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Callback - a great overview of callback services

Recently, in our office, it became necessary to place new-fangled “instant callbacks” on websites. Those who promise to call back in a few seconds and always pop up at the wrong time: “You stayed on the site for 13 seconds, do we want to call you back?”.

The advantage is that the new systems automatically connect the client and the operator within 20-30 seconds, automatically dialing the number entered into the form on the website and the number of the operator, and connecting them into one line.

At first, I was against this whole story. But the order is an order, and we are dependent people. I am also a perfectionist. Therefore, I decided to approach the matter responsibly, and choose the best offer on the market, for which I made a sign with the pros and cons of the tested services. And there were as many as (services) as many as 8 - the most popular and most noticeable when requesting a “callback for the site” in a search engine (as in natural output, as in contextual advertising).
So that the result is not in vain - I want to share with you, dear habrayuser and just passing by. Perhaps this review will help determine the choice of a callback-service to someone else.

Immediately I will give a summary table that allows you to assess the scale of the work done:

The comparison was conducted in the classical way - by the number of pros and cons. I did not estimate only the cost - because this parameter is very subjective - cheap service may be useless to no one, while the most expensive will be to work out every nested penny. So here let everyone decide on their own.

So. Having broken all imaginable and unimaginable patterns, I will begin immediately from the first place.

1st place - RedConnect

RedConnect widget - you can enter your number into it without a pop-up window

RedConnect callback is probably the only service unlike any other. Because it is the only one that can work WITHOUT a popup window!

Although it is also there. In general, one of the main RedConnect features is as many as three different forms of ordering a callback. The first is the “button above the site.” A die that “hangs” over the content of the site in the lower right corner. In this case, you can enter a phone number!

The second option - "button in the site." This is, in fact, a version of its button - it can be installed anywhere on the site. When the user clicks on the button, the usual input form opens, without overlapping the entire screen and terribly annoying pop-up windows.

At the same time, both of these versions of the widget can be configured in a very wide range - for the “button to the website”, in addition to choosing any of the million colors, you can also choose the size and shape.

Button design settings in RedConnect .

Both the problem and the benefit of this option is that the “button to the site” is influenced by the .CSS page, and therefore, to correctly display the text in the button, it sometimes needs to be wrapped in with a custom style.

The third option is POP-UP, which is turned off by default. His settings are more modest - you can only customize the caption and the delay time of issue. Yes, and the window itself looks inconspicuous. But it is extremely convenient to use it from the screen of the smartphone.

The disadvantages of RedConnect include the absence of number substitution by the operator. Those. the customer sees the operator number, and the operator, in turn, the RedConnect number. On the one hand, this is good - it is immediately clear that they are calling through the service. On the other - not very, because it is impossible to immediately call back the client, you need to look at the phone number in the mail or personal account.

The disadvantage of RedConnect can be attributed to the lack of geo-targeting, although geolocation works fine. A little annoying lack of blacklist. When I complained about this to the service manager, I was informed that it was still possible to ban a phone number or IP, but for this you need to write a letter to tech support.

But on the other hand, it is not really necessary. Firstly, RedConnect is running “foolproof”. Secondly - the call is considered to be held only 10 seconds after the connection. Moreover, unlike the rest of the tested services, the countdown starts only after the operator hears the client, and not the robot informing about the call.

This is great because it allows you to carry out health checks without restrictions, and test RedConnect directly “in combat” calls, which are already given 30 minutes of time.

The most important feature of RedConnect is the operator’s application with a shared browser.

This is a really cool tool that can greatly simplify communication with the client on the site. Thanks to the joint browser, the operator can not only see all the user's actions in the application, but also highlight the necessary elements or even transfer to another page (with the user's permission, of course).

RedConnect operator application with shared browser technology - the operator sees the same thing as the client.

This allows you to carry out a full presentation by phone. For tour operator sites, or online stores, this is an incredibly useful option - no need to explain “look at the top right of the screen, select the country you want there ...” and so on. The client can relax and concentrate fully on the selection. The choice of goods or services on your site, and not on someone else's.

