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What gives the translation of the description and keywords for the mobile application. The results of a big experiment

It happened. Now in Alconost we have a massive feedback from developers on how the translation of the description and keywords for the application page in the mobile store affects the popularity of app in local markets . Remember our localization experiment ? We received a lot of applications and 40 of them took to work. We are glad to share cases and conclusions!

Launching an Experiment
Launching an Experiment by Myfuture.com, on Flickr

We accompanied the results for each application with graphs - we invite all analyst lovers to study. Wherever possible, we gave the floor to the developers themselves. And if you are interested in our findings - you can go directly to the end of the article.

Chess ChessOK Playing Zone PGN - a game of chess
Localization Language: Spanish
A month later: “In general, growth (especially ratings) after a noticeable, but it is about 60%, not 800%, as was the case with one of the previous experimental applications . ”
After almost two months: “I noticed a few days ago that the rating on Spain for the application has greatly increased. Probably, he simply doesn’t have a very large audience and had to wait a long time for the effect of loading the description.
Here are the new charts - the rating schedule is especially good . ”
Almost 3 months passed: “The situation has not changed much. A few more days there was an increase in the rating, but then it stopped - apparently, a strong struggle with other applications had already gone on.
But on the downloads, the situation has become better - more stable. And the increase of 445% also pleases . ”

Rating chart

Download schedule

PentaMania - Pentamino -based logic puzzle
Localization language: Korean (and also French - independently)

“After your article on habrahabr, I conducted my own small experiment. I independently translated the description of my game into French, and this almost immediately led to the appearance of downloads from France. Your methods really work -) "
Summed up the first results of the experiment a month later:
"As can be seen from the graph, Korea ranks second in the number of users."
Two months later, we contacted the developer again:
“As for the download schedules, they have not changed much. This is my first Android application, I see it rather as an experiment and I don’t expect a lot of downloads from it.

Nevertheless, the localization results are there and they are noticeable. Let me remind you that the description of my application on Google Play is translated into Korean and French. So - according to Google Analytics, for today Korean users rank second in the number of sessions, users from France are fifth.

I chose French for no particular reason - just because I know a little of it. Honestly, I did not count on any effect. However, the main number of users from France appeared only AFTER the translation of the description and interface. Therefore, despite the fifth place in statistics, I consider this data to be a convincing argument in favor of the localization of mobile applications. ”

Download Schedule - Korea

Download Schedule - France

Boxing Timer - an application for counting boxing rounds
Localization language: French

Sales before the experiment in France were insignificant. After the experiment we have grown a little - it’s not that much.

But on the graph of installations growth is noticeable. Before the experiment, the setup curve was almost flat for months. And after downloading the translated keywords and descriptions, the number of installations began to grow, and the growth continued.

Graphs of installations at the moment (devices)

Revenue schedule

TAKE TEN! - logical game
Localization language: German

The experiment did not really affect the performance.

Coastline - Text Editor - a text editor
Localization language: German

In early January, posted a transfer to Google Play. The growth of downloads and installations went a little more active. Positions in the ranking have not changed.

Rating chart

Graph of the total number of installations (users)

Schedule of installations at the moment (devices)

iKub - a game using the laws of physics
Localization language: German

The experiment did not really affect the performance.

Voice Calculator - voice calculator
Localization language: German

In addition to the translation of the description, the developer also translated into German and the program itself.
In the first month after downloading the localized version, growth continued at the same pace. We re-contacted the developer after two months:
“The number of sales in Germany increased from 1 to 4. Compared to others, this is a good indicator.
Also in the settings you can see - the figure is higher. Although not so much, but clearly higher. Germany overtook Belarus.
I think it works. ”

The schedule of installations at the moment for the free version

Graph of the total number of installations (users) for the free version

The schedule of installations at the moment for the paid version

Graph of the total number of installations (users) for the paid version

CoinKeeper - Budget Planning App
Localization language: German

“The first clean day with German localization is January 29; there was no immediate effect.
It is difficult to say exactly what caused the peak on March 1:
1) we always have local download peaks on the first day of each month;
2) we had a similar peak in late September and a slightly smaller peak in mid-November;
3) sometimes they write in some blog or SM and a sudden growth happens.
Nevertheless, according to the sensations, some increase in installs was still there, but on such small numbers (450 installs in 4 months) it is difficult to definitely speak about something.
By itself, the number of downloads shows poorly the change in the dynamics of the application itself, so here's another chart of changes in the tops of iPhone downloads.
On the chart with revenues in Germany, I see no changes. ”

Rating chart

Revenue schedule

Download schedule

Quick Copper - an application for creating and editing electronic circuits
Localization language: German

“The growth rate is about the same. German (to which you made the translation) is now in third place after Russian and English, and Germany in second place after Russia. So the translation seems to have helped. ”
We also see an increase in the rating chart.

