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We spread PHP


The day will come, and you will understand that a single thread in PHP is not enough for you.

First you optimize the code, then you try to change the mind to an asynchronous reactor, but the whole PHP world does not want to understand such a desire. You look at phthreads, but after java concurrency you feel that you have been “deceived” somewhere. And when you conceive to leave the process and start to choke in forks exec'ah and signals, you will understand that it is impossible to dive further. And finally, emerging from all this, you will sail to the island of MOM (message-oriented middleware).

Ohhh, but what kind of sellers are there only Kirbies: RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Kafka, Kestrel and even Redis pub / sub podbryzhivaet. And everyone is doing well: all the best, fast, trouble-free. But there is a small misfortune - a step to the side and, hello, now you are among the crowd of whiners on stackoverflow in search of work rounds and strange schemes. And this will continue until you find ZeroMQ.
What is it? ZeroMQ is a high-performance asynchronous message-oriented library designed for use in scalable distributed or parallel applications. But unlike other message-oriented middleware, it is broker-free and works without a server as such.

And what is being offered then? And these guys offer a set of sockets on steroids optimized for basic message patterns and we can use them as we want. With their help, we can build a network with any topology and complexity.

They also have their own sectarian dock http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all . Well sets the brain in the right direction, regardless of whether you use 0mq or not, however, if you can in multi-threaded programming, you can partially scroll through.

The bottom line:

It sounds all very cool! Enough of the theories go to www.gliffy.com and violently architect the system. And we want the following:


The architecture turned out to be simple, all components were written separately from the business logic, decorated in a package for a composer and filled in on the githab:


To pick it up, you need (for example, Debian):

1. Install ZeroMQ

sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get install -y libzmq3-dev 

2. Install binding php-zmq

  git clone https://github.com/mkoppanen/php-zmq.git sh -c "cd php-zmq && phpize && ./configure && make --silent && sudo make install" echo "extension=zmq.so" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"` 

3. Install via composer

  composer require limitium/zmq 

Next, take, for example, psr-3 logger and see how it works:
  $logger = new ZLogger('my_service_1', 'tcp://'); $logger->info("core is stable"); $logger->emergency("we're all going to die!"); 

Log collector
  (new Concentrator('tcp://')) ->setReceiver(function ($logMsg) { $serviceName = $logMsg[0]; $time = $logMsg[1]; $logLevel = $logMsg[2]; $logMsg = $logMsg[3]; }) ->listen(); 

Everything is simple, while the logger, thanks to the ZeroMQ buns, can work both within one process and collect information from 100,500 servers.

Example of task generator and worker
  (new Ventilator('tcp://')) ->setGenerator(function () { sleep(1); return rand(); }) ->setResponder(function ($msg) { echo $msg; }) ->listen(); 

  (new Worker('tcp://')) ->setExecutor(function ($msg) { return $msg + $msg; }) ->work(); 

And at the end of the banal pub / sub
  $pub = new Publisher('tcp://'); $pub->send('azaza'); 

  (new Subscriber('tcp://')) ->setListener(function ($msg){ echo $msg; }) ->listen(); 

The only minus of ZeroMQ, which is worth noting - the more interpticity you want from the system, the more code you have to write. But who cares when everything runs in 2 lines of code?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257281/

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