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Conference DUMP-2015: how it was

On March 20, the fifth DUMP (Development. Usability. Management. Practice) Developer Conference was held in Yekaterinburg. 50 reports and almost a thousand developers, designers, analysts, testers, layout designers, managers - all this is DUMP-2015. Conference for three minutes - in the video below. And under the cut - video reports and photos.

Conference format

This year we experimented a bit with the traditional Serverside section, dividing it (in our opinion, well, what do you think?) Into two branches. Why we did it, we already wrote here .
As a result, reports were made in 6 parallel threads and 7 sections: FrontTalks, Serverside.Experience, Serverside.Knowledge, Development Management, Design, System Analysis, Testing.


FrontTalks section

The section began with two reports on the simplification of the life of the front-endder. Vitaly Lekontsev (Abak Press) spoke about SASS, and Artyom Malko (2GIS) - about TARS.

Denis Chistyakov from Yandex shared his experience on how they managed to reduce the response time of the Yandex Browser page by 2.5 times.

Evil Martian Alexei Ivanov spoke about two-level templating. Why templates on large projects often crawl to huge sizes? Why is it so difficult to write universal templates? Why can not this be solved with the help of classic template engines? Answers to these questions on examples of BEM, React, Riot and Polymer - in the report.

Alexander Zinchuk (Yandex) made a report on the experience of using various unit-testing tools for client-side JavaScript code for complex modular systems.

Denis Pyaia and Roman Hatipov (also Yandex ) explained what measures need to be taken in order to stop the bugs on the way to the user.

Dmitry Dudin from XB Software (Minsk) spoke about optimizing the speed of loading web pages: about typical problems associated with loading and rendering of web pages, about tools with which you can check the optimal loading and taught how to improve download speed using tools Google Pagespeed for Nginx and Apache.

# DAMP nedudi cheerfully cheers the audience.

Andrei Sumin from Mail.ru explained how to update the production code in order to avoid the negative effects of the missing defects.

Serverside.Experience Section

Using the example of a specific project on the .NET stack, Maxim Pashuk (2GIS) taught how to build a bridge of friendship between developers and administrators.

Mikhail Khrushchev from the SKB Kontur said how to collect open information about all the companies in Russia and make a convenient search for them.

Then there were two reports from Mail.ru : Dmitry Kalugin-Balashov told about full-text search by mail.ru mail, and Oleg Tsarev about what hard-technologies are behind the simplest teaser for the game from Odnoklassniki.

Danila Shtan shared a case about how they restarted the shop window in one of the largest online stores in Russia, E96 .

Ivan Burmistrov , Alexander Kazakov and Ivan Dashkevich (SKB Kontur) made a report on the properties, approaches and difficulties of microservice architecture.

# dump micro service architecture is like a starry sky: at first it is very beautiful, and then it is very interesting

Dmitry Ustalov (IMM Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) told about industry crowdsourcing, and Stepan Kamentsev (Naumen) about distributed processing of millions of documents to Akka and Scala.

Serverside.Knowledge section

Georgy Bazhukov (Nevesta.info) explained what Redis is, showed how to use it, and explained why it’s cool.

How to speed up PHP with HHVM was taught by one of the authors of the Yii Framework, Alexander Makarov .

One of the most popular speakers at the conference, Sergey Fedorov from Evil Martians, explained how to work with law and code and not to suffer.

Eugene Palmov (Naumen) plunged the audience into the world of functional programming languages. If you think it is worth or not worth moving towards Scala, look at the report and everything will become clear.

Dmitry Kiselyov from the OpenStreetMaps team in his report “Fuzzy Geospatial Search” told about what an address is, what you have to deal with when working with it, and how to write your geocoder using ElasticSearch.

A little higher mathematics in simple words from one of the best speakers of the conference Alexey Kirpichnikov (SKB Kontur) . Whether the algorithm for calculating the check digit always gives one hundred percent result of fidelity, and whether it exists at all - you will learn from the report “Fresh news of the world of weakly completely antisymmetric quasigroups of the tenth order”.

Using the example of switching from C # to Ruby, Aleksey Mogilnikov from Artec Group Inc showed what to do to make immersion in a new language easy, pleasant and productive. By the way, one of the most popular answers to the question of the feedback form “Did you have an idea after the conference that you wanted to implement?” Was: “Learn Ruby”. And there are a lot of pictures from the “Game of Thrones” :)

20 C # code slides, at the end of the day, about Lanister and Starkov. Oh yeah baby! # dump

Svetlana Isakova (JetBrains) , the developer of the Kotlin language, explained how the type inference algorithm works in static typed languages ​​using examples from Kotlin, Java and other languages.

The coolest report on #dump according to my version was at Sveta from @jetbrains, in a good way it is necessary in the format of lectures in order to have more details;)

Development Management Section

Nikolay Yasinsky (Signal) told how to build a strong team of inexperienced developers (and even students).

Alla Kvetnaya from Naumen talked about why the team manager and if he needed at all.

The moment when PMs see their programmers on the report “Why PM is needed”. Khm # dump

The head of the company Button Evgeny Kobzev spoke about their famous holacracy: can a development team exist without a manager, KPI, regulations, etc.?

And Dmitry Kiselev about the one who controls in OpenStreetMap . By the way, if you are interested in this topic, here is a short interview with Dmitry about the project.

How to motivate employees with the help of options or phantom shares - said Roman Fadeev from Legal Jazz .

The third most popular among all DAMP reports (according to feedback questionnaires) was the presentation by Pavel Egorov (SKB Kontur) about how to train developers. In the report: methods and simple rules of organization of training, which are suitable for a company of 5 people, and for groups of several hundred programmers.

