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The best reports. NEXT 2014 Moscow (video inside). Part 1: Places 6 to 10

Countdown to the next conference. NEXT has long been launched. The time has come to talk about the reports that were at the December conference in Moscow. And we will immediately tell about the best of them, so as not to waste your time. The method of choosing the best is described in detail in a previous post.

Today I will talk about places in the second half of the top ten. As always, in reverse order.

10 place

Mikhail Shcherbakov - What and how to protect in a .NET application
Average rating: 4.21

Report on the security model in modern .NET. Michael opened the main part of the conference in the main hall, speaking immediately after keynout Dino. Some students obviously did not have time to wake up, and Mikhail began almost without overclocking and for 45 minutes he talked quite densely and vividly about the components of which, in fact, the .NET Security Model consists.

Personally, I liked the example with the server vulnerability the most. Well, in the reviews - two main trends: first, the people noted that the introduction was delayed, and secondly, many wrote that they had never thought about security before. So, if you are a .NET programmer, but have not yet come across security, be sure to check out this report. This is a really good introduction to the security model from an experienced pro.

9th place

Kirill Skrygan, JetBrains - The Difficulties of Creating Large Applications and Their Solutions on the Example of ReSharper

Average rating: 4.28

A report on how resharper fights performance problems, how much pain for plugins is created by the fact that Visual Studio is 32-bit. The report showed concrete performance problems of the resharper. In particular, the most important metric for its developers is the UI response time. Accordingly, around this they made several bicycles, to which most of the report is devoted to the analysis. In addition, Cyril gave some practical tips on how to analyze the allocation and on the fight against Memory Traffic.

The report will be useful to those who are faced with the problems associated with the GC and those who are doing desktop applications on the dotnet.

8th place

Dmitry mezastel Nesteruk, JetBrains - What's new in ReSharper 9

Average rating: 4.29

Report on new features ReSharper 9 from the main .NET-evangelist JetBrains. We, as organizers, were scolded for the fact that the title of the report in the conference program did not quite correspond to the topic. Our cant. But at the very beginning of the report, Dima, at our request, clearly indicated that the report was about the review of new features, so those who were not interested in such a review quickly ran to other halls to listen to parallel reports.

Be sure to check out this report if, for some reason, you are still sitting on older versions of the resharper or for some reason do not use this tool at all. And something interesting at the end of the report: starting from the 36th minute, Dima talks about C ++ support by various IDEs from JetBrains.

7th place

Roman Ageev, DevExpress - Fast business analytics with DevExpress Dashboard

Average rating: 4.33

The name kakbe told the attendees of the conference that the report was vendor. This is due on the one hand to the low attendance of this report, and on the other - to its rather high score: those who are interested in this topic came to the report. In the reviews from the well traced - half of those who were on the report, wrote that one way or another they plan to use the tool, which was devoted to the report.

The report, surprisingly, quite a lot of different analysis, associated both with the subject area (visualization given), and with how you generally need to build data within the application, so that they can be displayed normally.

Check out this report if you are using or are going to use Tula from DevExpress or if you are thinking about writing your own dashboards.

6 place

Andrey DreamWalker Akinshin, Enterra — Let's talk about different versions of .NET

Average rating: 4.43

A report on how different .NET runtime and C # compilers behave. "Different" - in two senses:

Very lively and vigorous report. At the very beginning of the report, Andrew rightly notes that if 5 years ago, Mono did not take anyone other than ideological linuxoids seriously, now Mono is a real power. Further, using specific examples, it is told and shown where there are differences and, accordingly, where to wait for a trick when moving from one version to another.

See this report if you are going to switch from MS .NET 4.0 to 4.5 in the near future or migrate from MS .NET to Mono. Or vice versa :)

And where are the first 5 places?

For today, there are enough vidyashek - higher in the post and so 4 hours of video. I will write about the top five reports of the December conference in a separate post - tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

As always, at the end of the post, I remind you that we are waiting for you in St. Petersburg on June 5 at the next .NEXT conference. Fashionable You can walk with your feet, you can watch online from home or from work. Here is a list of reports . Come to stay abreast of technical trends in the world of .NET.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257615/

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