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Latest Apple News from AppleInsider

The new MacBook will be released in the third quarter.
The next update of the 13-inch MacBooks lineup will be available by the third quarter of this year, as a Chinese source said recently.

Apple - 66 percent of retail among computers more expensive than $ 1000
Apple’s total share of America’s retail computer market in the first three months of 2008 was about 14 percent, according to Jupiter Research. However, if you filter data by computers worth more than a thousand dollars, Apple’s share instantly grows to 66%.

Case manufacturer offered protection for iPhone 3G 3G
The website of a little-known manufacturer of cases did not sustain the number of visitors and simply collapsed after the so-called “iPhone 3G” protective shells appeared on it and it was indicated that the product was ready for sale.
iPhone will quadruple the Apple market
A statement by French Orange, which mentioned that the operator will introduce the iPhone to ten countries, will lead to an effective increase in Apple's markets four times, according to the Piper Jaffray analytical report.

Apple will provide direct music order
Apple is in talks with global music brands to ensure that next-generation iPhone owners can purchase music directly from their phone via a wireless network.

iPhone for Spain
Speaking at a professional communication congress at the University of Zaragoza, Francisco José Santos Esteras of Telefonica Movistar, said his company had signed an agreement with Apple about iPhone sales in Spain this year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25762/

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