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Conference YAPC :: Russia :: MayPerl 2015 in Moscow on May 16-17, do not miss

This weekend, the May Perl conference (YAPC :: Russia) will be held at the Mail.Ru Group Moscow office this weekend. Perl-professionals from different corners of the globe flock to it to exchange experience, make new acquaintances in their field and communicate with like-minded people in an informal and pleasant atmosphere. To participate - register . Participation is free! The program includes more than 20 reports on various topics, both for beginners and for professional Perl-programmers. Under the cat a detailed description of the event.

16th of May

10:00 Registration

11:00 Conference opening
11:30 Vadim Pushtaev - the Pontiff. The report on cryptography and Perl in popular culture

12:30 Vadim Pushtaev - Golf, Perl Golf. Rules, conditions, description of the task of golf

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Sawyer X - Modern web scraping. Web scraping is fun. It makes it possible to make it accessible, it works around it. I’ve seen the web module I’m happily started.

15:00 Ivan Serezhkin - Long story pearl. The interpreter develops, it is not a secret for anyone. But what appears there and what old habits can be abandoned, given that we use new versions, of course.

15:30 Alexey Mashanov - Metaprogramming in examples. Metaprogramming is a rather dangerous tool; you can write one that the author will not read. But in some cases, for example, when creating frameworks, it allows you to achieve very interesting results, get clean code and optimize performance.

16:00 Igor Karbachinsky - How I Met with XS. A report on what XS is, why write it and where to start if you have never written XS. You will learn about the difficulties of writing C ++ extensions for perl and that XS is not as difficult as it sounds!

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Nikolay Shulyakovsky - Internationalization of the project. How we internationalized the My World project.

17:30 Ruslan Zakirov - Introduction to Marpa parser. Every time the parsing task went beyond regular expressions, I turned to grammars and, accordingly, to Parse :: RecDescent and other similar solutions. Every time it was not the most pleasant communication. Since Marpa parser appeared, I no longer use other modules. I want to introduce you to this wonderful tool.

18:00 Ilya Chesnokov - And again about the queues. About his experience in choosing a system for processing message / task queues.

18:30 Blitz reports section. Section 5-minute reports on a free topic.

19:30 AfterParty

May 17

11:00 Mons Anderson - XS: Perl at a rate of C. How and why write XS modules and how to achieve performance of a Perl application comparable to a similar application in C.

12:00 Oleg Pronin - Modern XS, easy, convenient, transparent. As a result of a long, difficult and interesting work, two modules were born: Panda :: XS and Panda :: Install. Now we easily glue C ++ and pearl. So easy that I want to share it. We faced the problems of proper typemap, lifetime of objects, inheritance and multiple inheritance of XS and PurePerl in various combinations, writing adapters to C ++ frameworks, co-ownership of objects, and we successfully solved them. This is what we want to tell you.

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Sergey Aleinikov - Non-standard XS objects. Everyone who worked with XS created wrapper objects for working with C-libraries. The classic method is a reference to a scalar, which is not always convenient and quite flexible. I will consider another way of binding additional information to arbitrary pearl-barley structures and show examples of its use, ranging from the creation of objects to the creation of almost closures in XS.

15:00 Ilya Tkachenko - Interactive debugging of Perl programs. An overview of the perl features of the debugger and related tools.

15:30 Ivan Panchenko - PL / Perl: server programming language in PostgreSQL. Many people believe that stored procedures in databases can only be programmed in SQL-like languages, and Perl is only a client-side, but this is a dangerous delusion! PostgreSQL supports many procedural languages, including Perl. The report will tell you how to use the power of the pearl to program the server part of your postgresovyh applications.

16:00 Oleg Nurtdinov - Mail. Keep your finger on the pulse. Mail.Ru Mail is a huge project consisting of many components interacting with each other. Both components and the interactions between them are constantly changing. In such a project, it is absolutely necessary to quickly detect (and better predict) problems and localize them (both in terms of start time and source). I will talk about a software product that allows you to calculate various metrics from mail service logs, draw graphs on them and notify those who can solve them about problems. Moreover, it is possible on the fly (without involving other employees) to change sets of metrics and the rules by which they are built; the rules by which notifications are sent; graphics in the web face.

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Mikhail Bogdanov - How to make a pleasant one out of the boring, or one story from the life of a real project. A story about how a test system was created on one of the content projects Mail.Ru, which makes it easy and easy to create and maintain up-to-date tests.

18:00 Nikolay Mishin - Difficulties of translation. Difficulty in translating Perl documentation and more.

18:30 Blitz reports section. Section 5-minute reports on a free topic.

More information about the schedule you can find on the conference website . And today we will be glad to see you at a small welcoming event where you can chat and meet. See you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257959/

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