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Bitrix24 CRM. Overview

I would like to start this article with a few unexpected admissions. In fact, I almost never work with the CRM Bitrix 24 system. I usually offer my clients other CRM options that I think are more suitable in one way or another.

On the other hand, I am also found, according to the articles where I am writing about CRM in principle, they also find me by the word “Bitrix”, which I often use, since talking about 1C and not talking about Bitrix is ​​almost unreal. As a result, from time to time I receive requests from customers to help them with the implementation and configuration of the CRM Bitrix 24.

Of course, I became interested in this system, studied it, and also implemented it with those customers who wanted to receive this particular system. And now I would like to share my opinions and knowledge about CRM Bitrix 24, to consider its features, advantages, disadvantages, as well as the possibility of using such an automation system for small and medium businesses, i.e. for those segments that I meet constantly in practice as a business consultant.
One of the reasons for the appearance of this article is the lack of information about CRM Bitrix 24. When I myself tried to understand this system, I was faced with an information vacuum. There is a lot of information about Bitrix 24 in the Internet, but all of it is divided into advertising articles from the Bitrix company itself and similar advertising information from the company's partners, i.e. I have not found a single objective article, a single review that included not only praise, but also criticism.

Then I went to the site and tried to study the Bitrix 24 system in practice, after which I helped several of my clients with its implementation. As a result, I had knowledge of the features of the system, practical experience working with it, as well as the prevailing opinion about this system. Those. everything you need to write a full review of CRM Bitrix 24.

To all readers, among whom, I think, there will be fans of Bitrix 24, and active critics of this system, I propose to consider the following when reading:

The information that I share is my personal practical experience, I tell you what I managed to test myself, what I encountered in practice. Opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of this system is also my personal and subjective, although it is also based on practical experience of implementation and further work with clients, with business representatives, directly with the users of this system.

So, Bitrix 24 CRM is part of the Bitrix 24 system. And in order to understand what Bitrix CRM is, it is very important to understand what Bitrix 24 software is.

What is Bitrix 24?

Bitrix 24 is a huge corporate portal that tries to cover almost everything. It declared the functionality of social networks, projects, tasks, personnel management, and much more, including CRM.

You can independently study the site of Bitrix 24, there are combined in a single common system a huge number of different concepts. I will not consider all of them here, since this is beyond the scope of the article. On the other hand, since CRM Bitrix 24 is part of a common software product, in reviewing I will from time to time touch on some other parts of the overall Bitrix 24 system, which are not CRM, but are necessary for understanding its capabilities and features.

If you pay for CRM Bitrix 24, you buy almost all the possibilities of Bitrix 24.

Those. you cannot buy a CRM system separately; it is part of a more global software product, Bitrix 24, which you are offered to use in the “clouds” on Saas-payment terms or in a boxed solution.

Important: if you want to implement only a CRM system, Bitrix 24 will not work for you. Because in this software product CRM is an integral part of the overall software product. And you will have to install (pay for) not only CRM, but also other opportunities, even if you are not going to use them.

If you do not know what a CRM system is, you can read about it, for example, in my article What are CRM systems and how to choose them correctly ? There, I spoke in detail and in detail about what capabilities these products have, what they are (from my point of view), who needs them and why. Therefore, I will not return to this topic here.

CRM Bitrix 24: Rates

Tariffs are the first things that every user faces when choosing a CRM system. And the first thing you need to decide is which of the Bitrix 24 options suits you:

Work "in the cloud" - is the purchase of Saas-solutions, while you pay for access to the system, and all work is done on the servers of the company Bitrix 24.

A boxed solution is a purchase option for a Stand-Alone software product, i.e. you buy software to install on your own server.

You can look at the tariffs on the official website of Bitrix 24.

As you can see, you can choose any of the tariffs, even free. It also includes CRM. Of course, we all understand that this is just a marketing ploy, and free CRM is such simply because it is an integral part of the system.

And because it is important to remember that in fact you get not just CRM, but many other possibilities, i.e. CRM is selling you a gigantic corporate system.

