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The best reports. NEXT 2014 in St. Petersburg (video inside)

The next conference. NEXT will be held in a month in St. Petersburg. The time has come to hold a small retrospective of reports and show you which reports were the best in St. Petersburg a year ago.

How we collect feedback

After each of the conferences, we collect feedback from the participants by sending them a questionnaire in the mail. We ask participants to rate each of the reports visited on a “school” scale:

Well, after that we just consider the average, and on the basis of this average for each conference we get the rating of speakers. Very simple, right? About half of the participants usually answer the questionnaire, which gives us the opportunity to say that the sample is relevant.

5th place

Romuald Zdebsky, Microsoft - Main technical news from the BUILD 2014 conference

Average rating: 4.03

This is one of the few reports that I happened to listen to live. The undoubted advantages include the style of the novel. Experienced speaker, perfectly feeling the hall. Of the minuses - it is necessary to recognize that the report came out rather superficial, without much immersion in technical details. Apparently this is due to the fact that the BUILD took place literally on the same days as our conference, the announcements took place directly on it, and there was simply no time to rework the report to the technical side.

However, on the sidelines of the Roman tormented another three hours after his report. Check out this report if you want to compare what Roma was telling with what we have now, 13 months later.

4th place

Roman Belov, JetBrains - “Something with my memory has become ...”

Average rating: 4.19

A report on the philosophy embedded in one of JetBrains' latest products, dotMemory, in its pre-release version of April 2014. Personally, I liked the report a lot, although some people in the reviews criticized that the report was more like a promotional product than a hardcore technical report.

See the report if

3rd place

Sergey Shkredov, JetBrains - dependency management system in .NET-products JetBrains

Average rating: 4.20

Sergey rarely speaks in public. NEXT is the only place where he performs regularly, which is especially nice. The report had many interesting thoughts. From what I remember:

Check out this report if you want to finally fix the dependency system in your project.

2nd place

Dmitry Nesteruk, JetBrains - Programming at the speed of thought

Average rating: 4.23

This report opened the conference. Dima started by comparing the software industry with a shoemaker without shoes. He gave a specific example: they are doing a dozen bodies in JetBrains and are trying to make life easier for developers around the world, to make their work more efficient. Dima gave the following two performance criteria:

As always - the quality and quantity. In the course of the report, Dima touches upon the tops a lot of problems and shows some jokes with resharper (neat this product placement turned out). Be sure to look at this report if you are thinking about your effectiveness at work and are trying to raise this effectiveness.

1 place

Kirill Skrygan, JetBrains - Optimization of .NET-applications on the example of ReSharper

Average rating: 4.56

The report, who took the first place at the conference by a wide margin. Many, many useful things about analyzing the performance of .NET applications and analyzing the work of GC.

Be sure to check out this report if you want to get a basic understanding of how to optimize application speed, the difference between Sampling and Tracing. In addition, Cyril talks about several specific .NET tricks that allow you to overclock your application.

What happened?

And it turned out the following: 1 report from Microsoft and 4 reports from JetBrains hit the top. It should be recognized that the guys from JetBrains pulled out the conference - without them, the conference would have turned out weak. What is it - fapaniya on jetbrains or are these guys really cooler than the rest?

The Moscow .NEXT conference, which we held in December, gave a partial answer to this question. I will review her best papers in one of the nearest posts. There were also many dztbreynsovtsev, but in general the competition among the speakers was higher, the selection was tougher and, accordingly, the program turned out to be stronger.

For the seed, I would say the following: if you take the top ten best reports estimated by the listeners, calculated for both conferences together, then of the five listed above, only the report of Kirill Skrygan would fall into this top ten. So it goes.

useful links

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257243/

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