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How we came up with the new Acronis logo, and what came of it

About a year ago, Acronis re-branded and changed its logo. I am a direct participant in these transformations, I would like to tell you how it all happened.

Our CEO - the legendary Sergey Belousov decided to change a lot in the company, including the logo. The task was formulated quite simply:

During the consultations, two more important requirements emerged: the logo must be such that it can be drawn by hand, and there must be some connection with the friendly company Parallels. And, of course, it would be ideal if the sign was related to backup and data protection.

It was exciting for me to make a logo for such a large company - dozens of countries, millions of customers. I really wanted to show a decent result. In addition, several designers from the USA, Denmark and Russia received the task for the logo.
The first thing that came to mind was a simple solution: abandon the icon and leave only the text part. Designers from Denmark have proposed an evolutionary approach - to remove all unnecessary from the old logo:

Simple, easy, modern. Easy unobtrusive restyling, while maintaining continuity. But not everything is so simple. Sergey did not like this decision:

I began to strain my tiny brain and come up with options. I wanted something light and modern, but not banal. I tried to combine several meanings:

An attempt to turn to the classics - modern heraldry:

Gradually it began to turn out something less banal. Here, for example, a stack of clouds that looks like a building (it looks like a sliced ​​loaf, too, but that wasn’t my plan) :

Then came the very avant-garde ideas. For example, the idea is to take ordinary objects and give them super-reliability:

Belousov liked the variant with the cloud-loaf, but after a while the following reaction followed:

To be honest, I was relieved. Clouds in the form of pictograms are not very beautiful and do not always cause the correct associations (well, you understand) . In addition, millions of such logos have already been drawn, to make sure of this, it is enough to enter the query “cloud logo” in a search engine.

I and other designers continued to work on the logo. The number of different options grew, but did not lead us to the solution of the problem. Here are just a small part of the proposed logos:

The deadlines began to tighten, but nothing really standing was proposed. Then one day, while thinking about backup, reliability and the letter A, I had an idea: you can reflect the idea of ​​backup right inside the letter!

I also thought it would be cool if the sign is part of the logo. In this way, you will get rid of duplication of the first letter and we will not be able to use Acronis.

In support of the idea, a poster was drawn that security is not too much:

I like this sign myself. Plus, it managed to fulfill almost all the conditions that were put forward to the new logo. With bated breath, I waited for the reaction of our CEO.

After the idea was approved, it was necessary to choose the appropriate font. Time was running out and it was necessary to act quickly. We decided to “go for the classics” and chose the slightly modified Helvetica with the letter r coyly cropped.

In this form, the logo was publicly presented. The reaction was very different, but in most cases positive. A lot of work has begun on the introduction of a new logo: guidelines, website, documentation.

Having a little “worked” with the new logo, we realized that the chosen font does not suit us completely. First of all, I would like to make the same thickness of strokes in the letter A. Plus, Sergey wanted the most geometric font. We decided to redo the spelling a bit and turned into a lettering company. Now we had a little more time, and after a lot of iterations we got a result that suited everyone.

To attract the attention of colleagues to the new logo, we hung posters around the office that explain the essence of the new company sign.

And one fine day I saw a tweet from Sergey Belousov, who had a tattoo on his shoulder with a new Acronis sign:

It became clear that the new logo, at least for a long time. First, a new sign appeared on the site. Then in the offices of the company, for example, in Singapore:

From the German office sent a photo of such a car:

There are many artifacts with Acronis symbols, including rather strange ones:

After some time, Sergey came up with a new idea:

Font - this is very difficult. At first, I was skeptical about this idea. But then we turned to our font gurus and they got to work. As a result, we received three luxurious outlines of our own font, which is ideally combined with the logo.

At this point, the story ends. But I am sure that a lot of interesting things are coming.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257807/

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