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A meeting on Atlassian products took place in Moscow

On April 21, we organized an event at Mail.Ru Group to share experiences using JIRA and other Atlassian products - the Moscow Atlassian Meetup.

The event was scheduled for 19 hours, but visitors began to gather already half an hour before the start. While waiting for reports, someone connected to Wi-Fi, and someone poured coffee. When everyone gathered, the hall was full - there were more than 100 people at the meeting, another 200 watched what was happening with the help of an online broadcast. In this post I want to publish videos and slides of reports, as well as more to tell about the reports themselves.

Automate the work of editing content projects
Andrey Molchanov, Mail.Ru Group

The first report at the conference was mine. I talked about how with the help of JIRA and the plugin we developed, we managed to automate part of the editorial work routine.

Editorial staff are people who provide our content projects (Lady Mail.Ru, Hi-Tech Mail.Ru, etc.) materials. Provide - it means ordering articles from external and internal authors, pay for them, post them on the site and then analyze the statistics.

First, we implemented the accounting of each material - from order to payment in the form of JIRA Issue. This made it possible to keep lists of articles on dashboards instead of traditional entries in notebook or mail. In addition, we have connected our Calendar Plugin for a visual display of the editorial plan.

I showed how we implemented the field level access setup. This was needed in order to display the cost only to project managers, leaving the rest of the data available to everyone.

In addition, it was told about collecting statistics from the Mail.Ru Rating counters and APIs of the five most popular social networks. Based on the collected data, the median, average and sum displayed in the written gadget are dynamically built. By the way, it is quite flexible to configure. The source code for the entire plugin is available here .

Slides link

Why we do not implement Service Desk
Anton Colin, Teamlead

Anton discussed the shortcomings of the JIRA Service Desk from Atlassian, warning listeners against the ill-considered choice of a “native” solution.

After a brief introduction from the video that this plugin is used to organize JIRA-based support services, Anton mentioned inaccuracies in comparing the JIRA Service Desk with Zendesk on the Atlassian website.

Among the shortcomings of the JIRA Service Desk itself were named:

Anton also told about several plug-ins of his company. One of them was CRM for JIRA , which allows you to specify access to requests depending on the organization of the author and conduct satisfaction surveys. The second was Feedback for JIRA , which implements a more convenient POP3 email handler and feedback form.

In conclusion, Anton offered to pay attention to another development of them - HelpDesk for JIRA , which is less beautiful and without integration with the knowledge base, but much more affordable.

Slides link

What if JIRA is not fast enough?
Andrey Larionov, ALM Works

Andrei reviewed the main causes of the “brakes” of JIRA and suggested solutions. Frankly, I personally liked this report the most.

It was recommended to use the Thread Pool and Garbage Collector settings from the Atlassian documentation, without allocating all the RAM under JIRA.

For "domestic" needs (up to 300 000 requests and 1000 users) it was proposed to use an 8-core processor and 32 GB of RAM.

Andrew also advised in case of problems to try disabling plug-ins one at a time - sometimes they cause slow work.

It was strongly recommended to cache the static tightly. For nginx, the following config example was proposed:

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx/jira levels=1:2 keys_zone=jira:32m max_size=1000m inactive=60m; location ~* ^/s/(.*)/_/(.*)(gif|jpg|jpeg|js|css|png)$ { expires max; add_header Cache-Control public; more_clear_headers 'Last-Modified' 'ETag'; proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_404 http_500; proxy_pass http://jira-server; proxy_cache jira-bugs; proxy_cache_key "$request_uri"; proxy_cache_valid 200; } 

Separately, it was described how best to communicate with Atlassian support service in order to get an answer as soon as possible. By the way, our personal experience with them fully confirms all that has been said.

In the case of serious problems, the features of an organizational solution were considered - the allocation of a Java programmer or the search for a contractor to solve the problem.

The most interesting, in my opinion, was a detailed consideration of the general approach to solving performance problems with the help of load testing. Andrew told exactly how he collected access-logs, GC-logs, Thread Dumps and profiled JIRA.

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Telephony Integration with JIRA
Denis Kulyabin, IT Care

Denis shared his experience on how his team implemented the module that integrates JIRA with IP telephony.

Starting with a general overview of the available solutions, Denis went on to describe the requirements set for them. Support was needed from Avaya, Asterisk, and Cisco on the one hand, and independence from the JIRA version on the other.

It was decided to write a separate integration module in the form of a separate Java application, and not a JIRA plugin. This module interacts with JIRA through REST services, and with telephony, with the help of IP telephony agents supplied, for example, by Cisco itself. This approach makes it possible not to depend on the version of the telephony protocol, which often changes with updates.

After that, Denis went on to describing the capabilities of the application itself - viewing the subscriber’s data, a list of his calls and searching for data when calling from an unknown number.

Slides link

After the completion of the last report, we all went downstairs to the first floor, where informal communication, discussion of reports and delicious pizza awaited us. By the way, who asked, pizza ordered in Correas - our dining room.

We enjoyed this event. We believe that holding such meetings for the exchange of experience is correct and useful. We want to repeat the event at the beginning of autumn and we hope that it will be even more interesting!

Thanks to everyone who came! Write to those who want to tell something in the fall!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257307/

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