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Intel RealSense Hands-On Lab Workshop. St. Petersburg, May 30

Intel is holding its next practical workshop Intel RealSense Hands-On Lab in Russia - this time it will be held in the city of St. Petersburg . May 30, Saturday, from morning to evening, experts from Intel and partner companies will talk about the capabilities of Intel RealSense technology, software products that can be created with its help and devices that already support it. Attendees of the seminar will receive RealSense cameras and the opportunity to participate in the creation of applications using them themselves - for this purpose, several hours have been specially allocated. In fact, this is a mini hackathon. It is better, of course, to come up with an already ready idea and ideas - so much more likely to get prizes from Intel for the most interesting applications.

The program of the event and a little more information about the technology can be found on the registration page for the event , we note here that the number of seats is limited, after registration it is better to write to the organizers about your participation.

As a bonus, we offer a report from the winners of the previous Moscow seminar, as well as another short track about RealSense with American comedian Jim Parson - in which the actor shows how the technology can help traffic police.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257841/

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