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Promoting your indie game: the most important nuances that nobody knows about

This material contains the best tips for novice game developers. Some of these tips helped me a lot with the work, especially those related to the preparation of emails for gamers. The material will be interesting both to those who already have experience and want to analyze it, and to novice indie developers in order to avoid the most common cliches and mistakes.

A long time ago, indie game developers recognized marketing as unnecessary and almost completely ignored it. But now, most developers recognize its necessity and make some efforts in this direction, but their knowledge is not enough to really stand out. In this article, we will look at the art of marketing and describe how you can use it to increase the visibility of your game.

What is the problem?

Developers of indie games will remember 2008 forever, because around this time some innovative developers began to produce genre masterpieces. Games like Braid and World of Goo helped us recall the original meaning of game development: creativity, passion, and, most importantly, going beyond. Add to this the launch of the App Store in July 2008 - and now, millions of coders and game development studios have embarked on this path, absorbed by the prospect of wealth and fame.
Most of these novice developers took time to hone their skills, since the games they released attracted little interest precisely because they were not good enough. It is clear that such developers have not earned a lot of money.

However, later worthy developers appeared who created good and sometimes great games. In fact, their games were so good that the developers expected the gaming community to accept them with open arms and buy their products like hotcakes.

It should be said that many such developers remained at the broken trough.

If they can, why can't you?

So what's the problem? The catch is that almost everyone started developing games, which made this area blessed and damned at the same time. Since a lot of games are released every day, it became very difficult to get fame and recognition, regardless of the quality of the game. In short, having put a lot of effort into game development, most developers failed to conduct proper marketing - the same thing we often see today.

When to start marketing your game

Before going into details, it is important to dispel the myth that marketing should begin only after the release of the game. As you probably already know, most sales of the game take place in the first few weeks and even days after release. If they do not know about you and your game until they are released, your sales during this period will suffer.

Thus, instead of waiting for some incomprehensible right moment, we advise you to follow one general rule:

Start your marketing campaign when you already have something that displays the main base and design of your game.

You should report everything that deserves attention: whether it is some kind of completed stage of work, a screenshot from Photoshop program or a small demo where the “chips” of your product are shown - it is important to stir up a stir. From this point you need to consistently demonstrate the progress of the development of your game.

Tip: Although we recommend starting marketing as early as possible, the last thing you need to do is start publishing screenshots of your unfinished game wherever you can, especially if you are in the software design phase. Google doesn’t like to delete such images, so believe me, after such publications, you will be paid increased attention during the entire development cycle of your game.

What should each development team do

So you decided to start your marketing campaign before the game’s release date. Good. And now what? Let's start with the main thing. You need:

There aren't many trailers. For games and videos of the AAA category, dozens of teasers, short and full-length trailers are released, and there it is justified. If you decide to release several videos, you can easily ignore the previous rule and in each video represent one aspect of the gameplay. For example, in one trailer it is possible to demonstrate battles, in the other - the game world and history, and to devote the third trailer exclusively to the main character. Be sure to distribute them - this is the best way to create hype.

Be public!

You can create websites, developer blogs, and distribute trailers around the world, but if no one knows who you are, then it's no good. Perhaps the most difficult thing in marketing a game is to inform the audience about its existence. After they find out about you, everything else will be quite simple. Naturally, this “trifle” will really help, as really ... a good and interesting game.

Let's see how you can make people talk about your game without coercion.

So, I have an account, but why does nobody follow me?

Social media

We have already said that social media is an integral part of a marketing campaign. But how to become an Internet superstar from a nouneyma?

Tips for posting on Twitter

Of all the social media sites, Twitter provides developers with easy and direct access to their potential fans, members of the press and other developers. Use Twitter, learn and hone technology work with him. And as a bonus, some tips:

A few more tips on social media:

To illustrate the last point, this tweet is great:

After two years of work, sleepless nights and ignoring our wives, we finally release a demo version of #EchoesofEternea. #gamedev

Or look at the post-reflection:

The difference between creating a two-hour platform game and a 20-hour RPG: 62 gray hairs, 7 doctor visits and 2,000 hours. #gamedev

Exhibitions and gaming events

Despite the strong myth that game developers are vampires who live in dark cellars, going out and attending various events is one of the most reasonable ways to promote your game. I promise you won't turn into ashes.

But in order to get a stand at such major events as, for example, RAX, you need to allocate some funds from your budget for travel and accommodation. If you have money, everything is fine. But if you have a limited budget, consider the possibility of cooperation with Indie Mega Booth. With the help of these guys, decent game developers can get the opportunity to participate in the Arts for just $ 500 - a great deal.

Even better, send your game to IndieCade for only 80 bucks. This is not a guarantee of participation in the festival, but if you are approved, the effect of this with a reserve will override all your initial costs.

Even if you can not afford to have a stand at the exhibition or you were refused at the festival - do not despair. Start using social opportunities extensively: hand out flyers, CDs with a demo version of your game, flyers with the words “Buy my game” - all to attract gamers' attention to your product.

You understand, being a game developer, it is very important to be in contact with other developers, but even more important is to contact people who will play your game. Various game meetings will help you to achieve this, as by meeting with your target audience, you will be able to draw attention to yourself and your game. In addition, at such events, gamers will be able to play your game, and you can get adequate feedback.


Crowdsourcing is usually seen as an opportunity to get a budget for creating your game, but it can be effectively used for marketing purposes. Our project Hiro Fodder: A Blue Hope, which we are currently working on, with the help of this tool won in several directions.

First, we had to create a video and make a detailed description of our product. Secondly, our page was visited thousands of times within a month. And although our project supported only 300 people, a lot of people learned about our little RPG. And finally, even though we didn’t expect it, we communicated a lot with other developers, registering even with programmers for one project, which had 1500 supporters. We worked together with the developers of Echoes of Eternea and helped them to make their game a reality.

If we knew from the very beginning how much time it takes to develop a 20-30 hour RPG! But do not worry, we are already ending!

Kickstarter: a great option to make friends and raise money.

The most pleasant thing is that a huge number of journalists work at such sites, who follow new projects. Several journalists wrote articles about Hiro Fodder without even asking us. Now we have established quite good relations with these authors and, of course, we will turn to them when we approach the release date of our game.

Press contacts

You can write a separate article on working with the press. This is such an important part of the marketing campaign that to neglect it means only one thing: you will put your game at a disadvantage in advance. But just to inform the press about your game is not enough - you need to do it effectively.

We have prepared some tips for you:

People do send such emails, but you won't do that.

When communicating with the press by email:

Late marketing stage

By the time the alpha version of your game appears, you should consider several possibilities for further advancement:

Really great for indie games.


Here we come to summarizing. So, the marketing of the game is no less important than its debugging and testing. Without marketing, you are completely dependent on those players who learn about you on their own, because you don’t tell them anything. Of course, if you win in some well-known competition, or some large distributor chooses you - no questions, it is likely that you can do without marketing. However, everyone else can not do without it.

It is not necessary to comply with all the points that we have listed in this article. But at least we recommend that you:

If you do at least this - the chances of successful promotion of your brand will definitely increase. Good marketing!

The only remark that Twitter is more suitable for communication with foreign colleagues and journalists. In the CIS, social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook are still stronger.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257379/

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