Installation schedule

Rating chart

DupPhoto Cleaner - application to remove duplicate photos
Localization Language: Hindi

The experiment did not really affect the performance.

PRO Time Statistics - time tracking application
Localization language: Italian

Before the experiment was 0 in all respects. In early February, the developer added translated descriptions and keywords.
Got a few installations in Italian.

Installation schedule

Snake Hex - arcade snake game
Localization language: Italian

“Unfortunately, in my case, the experiment failed. All the indicators for the month in the country are zero. ”
We contacted the developer a month later: “The statistics are still sad. It probably affects the overall unpopularity of the application. "

MobiDB Database Designer Lite - an application for creating relational databases
Localization language: Italian

For the free version, the experiment did not particularly affect the performance, the growth in the number of installations continued at the same pace.
But in the paid version, an increase in the number of installations began, which was not there before.
“It’s interesting that users put low marks on the app because they expect it to be in the same language as the description.”

Installation schedule for the free version

Schedule new users for the free version

Chart rating for the free version

Schedule installations for the paid version

Schedule new users for the paid version

Chart rating for the paid version

Fancy Voice Recorder - Flip Recorder
Localization Language: Japanese

“The Japanese translation came from you on January 6th, but then I updated it in the developer’s console.
Total: from January 6 to March 28 +25 installs ”.

Remote Ripple PRO (TightVNC) - Remote Desktop Client
Localization language: Korean

“In short, unfortunately, nothing soared. As there was no sales in Korea, it did not. And we extended the translation to two versions of the application, paid and free, nothing has changed in both.
I find it difficult to draw any conclusion under the experience gained, but, if asked, it would be next. For highly specialized software with a complex algorithm of use, translating the description into the language of a potential client does not have any effect. Such an application is downloaded by people who understand the principle of operation of this application, and this understanding automatically implies a bad knowledge of the English language. For those who are “out of topic”, the phrases “VNC authentication” and “VNC authentication” carry exactly the same meaning - no ”

BuilDota2 for Dota2 - an application for Dota 2 players
Localization language: Brazilian Portuguese

“It’s clear on the weekly chart that Brazil has confidently moved to 2nd place, Russia has always been on the first place - because our application is well-Russified and we stand out in this language segment.
Some countries have already had a good indicator of the total number of downloads, but Brazil is catching up well with them.
The rating schedule is rather controversial, because until March 2015 we had not the full requested functionality and some people dropped our rating. Now the key functions are completed and the rating went up. It is seen that in Brazil, the rise in the rating went on a steeper trajectory than the general one. ”

Schedule of installations per day

Graph of the total number of installations (users)

Rating chart

Painted Puzzle - puzzle game
Localization language: Spanish (and also French - independently)

Before the experiment was 0 in all respects.
“A month has passed. Previously, they did not download me in Spanish-speaking countries in general, but now a few people know about me :) Well, maybe it’s because of unsuccessful keywords or the application itself.
I also did localization in French, so I’m sending French statistics too, as a bonus :) ”

Download Schedule - Spain

Download Schedule - Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico City

Download Schedule - France

My TV Series - a pocket guide - a paid app for fans of TV shows
Localization Language: Chinese Simplified

“I attached the schedule of sales of the application from February 24th (the day of adding your translation to the description of the application) until March 28th.
As can be seen from the graph, sales fell by 50%, and this, I think, is due to rising prices in the AppStore for Russia (70% of buyers have always been Russia). But it is worth noting that during this period, the application was purchased once in Asia (before this, there were no sales in Asia). ”

Sales schedule

Triple Noir - puzzle game
Localization Language: Spanish

Before the experiment, there was a Spanish translation, but translated into Google Translate. After the experiment, the indicators did not change much.

