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About alternative education in general and about C # in particular

Now it is often said that the current education system is worthless, it deprives children of their creative abilities, it has low efficiency and something needs to be urgently changed.

Only here concrete solutions to this problem are almost invisible - what exactly needs to be changed and how should a modern education system be built, so that it meets the spirit of the new time, helped develop creative abilities and was effective at the same time.

I have some of my own thoughts and ideas on how to solve this problem within my specialty - a way to learn the C # programming language; I’ll talk about the www.videosharp.info project .

Long since the study of the profession occurred through a banal repetition. Just by repeating this or that action for the master you can get a more or less acceptable result. After repeated repetition, the quantity turns into quality and the acquisition of a skill occurs, which is “not drunk off”, because “the hands remember”.

I am 37 years old, I am a programmer, I have been writing programs since I was 16 (I started with MK-52), I’m just preying from the process of creating programs. And I also like to teach others what I can do myself. That's why I started creating my own methodology for studying programming in which to learn a language is interesting, programming skills are pumped in imperceptibly, everything turns out “by itself”.

And my technique is not new, it uses the principle of repeating actions to get a quick result. On webinars, we write simple game programs in C # from scratch. Pupils like it very much, they are happy to repeat all the actions and ... get a ready-made game, although they still don’t really understand how the base differs from the case. But writing programs is no longer scary, there are a lot of lessons, you can go ahead and create new game programs, surprising yourself and your friends. Oh, how it ... motivates! One of the students after such a lesson wrote to me: “I finally wrote at least something useful!”.

However, the euphoria quickly passes, and students have little to just repeat the actions on the video lesson, I want to add something from myself. And here the most interesting begins! "Oblomator", as one of the participants said. Nothing works, the program does not work, strange errors are popping up, which are not clear how to fix.

And then our hero independently begins to read books, searches for information, reads forums. Only now he clearly represents why he needs it, he has a goal: to complete the program! It motivates him to learn independently, to read books is already becoming interesting, because now this knowledge has something to cling to, since some experience has already been gained, there is something to remember and quickly understand.

That's the whole "secret". Do not grind knowledge, but instill skills. Knowledge is now easy to find on your own, but you can acquire skills only as a result of long practice.

I do not in any way reject the classical ways of studying programming, but in order to use them effectively, you need acceleration, a springboard, and preparation. First you need to "write your million bad lines," and then go eloquence.

My mission is to do everything so that students can improve programming skills: to set an example, motivate them to take practical actions, provide consistent access to lessons, give an opportunity to solve independent tasks in the Console section, light the interest on webinars and strongly encourage self-creative work. creating programs in C #.

To achieve this goal, I use the following principles:
1. In each lesson, a finished program is created from scratch.
2. For each lesson you need to report - send a report with pictures and comments.
3. The correctness of the reports is checked by the students themselves from each other: good or bad.
4. Access to the next lesson only after the previous one.
5. Several hundred independent tasks with interactive verification.
6. For each task there is a video solution and the opportunity to see other people's solutions.
7. Regular webinars do not give a "dry" and add motivation to continue.

To date, there are about 2500 participants on this www.videosharp.info project who sent 5800 video tutorials and solved 35000 tasks. Judging by the feedback from the students, I managed to create a good alternative system for learning the C # programming language. It is best suited for novice programmers who take the first steps in learning a language, but gradually I also write more advanced courses in other areas.

Now, if one could find similar options for all subjects to replace school education!

My child is growing up, he is already 4 years old, I constantly think about an alternative to an ordinary school, but so far I can’t really think of anything except to give him to different circles and invite different tutors. And I would like to solve this problem in a complex. However, when I express these thoughts to relatives and friends who themselves have just retold the first paragraph of this article, I see surprised faces and a wild fear of the idea not to give the child to school.

I see the success of the idea described, but so far I can not figure out how to develop it on school subjects. Looking for like-minded people. Therefore, I decided to turn to the intellectual community of Habr to hear opinions and recommendations from smart, experienced and enlightened people in different areas.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257957/

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