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Top 5 reports of the .NEXT 2014 Moscow conference (video inside)

So, on Sunday I posted on Habré video reports, ranked in the ranking of places from the 6th to the 10th. It's time to publish reports from the top five.

5th place

Dmitry Soshnikov, Microsoft - Functional Reactive F # Programming

Average rating: 4.44

Unlike most reports about F #, this report is practical. Dmitry makes a language review, showing several demos:

On the one hand, monads, Y-combinator and fixed points, and on the other - seals and kindness of twitter. That's how we live.

4th place

Dino Esposito - ASP.NET vNext: Microsoft

Average rating: 4.53

As always, the report from Dino Esposito came out vigorous and fun, although, as always, he had quite a lot of “philosophizing”. Dino voiced an interesting thought: vNext - first of all solves Microsoft problems, not community problems. I recommend to see the report to everyone who is running under ASP.NET ( thanks, cap! ), Because the topic is not bad and fully corresponds to its name.

3rd place

Sergey Mikhalev, Classmates - A True Story About Using SQL Server Change Data Capture

Average rating: 4.57

Perhaps the only report of the conference, which was not directly devoted to the .NET-platform. Sergey is a well-known in Russia expert in optimizing SQL queries for MS SQL Server, and therefore we decided to invite him to tell the story of some pain he had to deal with when he worked in a bloody enterprise: Legacy, there are no tests, the project is being developed from the version of dotnet 1.0 (not even 1.1). In short, it hurts a lot . At the beginning of the report, Sergey directly asked the listeners to make some sounds when they recognize a familiar pain. And the corresponding metaphor was chosen - images from “Bloody Sport” with Van Damme were a red thread through the report.

2nd place

Dmitry Ivanov, JetBrains - Principles of building multi-threaded desktop .NET applications using ReSharper as an example

Average rating: 4.64

Overview of multithreading tools in dotnet. What means are there, what are not, and what did you have to write yourself. As a javista, I was pleased with the word “javizm” in the block about monitors.

It was interesting to me and my background to compare the multithreading tools provided by the .NET platform with the tools provided by the Java platform. I caught myself thinking that I recommended watching this report to several acquaintances of Javista.

I recommend this report as a good introduction to multithreading in general, and to the dotnet's multithreading in particular.

1 place

Roman Belov, JetBrains - Memory & Performance. Tips & Tricks

Average rating: 4.67

The only report that I managed to see at the conference itself.

In this speech, Roman cited many examples of various memory problems (leaks, excessive allocation, etc.), many ways to run into them, ways to detect them and analyze using dotMemory. I liked that almost all the examples were analyzed in detail and that Roman gave some practical recommendations on writing "faceless" code. I recommend this report to be viewed by everyone at all: both for general development and for the purpose of a review of your application after the report for possible memory problems.


So, we looked at the best videos from last year’s two NEXT conferences. If you look at the dynamics of assessments from the April conference to the December conference, you can see with the naked eye that the conference is developing. Reports are getting better, technical equipment is growing, the program committee receives more and more applications from those who want to speak.

In the next post I will announce the published reports of the conference and try to fantasize about what to expect from each of them, taking into account the topic and personality of the speaker.

Well, so that you do not miss - here is a three-minute video-impression of the December conference:

useful links

What is it for me? Well, of course, to the fact that you come to us on. NEXT on June 5. First Friday of the summer is a great time to shake things up and spend the day in the company of the country's best dotnetchikov.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257637/

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