One "little" snag - to use a shared browser, you also had to pay for their online consultant RedHelper . Otherwise, after five days, the application simply will not start with the existing login and password. Now we have paid for Livetex , and we will not shoot it before the end of the paid period, but in the future we will definitely carry out a long test of the RedConnect + RedHelper bundle, since a collaborative browser would be very useful to us.

Another thing that I liked was the setting of the “lines”. You can set up calls so that the system first tries to call the first line phones. If no one answered - the system calls the second line, the manager of a higher rank. If nobody answers here either - then the third line is ringing. And so - to infinity. To some extent, this is an analogue of the function “call everyone at once or in turns”, but with much greater functionality: operators can sit on the first line, the head of the department is at the second, and the director at the third - this will allow to catch calls even when all the phones of the sales department busy.

An important moment. RedConnect is the only service that got through to the extension of our operator without any problems. All other tested services this task zafilili.

Payment system in RedConnect - for connections. Moreover, packages for business (as tariffs are called here) are perpetual - you can buy the most profitable (but also the most expensive) tariff and use it for at least two years. In this case, the price for the connection will be 41 rubles. In the Small package, one conversation will cost 50 rubles.

2 place - Callback Hunter

POP-UP Callback Hunter - classic style.

The second, with a lag of just 2 points, is Callback Hunter , who is almost the first to open this market in Russia, and there are legends about their marketing on the Internet, and not always of a positive nature.

Widget and POP-UP Callback Hunter look "expensive" - ​​this is a big plus. The secret in classic design - CallBackHunter will look good on almost any site, just as a self-respecting gentleman will look decent in a three-piece suit at any event. The problem is that you cannot change this design. Even the inscriptions in the POP-UP window cannot be replaced, which causes a lot of negativity. The fact is that Callback Hunter independently changes these inscriptions. According to them - to increase conversion. Indeed, it is difficult to refuse when POP-UP assures: “the manager has already prepared a special offer for you”. It is a pity, only that the site operator is not aware of the conditions, and he will know about it directly from the client.

At the same time, the site owner is given the opportunity to adjust the adequacy of the POP-UP display. And this is good. But the creators of CallbackHunter are a little too smart with this. Because none of my friends ventured to touch anything in this section, but for a full test of all these settings I did not have enough time and a free period.

Callback Hunter behavioral factors weight settings - to achieve the best result, you need to dig and test for a very long time.

Considering that all the settings in this section are already set by default - the client doesn’t have to climb here much. Managers of Callback Hunter assure that everything has been thoroughly tested and aimed at increasing conversion. But then the question arises about the adequacy of this "autopilot". The survey 7 people who regularly make purchases on the Internet, who met the CallbackHunter widget on their way, showed that all of them were not happy with the service - they closed not only the widget, but also the tab with the site, and did not have time to assess the quality of communication and the reaction time of managers. The main reason for this decision, as noted by the respondents, is that they did not like the obsession with which the service offered to call back.

Now for the good. Callback Hunter has a very convenient and cute mobile form in which you can quickly enter your phone number.

In addition - until recently, the payment in the service was a minute of conversation, and it was necessary to buy packages at once for a month. Now the situation has changed - CallbackHunter, apparently, spied the idea with RedConnect with payment not for minutes, but for connection, while the conversation itself was not limited in time. Alas, we didn’t see through to the end - they didn’t refuse from monthly packages. The difference in packages is huge - in the Cat tariff for $ 67 (yes, calculations in evergreen, at the rate, even though "average"), there are 34 clients, and in the tariff Leopard for $ 271 - already 150. And if I have a month out 120 calls - the remaining 30 "will burn."

Callback Hunter Rates

Of the minuses in addition, it is worth noting the extremely scant “freeloader package” - only 5 connections are given at registration. It is unlikely to test and adjust the widget's behavioral factors in this case.

3rd place - Rocket Callback

POP-UP Rocket Callback looks a bit untidy.

