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Announcement of the conference ThinkJava # 2

June 5 in Kharkov will host the second ThinkJava developer conference # 2. Here you can get acquainted with new technologies and methodologies, learn more about the capabilities of the Java world and NoSQL, debug Java applications using the JDK toolkit and connect to the JVM on the fly, and much more.

This time, two Java duos act as speakers:

Debugging Java applications with bare hands
Roman Vasilenko and Alexander Bondarets
As a rule, Java developers debug them using ready-made tools from the IDE, or use popular libraries and utilities (YourKit, jProfiler, JavaMelody). But few people know that most problems can be solved using the tools available in the JDK. Moreover, using these tools it is possible to more effectively and more conveniently create a solution adapted to your project. It will be about performance counters (jvmstat Performance Counters) that contain all the necessary information about the state of the JVM, about the mechanism of connecting to the JVM "on the fly" (Dynamic Attach), as well as about the individual capabilities of the Instrumentation API and java-agents. What if the problem can only be detected in the production and the application can not be stopped? How to fix a bug without stopping the application? All this will be discussed in the report.

No Mongo, No Honey and NoSQL
Dmitry Zyukin and Yegor Bondar

Technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. It is still possible for a long time to have relevant knowledge, not replenishing them. However, often established technologies are replaced by others with amazing speed.

In the Java Enterprise world, you rarely have to change anything and change yourself. Everyone is used to living in the world of relational databases, where everything is deterministic and clear. However, life does not stand still, and customers increasingly come up with requirements where popular terms appear, among which is NoSQL Datasource. Or, the starting project contains in the requirements such data volumes that are very difficult to put into the matrix of relational databases.

What to do if you met the magic spell NoSQL? In the report, we will look at the features of working with the document-oriented NoSQL database - MongoDB, which is widely known. We, Java developers, need to be able to rebuild our “relational mode”. First of all, you need to understand the basic concepts that will help you quickly understand what is being said, when in MongoDB you want to see the table, and get a document. After that, you can proceed to the queries and the construction of the data model. But even here we will not be left alone: ​​omnipotent libraries and frameworks will come to our aid. Also, the report will demonstrate the use of MongoDB in a real application, where the GMongo library is used on the Java side. So there will be some MongoDB, Java and Groovy :).

To participate in ThinkJava # 2, you need to register in our Meetup group. Participation is free!

The conference will be held on June 5 in Kharkov, in the conference hall of the IC "Metalist". Beginning at 19.00. Registration of guests opens at 18.45.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257651/

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