Wi-Fi password reminder - Wi-Fi password reminder
Localization Language: Spanish

We see increased growth in the “Settings for the moment” graph.
The total number of installations has almost doubled.
There are no significant changes in the rating chart.

Schedule of installations (at the moment)

Graph of the total number of installations (users)

Rating chart

Shift Work Schedule - an application for calculating work shifts
Localization Language: Spanish

Visible growth on the graph of the rating of the country and the growth of installations after the experiment.

Rating chart

Schedule of installations (users)

Tattoo Fonts - a collection of fonts for tattoos
Localization language: Spanish (and also French - independently)

“The effect is very noticeable. I remind you, transferred to the spa and another fra. The growth of weekly sessions in Flurry statistics is most noticeable. ”
Before the experiment, the iPhone application in the Ratings catalog (free) was at 356th place, for the iPad - at 91st.
After the experiment, the iPhone application came out on the 43rd place in the same rating (+313 positions), but for the iPad it turned out to be on the 95th.

Download schedule

Rating chart

Trasometr - an application for calculating the cost and distance of the trip
Localization Language: Swedish

The experiment did not have a special influence on the downloads and positions of the application - not a month later, not two.

Divination in the Words of Vantala - fortune telling application
Localization Language: Japanese

Before the experiment, there was not a single download from Japan. After the transfer, nothing has changed.
“Perhaps I have a very niche application. It is completely localized in Russian and English (not only the description and keywords in the store, but the entire interface). Despite this, 95% of all downloads come from the App Store Russia.
Perhaps a full interface translation would have given a different result. Or I had to choose another language for the experiment. ”

Twist of Wrist: Hero Challenge - an arcade sleight of hand game
Localization language: Korean

Before the experiment, there was not a single download from Korea. After the transfer, nothing has changed.

Dangerous Ivan - Action Arcade
Localization language: German

We see growth in the graph of installations.

Schedule of installations after the experiment

QuietScrob - background scrobbler for iOS
Localization Language: Japanese

“Description in Japanese appeared at the end of March, keywords - April 27.
Compared with the previous similar period, the number of downloads increased by 1.5 times, purchases - 2.

Schedule downloads and purchases
Downloads are in blue, inline purchases are in green.

Schedule views in the App Store after the experiment

Umbrella Time: Rain Notification and Hourly Weather Forecast - rain alert app
Localization language: Spanish (and also Chinese - independently)

“The application was released on December 2, there is almost no race (about 200). In the rating even in the category did not fall.
After the experiment we see tangible growth on the schedule of sessions from users from Spain. The arrow marks the exit to the version with localizations.

On the graph of new users, the release of the version with localization is also noticeable.
The developer also noted an increase in the rating for Spain in the Weather category: the maximum value - 63rd place - was achieved after adding localization.

In addition, the developer independently made a translation into Chinese using Google Translate. A positive result is visible on the graph of new users.

New User Schedule - China

New Member Schedule - Spain

Session Schedule - Spain

You may have noticed that the list is not 40 applications, but less. Unfortunately, not all responded to our letters after the translation was made. The more we are grateful to those who were with us until the end of the experiment and were not afraid to share their cases and statistics.

If you participated in the experiment and for some reason did not send us your schedules after localization - put them at least in the comments, please.


The developers of 18 out of 28 applications positively evaluated the effect of the translation of the description and keywords. Sometimes the growth of indicators did not begin immediately, but after 1.5-2 months. A localized description can really give rise to a rating, and a growth of attitudes, and a rise in purchases - in general, it works!

Some of those developers who did not see the effect of the experiment explain this by the general unpopularity of the application or its narrow focus, as well as the unfortunate choice of language.

Apparently, the translation of the description and keywords can hardly be considered a universal way to promote a mobile application. At the same time, it is very cheap (as a rule, $ 10- $ 15 in Nitro ) and repeatedly pays for itself if successful. If anything, we will be happy to help with the translation of the description, as well as with the localization of the application itself , and we will show you which languages ​​should be translated first. Successes to yours!

about the author

Alconost is engaged in the localization of applications, games and websites in 60 languages. Language translators, linguistic testing, cloud platform with API, continuous localization, 24/7 project managers, any formats of string resources.

We also make advertising and training videos - for websites selling, image, advertising, training, teasers, expliners, trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

Read more: https://alconost.com

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257917/

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