Honestly, the POP-UP from the Rocket Callback did not impress me. It seems to be all the same as the competitors - but it does not look. The blurred logo is bottom-right, the bold black border of the “waiting for a call” button, the text is written by a caps - not impressive. This widget is closer to HookMyVisit than to Callback Hunter .
In this case, the button is available 6 color schemes, the ability to put your own picture and the choice of location. And for POP-UP, there are as many as 10 color options, rounding corners and a choice of transparency. And all the same - in my subjective opinion, something is not right.

After adjusting the runtime and design of the widget, Rocket Callback offers to adjust behavioral factors. I liked the fact that things are called by their names - the automatic mode is adjusted by the level of "intrusiveness".
But you can play with more subtle settings:

Setting behavioral factors Rocket Callback - everything is much easier than in Callback Hunter .

I really liked the item “Catching the Sagrease” here - just the height of respect for your website visitors.

In addition to the main functionality (such as recording calls and sending leads to the mail and phone), Rocket Callback has several useful options. For example, just like in Callback Hunter, visitors who ordered a call through the Rocket Callback can receive SMS with the name of the manager. Another plus is that you can install a widget call on your button.

But cons, alas, more.

Firstly, there is no substitution number. Neither on the client side, nor on the operator side.

Secondly, the protection against those who want to destroy your budget for calls on the 8-999-2222222 phones does not work. Well, at least there is a ban by IP and phone number.

Thirdly, the call from the visitor again did not come to my work number with an additional one. The call recording showed that the visitor had phoned, only the girl from the reception answered him, the connection with which goes after the standard voice menu.

Fourth, the visitor will again communicate with the void if the operator does not pick up the phone.

Tweaking the design and changing labels is also not about Rocket Callback .

To top it all, the letter about the call took a crooked link to listen to the recording in the LC - I just got on an empty page.

To test the service now they give only 7 minutes, although they gave 20 in March. Yes, and SMS from the service from Cyrillic switched to translit. Apparently, the office has to tie the belt more tightly.

When paying for the service, there are no discounts for wholesale purchases of chargeable minutes. It's simple - every 50 minutes of communication with customers cost $ 7. There are no other tariffs. Thus, we get the cost of one averaged three-minute conversation in the area of ​​22.5 rubles at the rate at the time of writing the review. And this is already interesting, because This is the lowest price contact!

Subsequent tested services too far away from the leaders. And so that the “sheets” did not work out - their description in spoilers.

4 place - 2Calls

4 place - 2Calls

POP-UP 2Calls - copyright holders of the movie "Django Unchained" know that their main character became an expert in disputes about conversion?

The site and one of the variants of the POP-UP service 2Calls is originally designed in the style of Western. True, it is not entirely clear how this is associated with callbacks.
In the pros of the service - as many as 4 variants of POP-UP design, for two of which there are 4 color schemes:

POP-UP 2Calls options

The main disadvantage of the service is that it is not possible to completely disable POP-UP, except for how to set an extremely high delay time. The problem here is not only that it may enrage the visitor, but also in the rules for placing advertising materials in various systems. For example, Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Market mercilessly eject from the issue sites that have a POP-UP, which opens without the knowledge and desire of the visitor. Such cases are still rare, because moderators do not always have time to wait for the pop-up window, but nevertheless - there is a place to be.

A less critical drawback is that it is impossible to listen to the recording of the call in your account, you have to download the file every time.
I didn’t like the fact that after entering the phone number in POP-UP, the “countdown” does not work, and immediately there is a barely noticeable form to notify the site owner about the call that did not manage to do so within the allotted time. This is confusing at first, until the claimed seconds have passed, and then annoying, because nothing happens when you click on it.

The phrase “Tell your friends about us” on POP-UP, with the social networking buttons under it, also attracts attention. I, a naive soul, thought that an enthusiastic callback visitor to the site "like" the online store, which delighted him with quality service. But no - 2Calls thus advertises itself! And the link to the site of the service appears on the page of the favorite. On the part of 2Calls, this is not very beautiful in relation to its customers.

On mobile devices, it is inconvenient to click on the widget's call button - it does not scale depending on the screen size, but remains small. To get into it is sometimes difficult, especially on the go. But the window that opens after clicking looks cool and convenient. If it were not for one “but” - for some reason, the developers decided that the mobile phone number should start with “+ 1 ...”, and not “+ 7 ...”

