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On Habré decided to recommend useful and versatile tools and books. After reading the topic about the book “Learn something for 10 days,” it becomes clear that we shouldn’t be recommended to the habrasoobschestvu ...

A small lyrical digression, and quite a bit PR. Our university has a teacher Lukach Yuri Saulovich. I must say that the guy is smart enough, he teaches such subjects as Perl, Operating Systems, Assembler, and has been programming for more than 20 years. In 2000, he began work on his brainchild - the Web Developers Help Directory (WDH). Work on it has been going on for almost two years, if we take it into account on updates in the network. Unfortunately, the Handbook in the volume in which it was originally conceived was never implemented, which is eloquently reminded by the inscriptions on its pages: The document is in the process of development! . But the main sections are ready ... And I must say that they were made fairly well: the main goals pursued by the author have been achieved. He formulates his goals simply:
  1. give the reader a comprehensive view of existing Web programming technologies (the number of these technologies is quite large, and even specialists do not always have a complete picture of their interaction);
  2. provide him with the tools to solve the tasks facing the developer in optimal ways (and, as a rule, there are not one and not two different ways to solve Web development tasks);
  3. make the presentation self-contained, that is, to include in it all the information the reader needs (this requires a large number of auxiliary tables and applications, since many vital information is scattered over various and not always easily accessible sources).

Personally, in difficult situations I always refer to this directory, and despite the fact that it was written more than 5 years ago, I often find all the necessary information in it. Therefore, I want to recommend this handbook to the entire Habrasoobshchestvo, and at the same time, if anyone has the desire, suggest our teacher to continue working on it with our help.

Online version of the directory: wdh.suncloud.ru
Offline version of the directory: wdh.suncloud.ru/wdh.chm (I personally use it)

Offtop: Hooray, the first habratopik, I hope not the last!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25740/

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