a harsh time demonstrates their inconsistency, you will unwittingly become a skeptic. And even better they do not, and just listen to those who have already tried. We invited our largest customers to share their own experience in building high-availability data centers. Colleagues from Raiffeisen Bank, Uniastrum Bank and MTS will share their vision of the Always-On Business concept and tell you how thorny their path to a reliable IT infrastructure was.


About business

Perhaps for some, VeeamON Forum Moscow is just another IT conference. However, this is the first Veeam event of this magnitude in Russia. And that is why Ratmir Timashev, CEO of Veeam Software, will open it personally. On this occasion, Ratmir decided not to limit himself to a presentation, but to tell the participants how a small but very proud startup turned into a real-life corporation. Some people know that 8 years ago the whole team of Veeam fit in a small room with three tables. During this time, a long way has been covered, and now our offices are scattered throughout the world. It is always interesting to listen about such experience “first-hand”, especially in the key of IT technologies and work with them in small companies. Ratmir will not only talk about business - we saw in his materials mentioning Veeam Backup & Replication v9 . Listeners can be the first in Russia to learn about new features of v9 and the vector of development of backup systems.

About technology

We hope that everyone will find something useful and interesting for us at our conference, and for the technical audience we have included in the plan a report of the leaders of the data storage industry (and at the same time our alliance partners) - NetApp and HP. Colleagues will talk about their new products and elaborate on integration with Veeam solutions. As you know, the latest version of Veeam Backup & Replication supports hardware snapshots of storage not only from HP, but also from advanced NetApp systems. Many of our customers have already appreciated the opportunity to seriously reduce the resource intensity and duration of backups. If you're still thinking and weighing pros and cons, then NetApp and HP reports will help clarify everything.

Sandbox for the engineer

To better understand all the technical issues, we have prepared demo stands. In the intervals between reports, you can not only eat and settle a huge amount of information in your head, but also see in real life how it all works and looks. By the way, you can influence the topics of the demonstrations personally by casting your vote to one or another scenario. Voting is already open on the event page.

VeeamON in Las Vegas lasts for several days and is replete with a variety of information, so for the Russian version we tried to choose the most interesting and meet the day. For example, there will definitely be laboratories where you can independently test the scenarios of interest under the guidance of our engineers. There are a limited number of laboratories and engineers, so they will only be available to pre-registered visitors.

Don't tell anyone

If you've read this far, then you need to know something else. Tell the girls at the registration “Hi, Habr!” And become a participant in a special draw for the circle of initiates, with a prize worthy of a real geek. No “useful in the work” trifles - only a serious thing for quality leisure after a working day. Well, yes, let's keep the intrigue.

If you were expecting someone from the pillars of virtualization to be at the data protection event, then you were waiting for it correctly - colleagues from Microsoft will make a report. We learn something new about Hyper-V and its work with Veeam B & R, listen to the System Center product family and pose tricky questions. I now wonder what will happen with Windows, and whether it really will be available in the future only by subscription. Of course, this is not about virtualization, but you can ask?

So, as you already understood, we tried to organize “your Vegas”, without blackjack, but with labs and a national twist. There will be a lot of technology, stories and communication. That's good in such conferences - you can absolutely easily talk with the engineer of the vendor of interest, as well as with the president of the company or colleagues with similar experience. All of this will be abundant in the intervals between presentations and during the evening cultural program with the participation of another special guest, who so far has wished to remain incognito. Come , and do not forget the code greeting at the registration!

June 2, 2015
The Ritz-Carlton Moscow
Moscow, st. Tverskaya d. 3

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258309/

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