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Download and store photos in Web applications

Why is it important?

On modern web sites, the volume of images can be from 30% to 70% of the total page size. For example, the volume of images on Habré is usually several megabytes.

size of pictures on the page

Most of the images on the Web are photos. Profile photos in social. networks, an album from the phone, professional photos, etc. The correct strategy and tools for working with photos will make the site quick for visitors.


Format for photos

The main format for storing photos on the Web is JPEG. However, sometimes other formats should be used.


Good for complex images, i.e. just for photos. The basic principle of compression in this format is to reduce quality by reducing image detail.

JPEG quality

Selection of compression ratio can reduce the size of the source file several times without noticeable deterioration in quality. The logic is this: the lower the quality, the easier the file. Usually use quality score from 80 to 90.


This is a format designed specifically for serving images on the Web. Can reduce file size several times without loss of quality. Compresses pictures much better than JPEG. However, not all browsers support it yet .


These formats are not suitable for photos. PNG images are preserved without loss of quality and are best suited for icons and graphics. The GIF format has a limited palette, but supports animation.

Upload photos to the server

If on your project there is a need to upload custom photos, you must first select the principle of their storage on the server.

If you are going to work with hundreds of files, you should choose a tree structure:

photo storage structure

This will avoid the situation with thousands of files in one folder (this slows down the file system and your own). It is best to use a nested structure of two-character folders:

$photo = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $name = md5($photo) . '.jpg'; $dir = substr(md5(microtime()), mt_rand(0, 30), 2) . '/' . substr(md5(microtime()), mt_rand(0, 30), 2); $path = $dir . '/' . $name; #      


After uploading photos to the server, they should be processed:


For this there are a number of tools.


Immediately after uploading the photo to the server, it makes sense to delete all the metadata and change the size to 1000x1000:

 # 90 -     JPEG  convert input.jpg -strip -resize 1000x1000 -quality 90 output.jpg 


The same with the more productive GraphicsMagick :

 #    600500     90 gm convert input.jpg -strip -resize 600x500 -quality 90 output.jpg 


This tool reduces the size of JPEG files without losing quality.

 jpegtran -copy none -optimize -outfile min.image.jpg image.jpg 


The utility allows you to convert the image to Webp format.

 cwebp -q 85 input.jpg -o output.webp 

Return to customer

Photos are best given to Nginx. Be sure to configure Cache-control and Keepalive to increase the speed of loading pages:

 http { ... keepalive_timeout 75s; server { listen 80; location ~ .\.jpg$ { expires max; } } } 


Often you need to be able to display small versions of photos (for example, a thumbnail of a profile photo).
thumbnail pictures

To do this, you need to generate the required dimensions when loading:

 convert file.jpg -resize 50x50 file.s.jpg convert file.jpg -resize 250x250 file.m.jpg 

Then each image will have a corresponding thumbnail.

A more convenient approach is to generate a preview on the fly using, for example, the Nginx image_filter module.

Webp support

Webp is not supported by all browsers, but is gradually gaining popularity . In order to benefit from this format, you can give different versions of photos depending on the visitor's browser.


For each photo you need to generate a webp version:

 cwebp file.jpg -o file.jpg.webp 

Now you need to give the appropriate version of the image depending on the browser support for this format:

 server { ... location ~* ^/.+\.(jpg|jpeg)$ { if ($http_accept ~* "webp") { rewrite (.+) $1.webp; } } ... } 


Cloud technologies are developing and becoming cheaper. If you do not have specific tasks for processing photos, it is better to look at the option of using an external service for their storage and return.


Amazon s3

This is a cloud storage with which you do not have to think about scaling. Keep terabytes and do not worry. An example of the implementation of uploading photos to S3 in PHP :

 $path = 'photo_name.jpg'; $s3 = new S3('', ''); $s3->putObjectFile($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], '', $path, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ, []); 

After that, you can show a photo directly from Amazon:
 ... <img src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com//photo_name.jpg"/> ... 


Powerful service for working with photos in the cloud. Resize, crop, face recognition, various formats, online editor and other functions.


Mega simple service that recognizes the capabilities of the browser and selects the optimal return format. Supports URL API for resize and crop.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257533/

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