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Own browser - the way of the mouse: meeting with the Rat

Continuing the cycle of articles. Previous article: “Custom Browser - Mouse Path: WHY?”

This publication is inspired by the discussion in the publication "Programmers do not understand . "

I love and appreciate Joel Spolsky. Further in the text I will call him simply “Joel”. But do not be mistaken for a second - there is no familiarity or belittling! My browser to FogCreek - as to the stars for any individual indicators.
Uncle Joel (that's exactly what I’ll call him. We are obviously from the same family - both seem to be programmers. He cannot be my “programmer dad.” I didn’t work as a “big brother.” But a rich second cousin uncle giving advice A thoroughbred is just the right degree of relationship) undoubtedly came to success. At least in the description of their achievements. At least - in my eyes.

I met Uncle Joel, stumbled upon a link to his articles. I learned about his flagship (then) FogCreek product from those very articles. However, the product itself was of little interest to me - not only was it paid, it also did not fall into the scope of my interests. But here are the articles ... Articles - it was IT! Simple and understandable, Uncle Joel told his numerous second cousin nephews (well, that is, the readers) about how to Do Business. And not just some kind of abstract Business - but a very specific programmer business. In an accessible form, Uncle explained to us the basics of pricing, the secrets of the rapid growth of the company, etc., etc.

However, here I am a little ahead. In fact, it was the business part at that time that took me a little and I was just leafing through it. Most of all I was interested in the parts devoted to programming in general and in particular, as well as articles on communication with customers and customers - i.e. with players

I just moved into the next phase of my project: from the “support of the engine, so that my pants do not fall down” to the “addition of new features”. It was - if my sclerosis does not change me - around the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. It is during this period that there is a special surge in Uncle Joel’s writing activity.

Oh yeah! I read his articles! Everything seemed so simple and logical - only nichrome did not work when trying to apply what I read to my browser. I wrote it off on my krivorukost, dullness and dullness. And then the question simply disappeared by itself - by mid-2010, Uncle Joel stopped writing “programmers” (why in quotes - I will explain below) of the article and hit into quite unbridled marketing (this is a late diagnosis. And then - I just became uninteresting )

And just a week (in order not to bother you with time zones) in the comments to the above article gave a link to the translation of one of Joel Spolsky's articles: local.joelonsoftware.com/wiki/Look_li_slow_ro___smile_death% 3F - as to confirm his opinion. I opened this article - and slightly ... let's say softly - ohrenel!

Either five years have straightened my brain, or five years of developing my browser gave me a different angle of vision, or participation in other projects (or do you think that I live from my browser ?!) added wisdom to me, but now I saw the obvious programmer brain damage by virus marketing. I slightly ohrenel and tried to re-read a few more articles. And what would you think? Marketing, marketing, marketing! And in almost every article - keywords and links for spider robots: “FogCreek” and “FogBugz” are abundantly scattered across all articles. And a little googling gave me an even more overwhelming result - was the “like-programmer” blog itself nothing more than the promotion of FogCreek Software, the company of Uncle Joel? Want proofs? I have them: www.inc.com/magazine/20100301/lets-take-this-offline.html Who is not strong in English language - a summary of the link: lenta.ru/news/2010/03/03/joel

Well, you understand, yes? Marketer articles are presented as revelations from programming gurus! They are read, they are referred to, and novice programmers try to use them. And what could be the result? Obviously nothing good. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Then everything is worse.

As follows from the article, Uncle Joel started his company (and blog) about 10 years ago - from the time when he decided to cover up a free stream of brainwashing for novice programmers and focus on chopping up dough. By 2010, his company was fully established and even began to interfere with blogging (i.e., 3-4 articles per month were already an unbearable effort).

Articles that are at least indirectly related to the activities of the programming firm (already silent on individual programmers) ended by mid-2010.

Now let's take a few steps and look at the oil painting. And what do we see for today? People still refer to the articles of the former programmer with abundant marketing brain damage. The articles themselves are 5 years old. And they tell about the success of the company, which was founded in 2000 (plus or minus a year or two). Interestingly - what benefits can these articles bring? In my opinion - strictly negative.

