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All-weather meetings, hackathons, lectures and even internships for the IT community


Something like this, with our CTO, we traveled this weekend to a robotics exhibition at VDNH

No, in fact, the weather promises to get better - so it's time to pack a laptop, take comrades with you and go to solve interesting problems, learn from your colleagues' experience or build a career - from Yakutsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk to Moscow.

Recently, we often wrote in digests about various paid activities - courses and schools for beginners and continuing developers, so today we decided to select only those events where you can just come - and a couple of those where you will even pay extra.


1. Moscow Django

On May 25, in FRIA City Hall, your favorite framework will be turned into a bottle-like one, and you will also be told about locust.io for load testing using the example of dating. Bonus: instructions on how to ask questions on the Stack Overflow to be answered.

2. Moscow Python

On May 28, in the office of Rambler, they will tell about asynchronous frameworks, as well as R and Erlang in the context of python. Do not forget your passport!

3. Moscow JS

This mitap is so popular that the registration for it is already closed. But if you really need, you can contact the organizer here. In general, on May 28, at the Autodesk office, there will be reports about the segmentation fault, Project Westminster, CSS code base and templating.

4. OpenStack and PostgeSQL on RIT (Moscow)

Take your passport with you! Both meetings will take place on the first day of the exhibition - on the 22nd of May. One minus - will begin early, at 11 and 14 hours, respectively, and the day - weekday.

OpenStackers will touch on a lot of topics - the new Kilo, OpenStack for Docker and telecoms.

At the meeting, the Postgres communities promise to optimize PostgeSQL live.

5. Google Developer Group in Nizhny Novgorod

This will be the first community setting in the city. Bottom, with the initiative!

Hackathons and so

1. Make NSK (Novosibirsk)

May 22-23, "Greenhouse" is waiting for everyone on the hackathon about improving the city: utilities, transport, opportunities for creativity and education, culture, space, community, that's all. The winning team will receive 60,000 rubles. for the revision of the prototype. View examples of projects and join them here .

2. Capture-the-flag as part of PHDays broadcasts (Omsk)

On May 26, OmGTU will host a team competition on the protection and attack of computer systems: several quests combined into a 6-hour marathon, and prizes at the end.

3. Hackathon 2015 (Yakutsk)

On May 22-23, everyone is offered to file online projects per day on the basis of a local technopark. It is better to take food with you: only Rollton and cookies will be in place. The best teams will receive hosting and free advertising of their projects on the resources of the organizers.

4. HackDay # 37 (Samara)

On May 22-24 in 48 hours it will be possible to prototyp here: “startup” (something scalable), “those” (something complicated), “hack” (something simple), a project in the field of 3D web, virtual medicine, education, finteha or utilities.

5. Harvest (Moscow)

This is such a half-hack on May 29-31 : you can sleep at night, and in the days you unite around mobile and web, software and wearable solutions, so that you can figure out how to make this thing work, but also bring money, before starting development. Among the prizes are places in coworking.

Here you can also find work in a small team or immediately become a CTO project at the prototype stage (and this happened, now the guy is leading the development of a large logistics system into which that small project has grown).

Career in banking IT with surcharge (for Moscow and Yekaterinburg)

Last-year students and masters can get a one-year paid internship in development departments (Moscow time and Ekat), as well as AlfaLab, e-commerce divisions (testing and implementation) and IT strategies - the last three options are available only in the capital.

There is a time to think about where you would like more - the collection of applications will end on June 7 .

Lectures and online courses

Since everything turned out a lot, let's call just a couple.

1. Programmers dropout algorithm

The former senior developer of “Utineta” and the head of web development at “Around the World” came up with a system that distinguishes bad programmers from good ones. About her and talk at a lecture on May 21 in Moscow .

2. Basics of intellectual property for engineers

This online course is already in full swing, but join, as we understand, is still possible. The bottom line is homework with deadlines, through which you learn to properly protect and commercialize your inventions and achievements.

And for the rest - have your awesome comments. If we missed something important and interesting, tell us about it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/258223/

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