Important: if you are interested in a free tariff, you need to remember that it is, say, shareware. You will have to pay for certain services even as part of a free package, for example, outgoing calls. And, most likely, in the end you will be forced to switch to a paid rate. Where and what payments, and "pitfalls" Bitrix 24 hides from future customers, I will tell below.

And yet, you can register at any time, choose a free tariff and start using the system both for educational purposes and for real business.

CRM Bitrix: General Information

For a start, it is important to understand, as I have already said, that CRM is installed as one of the components of the common corporate system of Bitrix 24. And therefore, when you enter the user's workspace (in the “clouds” or on your server after installation), you do not immediately get in the CRM-environment, and see the general tools of the portal. It is confusing and causes a lot of difficulties.

The environment that is displayed on the start page consists of the following components:

Thus, after logging in, the user sees a list of functions that are not directly related to CRM. Yes, they are also needed under certain conditions, but for the user CRM are not the main tools.
As I already wrote, CRM is part of the global corporate system Bitrix 24, and after installation, the main system is launched with all the capabilities, and only then you can go directly to working with CRM. In this approach, there are pros and cons.

What is good?

In principle, all the marketing efforts of Bitrix 24. are aimed at this. The buyer understands that he has received much more diverse tools than when he bought a separate CRM. And at first it causes admiration.

What is bad?

For example, at one time I was very quickly started to annoy unnecessary tools that I cannot get rid of and which are constantly in sight. I only needed CRM, i.e. sales. And I didn’t need a disk for storing files in Bitrix 24, neither controlling employee time, nor controlling my own time, nor many other functions.

I needed sales and customer service. In general, for which they usually install CRM. But Bitrix offers a lot of things, plus CRM. Those. software, interface, opportunities are aimed not only and not so much on sales, but on other functions that may be needed somewhere and are very useful, but have no relation to CRM. The same inconvenience was also noted by my business clients, to whom I introduced, at their request, Beatrix 24.

Such a wide range of opportunities is good for those who sell the solution to Bitrix 24, since almost all functions require configuration, and this is an additional payment to a specialist. And for users, I believe, such a list of opportunities is not just not needed, but even hinders. Practice shows that the client (user) begins to disperse efforts, trying to master various possibilities. He begins to write messages, store files in the system, set options for monitoring employee time. As a result, what the system was bought for (CRM) for, fades into the background, efforts go to anything but the main thing - sales.

And if the head of the company to explain why certain functions are not needed, is simple, then it is much more difficult with employees. They will still stumble upon some possibilities, be distracted from work for the sake of exchanging messages, try to experiment with different functions. Those. during working hours in the CRM-system, they will be engaged in auxiliary processes, communicate, master some capabilities of the system, instead of concentrating on effective work.

Of course, an experienced specialist will be able to remove all unnecessary, but as a result, the customer pays additional work. As a result, instead of buying a system with the necessary capabilities and using it, you buy a product with a huge number of obviously unnecessary features, and then pay the programmer extra to remove them.

This is the first thing you need to understand when you start working with Bitrix 24: it has a lot of things, but the interface is simply overloaded with opportunities that have nothing to do with CRM directly.

Some words about the software Bitrix 24

In this article I don’t have a goal to review the entire Bitrix 24 software package, CRM Bitrix 24 is the most important for me. But, since you can only buy the entire product, the CRM Bitrix 24 is not offered separately, I consider it correct to consider Bitrix 24 in whole

If the majority of CRM systems are small and easy to configure SAAS solutions, then Bitrix 24 is a whole portal. And both for the user and for the administrator, there are a large number of functions that are not needed for working with CRM. For example, in Bitrix 24, the administrator accesses and configures such things as workflow, photo gallery, proactive defense, etc. As a result, the implementation process is also significantly complicated.

On the one hand, wide opportunities are powerful and interesting. On the other hand, it is difficult for both the user and the administrator.