Yes, here with might and main you can roll out the principle: “First get it!”. You just need to understand - Uncle Joel HAS REACHED (without irony - really achieved!) Success BEFORE the first economic crisis and slightly in another country (and, most likely, BEFORE the collapse of the dot-coms. However, here I do not insist - I was too lazy to google the exact date founding FogCreek. Maybe Uncle Joel just started his company, left without work). And this hellish mixture of outdated marketing rubbish that has increased at other times on different grounds is given by individuals as role models. No words. Rather, there is - but obscene.

In fact, this article is not intended to cast a shadow on Uncle Joel. Anyway - the boy came to success. The owner StakOverflou is not a horse-radish! And in general - his story is a typical success story. And if you started at the same time as he, in the same country, and followed his advice (which he issued already AFTER how he achieved success), then MAYBE, you too would now be a successful developer.

But - most likely not. All success stories are the memoirs of the survivor. Togo survivor, as in ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systematic_Error_A survivor

No one knows how many firms following the same path as Uncle Joel did NOT come to success. We have only Joel and his projects. And without knowing the percentage of "dead" to "survivors" it is impossible to say - whether FogCreek survived because of the principles and genius of their uncle professed by them, or whether they just had a chance.

Understand. At this point, an attentive reader can say: "Well, here it smacks of nihilism and the assassin's creed." And he will be right. Indeed, nothing is true. Indeed - everything is permitted. Just need to understand it correctly.

Nothing written on the net is true. All articles and recommendations "How to make your mega successful software in five minutes" should be passed through a small sieve of skepticism. Who wrote the recommendation? What was the likely reason for a person to write this recommendation? Why did he write recommendations and not do something more useful? Did he follow his recommendations? What did he achieve? How many more people followed his recommendations? What have they achieved? What percentage of follow-ups succeed? What does the last question matters EXACTLY YOUR understanding of success. Otherwise, you may be in an interesting position: you have achieved exactly what you were promised - but it turned out that this is NOT what you need. Well, and probably it makes no sense to say that if the answer to any question in this series does not suit you, then the article / recommendations should be treated with a certain skepticism. And if TWO answers are not satisfied, then the recommendation can be safely sent to the furnace. Harm from her FOR YOU PERSONALLY will clearly more than good.

Now, about the second part of the “assassin's creed”. When creating your browser - everything is allowed. While you understand, feel, feel the main goal of this action. As was shown earlier in the previous article of the habrahabr.ru/post/249705 cycle, there is NO logical reason why it makes sense to make your browser a “poor and sick” programmer. However, there is one excuse that beats all logical arguments with a joker. It sounds very simple: "BECAUSE INTERESTING!" And if it is interesting, it means that the end justifies the means and everything is permitted. You can spend your personal, irreplaceable time on the creation of almost useless code that in no appreciable time will not bring any direct exhaust.

INTERESTING - this is the only reason that has supported me for almost six years in the creation and modification of the engine. Yes, there are more than weighty material profits. When I started to support the engine - I did not understand PHP a bit. I had some experience in programming - scripts, utilities, "home" programs (sometimes - quite comparable with SN in terms of code). But I had no experience in creating a project that would be used by any significant number of people. Not to mention the fact that I practically had no experience in refactoring shit code. It was CH that gave me the experience to go to freelancers.

Freelancer gave me even more experience - I was able to start working in an outsourcing office. And there, in turn, I had the courage and confidence to go back to freelancers again - but now at a fundamentally different level. And all these years my browser has accompanied me on the way. Not to mention that without it, this path would not be something that would be completely impossible - but extremely unlikely.

To those who are filled with enthusiasm at this point and are already ready to download the archive of the next govnoklon of the Sacred Four (Ogame, Travian, BK, Farmer) - I have to remind you: nothing is true. No one in the internet can be trusted. Even me. Any text should be passed through a critical filter. Take the questions from the pre-previous paragraph and answer your own questions. Why do you think I write this text? Why am I not doing my browser browser instead? What have I achieved? And so on - according to the questionnaire. And only if the answers satisfy you - you can proceed to the deployment of the browser. For now - a stranger. But nothing should prevent you from making it your own - if you are INTERESTING.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257165/

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