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PushAll - platform for sending instant notifications

main idea

PushAll provides a platform for sending instant notifications to the user's browser or to his mobile device, which allows him to receive filtered fresh information from sources of interest to him. The site interface allows the user to subscribe to a new channel with just 2 clicks, and a unified application allows you to receive notifications from multiple sources. This is much easier than downloading a separate application for each site. At the same time, companies and developers can save time and money on developing and maintaining their application.

The system itself makes it easy to subscribe and unsubscribe from certain channels. This eliminates the possibility of spam, as is the case with such notification methods as SMS and E-mail.

Development and API

The service was launched half a year ago. It is based on authorization via Google+ about which I even wrote an article and GCM , through which I send pushes both to Google Chrome and to the Android application. I am also going to write an implementation on sockets and, by doing this, support all browsers, as well as possibly Android devices, without an embedded PUSH service.
For a long time, I used PushAll only for Self API - this is the API for sending notifications to myself. With this function, I obtained information from automated scripts used in my work. It is very convenient, in case of any problems - a notification of malfunctions arrives right on the phone and in chrome and you can immediately proceed to repair. Moreover, the system keeps a history of notifications. Therefore, if you were asleep and you had problems, you can later see what was happening and in what order.
Something like this will look like the code sent via PHP using a POST request.
curl_setopt_array($ch = curl_init(), array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://pushall.ru/api.php", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array( "type" => "self", "id" => "<b> ID</b>", "key" => "<b> </b>", "text" => " ", "title" => "" ), CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD => true, )); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); 

Just a month ago, I accelerated the pace of development and wrote the Broadcast API . This feature allows you to send notifications to all subscribers of the created channel. To send a broadcast, you need to register the channel ID, the broadcast type and the channel key.
The answer to all API requests is in JSON format. At the moment, the success parameter comes with the number of devices to which the push was sent, and error in case of an error. The error can be either the wrong key or the limit overshoot.

The current limits are:
- No more than 1 notification in 3 seconds for Self API (and where more often spam on the device)
- No more than 1 notification in 30 seconds for Broadcast - everyone understands that spamming the whole channel more than once every 30 seconds will be unpleasant for the audience.
- Protection against duplicates of the “Headline” pair - “Text” every 10 minutes.

Collaboration and future plans.

About 2 weeks ago, I started looking for partners. I started with the TV dubbing studios. They almost every day there are series, and the spectators need to quickly find out when the voice of their favorite series. For 2 weeks I began to cooperate with BaibaKo, NewStudio and Jaskier Studio. During this time, about 1,000 users registered with my service. Soon I will implement the Unicast API for sending to one user in the channel and I want to start cooperating with news sites. This feature allows you to send notifications to one person from the channel, for example, it can be a response to a comment, or a personal message.
I also want to mention the recently added filtering feature . For the series, it went perfectly - you can select the necessary series for keywords, and also unusual possibilities appear. For example, you can subscribe to the series that you are watching, and in parallel to all new series - you just need to add S01E01 and any first series of the first season of any series will come. (depends on the numbering format of the series)

In my opinion, everything should work approximately as follows - a person visits the site where he wants to leave a comment. After writing a comment, he will be asked to subscribe to notification of replies. If he has already installed the application, then the subscription will take place in one click. Unsubscribe from any channel (if it is no longer needed) occurs in a couple of clicks in your account.
I also think to make the channel catalog look like mobile app stores. That is, to make a rating system, similar, reviews, etc. This will determine how useful the channel is and decide whether to subscribe to it or not.


From the analogues to my service, there are only two services:
- Paid application
- The lack of Russian-language localization.
- Service looks more externally for developers than for users.
- Strong limitations of mailings. Expensive fares

- Gikovsky service for data exchange between devices
- The system of channels appeared recently, which is strange, after 2-3 months as I wrote the Self API and started posting information about the service.
- The channel system does not provide for sending to one user
- The lack of Russian-language localization.
- There are no filters.

My main goal is to create a service understandable to the user. Log in and subscribe to a couple of clicks ( quick link to subscribe to the news channel ), simple applications, all geek features for developers are hidden in a special section. I also want to create a Russian-speaking community of developers. This post was written first in this corporate blog, then it will publish not only the successes, PushAll cases, but also various projects that are based on my notification system. For example, why not write a Push client for Facebook or Vkontakte? The pushes come through a small application by weight, and by clicking on the pusher you can answer via the web interface.


At the moment, the monetization of the service is based on voluntary donations. In the future, new channels will have a limit on the sent notifications per day. This restriction can be removed by paying a paid rate. The old channels will have a lifetime unlimited subscription. Non-profit organizations will also be able to get a free subscription.

Actually site address: Pushall.ru
To add a channel, you can go to the developer section. You can send notifications both manually and through the API. That is, even if you are not a developer, you can still maintain the channel without any problems.

UPD 05/10/2015 Added Unicast API and the ability to get a user ID via Callback.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257585/

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