It would seem that one can simply not use what is not needed. But at the time of implementation, it will be very difficult to say what is needed and what is not. And if the introduction is done by a person who is not an experienced specialist in the entire portal of Bitrix 24, then it becomes even more difficult to choose the right one.

For example, the proactive defense I mentioned above. If any protection is offered, is there any danger? Should I turn it on or not? Or document flow: tune or not? Will users work with him? It seems like it is not needed for a CRM system, but the opportunity will be visible, customers can start using and as a result there will be a negative result from the fact that “the program is not working”. And such questions in the process of setting up a lot.

CRM structure Bitrix 24

Finally, let's get to work directly with CRM Bitrix. How does the work in this system?

The sequence of actions in sales usually looks like this:

How is this implemented in CRM Bitrix?

There is a so-called CRM workspace. And it contains the following features:

Creating any of these forms — lead, contact, company — is not difficult. But it also has its own features - these are additional fields that you can create to fix the address, additional phone, any other data.

When creating an additional field, in addition to the data type (string, number, date, etc.), you also need to select qualities that have no relation to CRM:

What is it, users usually do not understand, and to work in CRM, these bindings, in fact, are not needed. But it is necessary to choose these parameters, since you are using not just a CRM system, but a large portal Bitrix 24.

It is important to remember (and I already wrote about this above): everything related to Bitrix 24, but it is not required for the CRM Bitrix, remains prominent. Those. The interface is not just a CRM, but a large portal, and therefore it is always overloaded.

By itself, the form of creating a lead, as well as its subsequent conversion, is simple and intuitive, but the place is not used sparingly, and the interface looks unbalanced.

Externally, the forms of Lida, Contact and Company are very simple and intuitive to understand. Moreover, they look identical. The difference is in the name and in the essence:

Thus, negotiations, communication, discussion of all issues will be conducted with a particular contact, and the conclusion of the contract, invoicing, registration of the sale and shipment - is carried out with the company. This difference needs to be known and understood.

Potential deal: design features

The deal in this CRM system is convenient and clear to users. When creating it, we can, in addition to some arbitrary fields, add goods directly to this document. This possibility is not provided in every CRM system.
In Bitrix 24, you can create a Deal in the process of communication with the company and record in it what products were offered and at what price. It is important not to confuse the Deal and the Account. Accounts are issued separately, and it is possible to form them on the basis of the Transaction, and not only create them manually. And the transaction simply fixes all the arrangements in advance: goods, volumes, prices.

Note. I consider the presence in the system of both Transactions and Accounts as duplications in the chain. For fixing the agreements, a Transaction is enough; this is a logical and understandable approach for the staff of any company. And accounts that still have to be created manually, it is better to draw up in 1C or another accounting system that you use. Perhaps, my opinion is controversial, but practice shows that according to the scheme I have described, there are very many people working, and therefore such an approach would be relevant for business.

Suggestion: what is it?

In addition to transactions, accounts, leads, contacts and companies, there is another interesting document in Bitrix CRM - this is the Offer. This document is a form of a commercial offer, where you can also list all products and prices. In principle, the proposal largely duplicates accounts and transactions. There are some differences (mainly in the “header” and printed form of the document), but otherwise this document looks exactly the same as the Deal and Account.

Note. From my point of view, the appearance of another document for offering goods and services to a client is more likely to hinder and add confusion than it helps in the work of the company's employees. Moreover, it seems that the number of documents was artificially increased, simply because the creators thought that there were too few of them. At the same time, there is no systematic approach and thoughtful interaction between these documents.

Let me remind you that my opinion is based on practice. And in the process of implementation, I noticed that almost all customers refuse the Offers, draw up all the actions in the Transactions, and further financial and other types of documents are drawn up in 1C. People try to simplify their work, and therefore use the minimum necessary set of documents in CRM.


Reports are an important part in any CRM system. Successful sales are largely dependent on the timely monitoring of the work of managers, which is usually carried out on the basis of reports.