And the second most popular speaker, director of acceleration programs at the IIDF, Dmitry Kalaev, in the same section told about who the investors like to see in the company: all-rounders or highly professional experts and dedicated managers. And also about how they select teams in the early stages, which is important in the competences, when you need and if you need a dedicated person called “manager”.

Section Design

Alexander Kotomanov shared his interesting experience in creating mobile applications, audio guides for museums and city sights.

Mikhail Tansky (art director of the company Aktion ) talked about how to perceive the Minimal Viable Product, how to form it, why the product designer should be responsible for the list of features and why it is important for him to understand the current level of technology development.

Nikita Konovalov and Yulia Petrunina (SKB Kontur) taught what to do to get you chosen, and not reputable competitors.

Denis Klevakin from ITM Holding described what DPI is and what problems arise when developing a multiplatform design.

The author of the famous blog of Mosigra on Habrahabr, the best speaker of the conference (based on feedback questionnaires) Sergey Abdulmanov (Mosigra) showed very vividly how it is possible to facilitate the process of studying the “new wondrous world” several times and how it affects sales.

Steep report from Mosigra! Three times would listen # dump

Mikhail Baranov (Edster) spoke about the “bottlenecks” in creating svg and techniques to simplify the routine, and Nikita Rokotyan (rokotyan.com) about current trends in the creative industry, the use of programming in design and how to start drawing code in the evening.

The head of JetStyle Alexey Kulakov taught how to achieve speed and predictability from the designer.

Section Testing

Maxim Zakharov (Yandex) shared his feelings about the sudden abandon of the profession. Many people know why testers go to other positions, and Maxim has the answer to the question "how and why it is worth staying." And do not deny yourself a caviar sandwich.

Anton Vdovichenko (SKB Kontur) showed how to give a second life to the documentation and make users happier. Different approaches to solving the problem, useful sources of information, examples - all in the report.

Elvira Soboleva (SKB Kontur) told how a tester to seize a piece of power - to become an iteration manager.

Guest from Kiev Alexey Lupan told simple and effective approaches to the competent work of the tester with the requirements.

Alexey Lupan's report cool #dump

In addition to the reports, the programmatic directors of the section organized an unusual interactivity with the participants: first the listeners answered the questions, and then one of the most famous testers James Bach answered the same questions (the answers were recorded in advance). What is the professional growth of a tester on the other side of the world, what to learn from a manual tester, and how not to get tired of the profession - the answers of testing gurus can be viewed or read .

Section System Analysis

Konstantin Beklemishev and Angelina Rybasova (Naumen) told how the productions in the Naumen Contact Center were tested, showed an easy way how to really negotiate and become an effective team, compared the results before and after the practice with examples and talked about the shortcomings identified during the 8 months of work according to this scheme.

Dmitry Kalaev in the second report spoke about the first version of the product: what to include in it and what not. In addition, he explained how, what and how many times to ask the users to understand whether the product will solve their problem or not.

In the analytics section, Sergey Abdulmanov explained how to learn to explain easier, faster and more clearly using the example of a regular water tap, microwave, board game rules, an online store basket, B2B communications and a chisel.

On the reports of Sergei in the hall was always a stir

Danila Rozhkov (CIT) shared his experience in designing a complex system through several teams of analysts. The main focus of the report is not on the technologies used, but on organizational solutions for the interaction of business analysts of several project groups.

Between presentations

In the breaks it was no less interesting. Sponsors came up with a bunch of fun activities. SKB Kontur was tied up with almost all the entertainment with the theme of home and comfort: they were treated to porridge and toast, they distributed homemade jams for the solved tasks on punch cards, and for sleep-lovers they spread cots with blankets. Naumen staged a favorite boyish fun - typewriting races, ITM Holding showed everyone a solar eclipse in a mobile planetarium, Ideco was entertained with IT cocktails, and JetStyle organized a cool photo game SelfiDamp (by the way, photos from the game here ).

Here are a few photos that clearly show what happened in the breaks.

Contour. Racing - for real programmers. # dump # skbkontur

FrutoNinja in action # dump # skbkontur

“I am a member of DAMP'a. I do not want to solve the problem with a punch card. I want jam "(with) # dump

Bedroom from # skbkontur on # dump failed 100% "

Answer questions and mix cocktail in line with your knowledge in IT! # dump

Draw a binary tree from the participants. Both of you are wearing glasses. # dump # self-dump

Racing from Naumen

Just a crazy booth made # itmholding at a dump # dump! Stylish planetarium :) Everyone is urgent here!

A few reviews about the conference

Time to # Dump flies by. Thanks to the organizers - as always sincerely!

# dump good developers fall on dump-it.ru :)
Cool speakers, cereal for breakfast, network, games, girls ...

On # dump happiness for testers - there is NO ONE report about automation!

# dump thanks to the organizers and leaders of the sections! Great konfa as always!

Much still needs to be rethought, but one thing I can say for sure: the food here was excellent! # dump


All videos are uploaded on our channel .

Photos from the conference can be found here and here .

Presentations are posted here .



Thanks to our sponsors who made the conference possible: SKB Kontur, Naumen, ITM Holding, DataCrat, Exadel, Ideco, JetStyle.

Special thanks to the program committee, which did a great job. Thanks for your advice, for the runs, for the articles on Habré, for everything you did to DAMP turned out interesting and useful!


And on September 18-19, we are hosting the third PyCon Russia - again in nature, again with foreign speakers, and again in a warm atmosphere. Join now!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257385/

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