Mobile widget 2Calls - looks good, but with the input of the number there is difficulty.

2Calls conducts its pricing policy on the number of minutes. In fact, there is nothing particularly scary about this - on average, one call lasts 2.5–3 minutes, therefore the indicated number of saved deals is very close to the real value.

Tariffs 2Calls .

It turns out that at the cheapest rate the cost of one call will be around 56 rubles, and at the most advantageous - 34.

The main problem is again related to the period of tariff use. The minutes remaining at the end of the month will burn.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that SMS sent to the user and the site owner must be paid at the rate of 10 SMS - 1 minute.

In addition, the minutes are charged for any call, even if they lasted just a couple of seconds. In light of this, the ban option can be extremely useful if someone suddenly decides to spoil your budget - 2Calls also does not have protection against fool dialing numbers like + 7-999-222-22-22.

5-6 place - Chaser

5-6 place - Chaser

POP-UP Chaser .

POP-UP for Chaser (as for Rocket Callback ) has been cloned for almost a carbon copy from Callback Hunter , the differences are minor. But I am glad that in your personal account you can very quickly and simply replace all the inscriptions in POP-UP.

The standard button differs from the rest of the format; it is made in the form of a “plate” that hangs over the bottom edge of the browser window:

The Chaser button is very invisible on the large monitor and deceives the user - you cannot enter a number into it, unlike RedConnect .

The Chaser blog has an article dedicated to just this button - that its form is not random, extensive A / B testing of various formats was conducted, and this one showed the best results. The problem is that on the 24 ”monitor I had to look for a button! And if I did not know what it is on the site, with high probability I would not even pay attention to it. Unless, of course, repaint it in a bright, poisonous acid color. The service, of course, allows you to do this, but you can put a cross on the design of the site.

In addition, this button - "snag". You can’t enter a number into it - when you click on the input field, the usual POP-UP will open.

The first thing that caught my eye at the stage of creating a project was that it was impossible to set an extension number to the operator’s telephone. This greatly limits the range of potential customers.

There is neither “protection from a fool, nor even a hypothetical possibility of working with an additional number, nor the substitution of numbers. What a visitor, what an operator - both see the Chaser number. About the luxury of using behavioral factors and a convenient widget for mobile devices, I generally keep quiet. The latter, by the way, is there, but it is really inconvenient - I find it rather problematic to enter a phone number into a form that is not much larger than a button. Here's how it looks in real life (sorry for the scale, the resolution on the smartphone is more than awesome):

Chaser mobile widget is very uncomfortable

On the desktop, POP-UP constantly pops up when trying to leave the site, even if the option “show only once a day” is enabled. To avoid this, you need to turn off a certain item in the Personal Area. But few of the clients purposefully understand the settings, usually everything remains “by default”, and visitors will have to suffer.

With such a not very extensive functionality of those 10 minutes, which is given free of charge after registration, it should be enough to conduct internal testing and even a couple of “combat” calls. But keep in mind that the freebie in any case will end a week after registration.

The only good news is that Chaser is not the most expensive service. The economic model is based on payment for minutes of conversation. At the same time, tariffs are again limited in time, for a month.

Chaser rates.
In the Start tariff, one average three-minute talk will cost 60 rubles. And in the "Expert" tariff - only 27. But it is still necessary to try - to utter almost three hundred callbacks within a month!

5-6 place - Perezvoni.com

5-6 place - Perezvoni.com

POP-UP Perezvoni.com

Perezvoni.com offers to catch clients in four scenarios of the widget display. Each option has its own behavioral factor settings that determine when to show a client POP-UP. Alas, the ability to "feel" these settings in the trial version is not possible.

There is no built-in player in your account to listen to the recordings, and they need to be downloaded - as in 2Calls . It's a shame that such powerful services are punctured on such trifles.

Customization options are very modest - only 3 color schemes for POP-UP and two for a button.

The main disadvantage of the main functionality (callbacks per se) is again that Perezvoni.com was unable to reach my extension number specified as the telephone number of the operator. "Connection error". At the same time, the cell phone rings beautifully.
Next - on the thumb. There is no "foolproof". And if the operator didn’t pick up the phone, it’s still ringing to the client. It is sad that services clone each other, picking up not only successful ideas, but also frankly failures.