In CRM, Bitrix reports, from my point of view, turned out to be one of the weakest points. The list of finished reports is very small, most of them are uninformative. There is also a report designer that is designed to create your own reporting options, but it is also very limited in terms of capabilities. Due to the limited list of settings, the new reports will largely duplicate the standard ones, and the possibility of introducing serious analytics into CRM Bitrix is ​​not provided.

Sales funnel

The sales funnel is a report that is even submitted to the system menu separately, as it is most in demand in the current work of any sales department.

The sales funnel is a kind of chart that demonstrates the dynamics and percentage of transactions by status: from those that are in the final stage (sales) to those that are still in the very first initial stage (the lead is received, the first calls).

The report is also designed neatly, informatively, although the flexibility of the settings and this report is also lacking, the infusions are poorly implemented here too. However, this report is standard, and it is difficult to think of something special in it.

Commodity base

CRM Bitrix has its own database of goods and services that can later be used in Transactions, Invoices and Offers. The implementation of the product base is convenient, in many respects similar to the implementation of Lids, Contacts and Clients, i.e. there are also required and custom fields that are convenient for working with different types of goods and services.

I consider such a base a good solution. Nevertheless, once you fill out the list of goods and then use it - it is really quick and familiar for most companies.

Important! Remember that when working with goods, it is important to see not just the standard list of the nomenclature, but the goods on the remnants, the reserved goods ordered by the supplier are missing. These data in CRM Bitrix missing. That is why it makes sense to use the commodity base of the CRM system for recording requests (wishes) of the client. And to issue invoices and other documents already in the accounting system that you use, where exactly there are all balances, reserves, current prices, etc.

For example, the invoice to the buyer is usually written out on the basis of the document Order in 1C, which necessarily reserves the goods in the warehouse for the client. And if you issue the same account in the CRM, the goods will not be reserved, and you will constantly have overlays with commodity balances (you will receive payment for items that are not in stock).

My affairs

In the My affairs section there is a history of all user interactions. Here are all incoming calls, tasks from the management, current tasks for working with clients, etc. At the same time, it is not clear how My affairs differ from the Tasks section, which exists in the general system of Bitrix 24.

Therefore, questions arise, and confusion arises: why is My Work? How do they differ from Tasks? Perhaps this section would most accurately be called the history of interactions, but such a long name would not fit in the menu. True, this is my opinion, and why the creators of Bitrix 24 made a choice in favor of this name, only they know.

Ribbon and Desktop

These elements belong to the common portal Bitrix and also do not contribute to the simplicity and clarity of perception of the system.
The desktop is an analogue of the desktop computer, where various work icons are also present.

The tape is a list of all events that are associated with the actions and tasks of the client. It seems like the function is useful, but it is implemented a bit strange. So, on my rather large screen (24 inches) only 2 events fit.

Of course, all these things are customizable. But to configure the user will need to call the administrator, and it is important that this administrator is well versed in Bitrix 24, and this is all - additional costs.

In general, the working space in Bitrix 24 is organized rather poorly: ill-conceived and in many ways uncomfortable. Few fields are placed nearby, often you have to use scrolling. For example, the notification that the working day is not completed takes an unacceptable amount of space. This is especially important if you work on a small monitor.

Note. I consider the interface of the Bitrix 24 system to be incomplete, unbalanced, it is often necessary to configure it separately after purchase.

I believe that in any interface, the basic functions should be configured by default so that the information is easy to read, even on a small tablet monitor. After all, you are buying a finished product, and, logically, do not have to pay extra for setting up such functions.

Why are interface settings so important? Because the more information you get at the same time (when looking at the screen), the faster you can make a decision. If you constantly have to rewind something, scroll, then already on a 2-3 screen you will start to forget what was on the first, you will have to come back, check, etc.
Therefore, by default, any interface should be as informative as possible, but at the same time, all elements should be conveniently located and fonts read easily.

Creating business processes

Creating and developing business processes in any CRM system is always a difficult task. It is important to think of a chain of actions, create a sequence of tasks. For example, after receiving a lead, the manager should receive the task “to call the client”, and after the call - to fix the agreements in CRM, etc.

