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Tale about vectors

Zhilbyl means in the endless Australian Ostrich Desert. He loved to go for a walk. He goes like that on the dunes, the raven thinks he is admiring the afternoon sun ...
And suddenly he sees a Penguin buried in his nose in the sand. He comes closer:
- Chaya, Penguin! How's the weather?
- Weather - atstoy! - muttered Penguin rising. “Someone turned on the sun ...”
- What do you mean, Penguin, do you dig your nose with sand? Are you looking for gold?
- Yes, not ... What a gold! I think the sand ... In full growth! ..
- Do you think sand? - Ostrich was surprised. - What for?
- Well, why? Pleasant occupation ...
- Pleasant occupation? So the whole life is not enough sand in the desert to count? ..
- Exactly! Not only pleasant, but also for life! What would you understand! - said Penguin and again buried his nose in the dune.
The Ostrich was surprised, looked diligently at Penguin and went on walking further ... How long was it short ... The sun is shining, spreading over the dunes stretched to the horizon ... There is an Ostrich walking, walking ...
And suddenly he sees two Penguins fighting, runs up, separates and instructively says:
- you che! Vashche moved out? What is not shared?
- Yes, he finally can! - speaks one Penguin. - began to count my sand! I said to him: “Come on, let's go to your sand dune, there’s enough sand for you for a couple of years!” And he says: “Move yourself! This is my final dune! ”
- Yes, he drives nafig! I first crawled on this dune! Get out of that! There I have already counted! - the second got hot.
- Eh ... - Ostrich thought. - What do you have? New sport? Recounting the sand?
- Fuck you, Ostrich! Also, damn it, the nerd was found! What would you understand! - the first Penguin screamed, - And you, - turning to the second Penguin - I said: move on your dune!
The second Penguin, having muttered "aha!", Drove the first Penguin to the right in the ear with all its might! And rushed to the new Mahalovka ... The Ostrich looked at them, thought something, and went on walking ...
Goes, means, wanders ... Saksaulami all sorts, admiring cacti ...
And suddenly he sees another Penguin ... This Penguin does not consider any sand, lies in the sun, flippers soars, do you have a picnic? ...
- Healthy, Penguin! What do you think this is not a sand?
- Chaya, Ostrich! And what for? - Says Penguin, decomposing more conveniently on a soft spot. - I already counted it all ...
-?! BUT? - Booted Ostrich. - COUNTED? ALREADY? ALL?
- Well, yes ... It's all simple: you take a cubic meter of sand, you think it, you take the volume of the Desert, you multiply ... and you're done! Well, am I not cool? - Penguin teaches (if the table would have been, he would have folded flippers over it ... by golly!) - And the sun shines in my honor now ... Hmm ... You are a village, Ostrich! ..
The Ostrich has rebooted, wandered further on to walk ... The sun is shining ... well ... not for the Penguin, but this is shining ... in fact, ... well ...
And suddenly he sees on the next sand dune a bunch of Penguins counting the sand ... He comes closer, everything starts to clear up: A group of Penguins in padded jackets counts the sand, and another one in the smooth form of the Desert Troops strolls along and carabiner at the ready ...
- Healthy, boss! What are you doing here? - greeted the Ostrich.
- BUT! Hello Citizen Ostrich! Yes, you see - believe the sand. - smiled penguin
- Heh! Well, you give! Well it already counted! Penguin told me! I read the lecture on this occasion on purpose!
- BUT! Of course! We are in the know. But in complex international relations, the fact of recounting sand in the Endless Australian Desert is important! For example, a delegation from a great power comes to us - and we have everything under control and consideration! Sand and he counted and counted! Once - and give us a tranche of 200 mrd. Australian dollars! Or an order for strategic weapons of mass destruction! Or sends us free then humanitarian aid for a very large amount! BUT! What is it like? - pushes the penguin. - At this moment, for the entire conscious Australian public, it is necessary to unite their efforts, direct the productive power of the intellect (or whatever one has) to overcome the last difficulties! And you, by the way, citizen Ostrich! - added Penguin, clearly taking up the carbine - Would you like to help the fatherland to reach a real world level? BUT?..

And since then, they consider the Sand in the Endless Australian Desert ... And why not actually?
Pleasant activity ... And - most importantly - for life!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25732/

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