Of course, there are unique useful pieces, for example, the ability to set different inscriptions on POP-UP for different search queries that visitors use. Alas, to test it in the free mode also did not work. It would be interesting to see how they define a request from a Yandex encrypted link.

Actually, the testing capabilities of Perezvoni.com are extremely limited. As I have already said, many things are not available for free testing - and this, in my opinion, is a bit unfair to the client. If I am going to buy a tariff with full functionality - I should be able to test it in advance.

In addition, the service provides only 11 minutes to test, this is enough only to run a minimum of tests. And about the imputed "combat" test, alas, will have to forget.

Perezvoni.com is a transitional, averaged variant between the two economic models. On the one hand, the payment is still for the minutes of conversation. On the other hand, tariffs do not burn at the end of the month, but are calculated for a year. But at the same time in different tariffs - slightly different functionality. Starting rate, for example, deprived of the ability to customize behavioral factors.

Tariffs of Perezvoni.com differ in functionality.

According to my calculations, with an average call duration of 3 minutes at the most advantageous rate, each call will cost you 42 rubles. And in the cheapest, Start, all 58 rubles.

7th place - HookMyVisit

7th place - HookMyVisit

POP-UP HookMyVisit .

Personally, I got the impression that HookMyVisit is made “on the knee”. This feeling is caused by the site, personal account, and the widget itself. But this, of course, is only my personal impression.

For some unknown reason, when the site is loaded, the widget button appears and immediately disappears. And you can see it again only if you scroll down the page. In this case, if you first scroll the page and then return to the top again, the widget disappears again. Why was this needed? And if I have a "short" site, which turned out to do without scrolling? Or a horizontal slider?

, , HookMyVisit – ! . , «». - e-mail .

. , , – HookMyVisit , .

– . , , . , .

HookMyVisit – .

, . . , , , .

, , « , ». , . – 3,5-4 . 25-30 , HookMyVisit . 20 30 – 600. — HookMyVisit 165 . : 250 ! . , , HookMyVisit .

8th place - Clientcaller

8 — Clientcaller

POP-UP Clientcaller .

Clientcaller – ? , . .

, . . .

, – . POP-UP , , , . , - , , , .

. Clientcaller . 5 10 . , – . — .. Clientcaller . - . e-mail, Clientcaller :

Clientcaller : – . .

And it's all. e-mail - , - . ? ? ? , . . , – . . , . , !

Callback Hunter . , . – , , .

, , . , Clientcaller , .. - .

, Clientcaller .

Tariffs Clientcaller

Considering the average call duration of 3 minutes, we get that the call to Clientcaller will cost from 28.6 to 36.6 rubles. But do you need such a call back even for such money? With that, there is no "protection against a fool" or a black list!


As I expected - I could not find the perfect callback-service. Of course, they do an excellent job with the main task - they connect the operator and the client in 20-30 seconds (instead of 2-3 hours, as it was before).

But the devil, as always, in the details. Everyone has their pros and cons. Someone bribes with its uniqueness and efficiency ( RedConnect ), someone with functionality and overall coolness ( Callback Hunter ), and someone with low prices ( Rocket Callback ).

We, as a result, stopped at RedConnecte as the "golden mean". Yes, the service is not without flaws - the lack of setting of behavioral factors and geo-targeting is distressing. Although geo-targeting, as I understood from communication with the manager, will be filmed in a month or two. But the number of advantages, the joint browser and the “average for the hospital” price make this service more attractive than all the others, moreover, RedConnect is quite simple to set up and works immediately after installation. And most importantly - this is the only one of all tested widgets able to reach the extension number of our operator. Most likely, of course, the matter is in the settings of our PBX, but the fact is a fact.

If you need a powerful tool, and you are ready to dig for a long time with the settings of the “weights” of behavioral factors - then Callback Hunterwill probably be a more effective callback system.

So, as always, the choice is yours, but I hope that I could at least ease it a little.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258225/

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