In CRM Bitrix to create such a chain is very difficult, first of all, from a technical point of view. A constructor with which you can create a business process is here. But it is very complex, overloaded with various possibilities and set up, rather, to work in the general system of Bitrix 24, and not in CRM Bitrix. As a result, without a programmer to create a business process in this designer, most likely, will not work.

Telephony in CRM Bitrix 24

Telephony in Bitrix 24 and is a separate concept, it is even indicated separately in the tariff scale. But with the CRM component, Bitrix telephony works without problems.

It also has its own features:

What is uncomfortable? First, you will not be able to use the benefits of CRM Bitrix and SIP handsets at the same time. So, in some other CRM systems, SIP-telephony is first triggered, and only after the employee picks up the phone, the CRM system is connected, which records the number, as well as the duration of the call. Further, it will be possible to add some information to the call recording record, and it will be possible to consider the call as recorded. Here the call is intercepted immediately, and completely passes through the CRM system.

All telephony in Bitrix is ​​implemented through VoxImplant . Regardless of what services and types of telephony you use in the office, you will have to connect through this module. The developers believe that this implementation option is most convenient, both for the financial side of the issue, and for recording all calls.

Integration of CRM Bitrix 24 with other systems

Integration of CRM Bitrix 24 with other systems is a problematic process. For example, a module for automating the collection of leads from sites does not exist, i.e. You can not quickly and easily organize the sending of information from the form on the site to the CRM system Bitrix 24.

In this system, in order to receive 24 leads from the sites in CRM, it is necessary for your site to send information from the order form to the Bitrix portal 24. Otherwise, the collection of information in this CRM does not work.

If your provider offers you a ready-made boxed solution from Bitrix, or if you yourself bought a boxed solution from this company, then the integration will take place simply and quickly. But if you use the site on any other CMS, you will have to write a special form of sending data to your Bitrix portal server, which is technically quite difficult and not always possible in principle.

Telephony, which integrates with CRM Bitrix 24, is also very heavily functional. Even if you are viewing information about a missed call, you have an online chat window next to the number. In this system, it will not be possible to restrict ourselves to calls, everywhere there is the possibility of chat between subscribers, between employees, file sharing, video calls, etc. etc. As practice shows, medium and small businesses prefer to use standard solutions for all these functions, such as Skype. A CRM system is needed to record calls and leads from customers and follow up with them.

The API in this system is good, but the description of the system, as well as the features of its integration is very modest, information on the API is very small. There are not enough examples of how to use the API, there are not enough scripts, there is little useful practical information. If you need to figure out how this or that script will work, how to integrate, you will have to look for answers to your questions on the forums and websites of different programmers.

Let's sum up

The system Bitrix 24 is intended, first of all, for large business. This is a large multifunctional portal, closed on itself. When buying a CRM Bitrix, you choose not a CRM system, but a huge portal with a huge number of possibilities, which, among others, includes a CRM system.

Personally, I do not recommend CRM Bitrix 24 for small and medium businesses due to the combination of a large list of unnecessary features with the complexity of configuration and maintenance.

My experience shows that for the work of CRM, Bitrix can’t do without a specialist’s help, while many other CRM users can simply buy and start working out of the box or in the clouds without the help of a programmer (or with minimal help at the initial stage) .

And therefore, if you have an experienced programmer who is familiar with Bitrix 24 and is ready to engage in its configuration and maintenance, then it is quite possible that this CRM option will suit you. If you do not have such a specialist, then the purchase of CRM Bitrix 24 will be a waste of money, since the software will eventually be among the other “boxes” that have settled on the shelf due to complexity and lack of demand.

Let me remind you once again, because it is very important: Bitrix 24 is not a CRM system, it is a powerful portal designed for the operation of large business, which among other things includes a small and not the most convenient of all possible CRM systems.

Personally, I recommend choosing simpler options that can be quickly customized, but in which all functions are focused on sales: actions, control, analysis. Those. I recommend to my clients to make a choice in favor of CRM systems that are not overloaded with unnecessary functionality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257795/

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