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The Assistant Robot Ashmanov on the Russian-language Turing test. Technology Infa

Hi, Habr!

First, we briefly announce the June Turing Test , and then we will talk about the technology of information and our team in this competition.

There have not been any references or activities with the #turingtest tag for a long time. Today we will dilute this silence with our post.

What's happening. About competition

At once, we say that the registration for the contest is until the evening of April 30 (that is, today). If you are thinking to participate - do not pull with the registration, and then fly.
You can register here: turingtest.inf.net


And now in detail about the competition

Skolkovo Robotics Center, the Skolkovo Foundation and Nanosemantics organize a large-scale test of virtual communicating robots at the third Startup Village conference.

The conference will be held on June 2-3. Startup Village is the only conference of this scale in Russia, which has been held for the third year already. The main goal of the event is to communicate the founders of startups with successful entrepreneurs, major industrialists, investors, officials and with each other! Everything will be held right under the open sky and on the site of the future city of Skolkovo, so each participant can personally see how the first innovation center in Russia is built.

The competition will be held in the form of a Turing test. Called the name of one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence - the English mathematician Alan Turing, the test determines the ability of the robot to adequately conduct a dialogue with a person. A test is considered passed if an independent judge in the process of parallel and anonymous communication with a robot and a person cannot determine who is who.

The upcoming competition will be perhaps the first large-scale Turing test for virtual Russian-speaking robots. At the same time, he does not reproduce the Turing test in its classical form. Having kept the main principle, the organizers adjusted the rules somewhat. They did this in order to give an opportunity to participate in the competition not only to professional development teams, but also to everyone who is interested in artificial intelligence technologies.

This competition is a competition of talking virtual robots. You will need to communicate with them by chat, hence their other name - “chatbots”. But we, honestly, like the third name more - “info”. We will devote to them a separate section below. In the competition information will compete for the title of the most human-like. The winner will be the one who will be able to talk better than others to imitate an ordinary person and, if possible, to mislead independent judges.

The task of the organizers is to show that artificial intelligence technologies are already available not only abroad, but also here. And that in Russian the robot can also communicate as well as a person, and therefore is able to pass the Turing test.

In the finals of the competition, pre-selected robots and invited volunteers will conduct a dialogue with independent judges, who will have to determine which of their interlocutors is a person and who is a robot.

Invited to participate:

The competition will be held in 4 stages:

Who are the judges?

Expert advice
Selects from all created robots 15 finalists for several indicators. This experiment was submitted to a court for well-known Russian specialists in artificial intelligence and robotics.

The composition of the expert council:

Independent judges
Any visitor of Startup Village 2015 can become a judge. All that is required of a judge is to talk 3 minutes first with one interlocutor, then with another, say who is the robot, and give him a score from 0 to 10. The more robot similar to the person interlocutor, the higher the score.

Lexi: technology infa

The project team Lexi will also take part in the event, but out of competition , since we are partners of Nanosemantics.

In short, in Lexi we develop a home device with which you can interact with your voice: you ask him about something, he answers you (a la Jarvis or Samantha from Her). Lexi can receive information from the Internet, manage household appliances, report news from social networks.

The main elements of Lexi are:

So, we have a virtual interlocutor with info from “Nanosemantiki”.

Inf is a virtual interlocutor, i.e. a program that simulates human communication. On the replicas of the person (text) info answers, following the patterns written in the DL (Dialogue Language) language. These templates are a flexible mechanism that allows you to describe input requests in a generalized form.

As a rule, information is installed on the site and communicate with visitors in a natural language through text, but we managed to use this technology in our project, combining it with speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies, which we will write later in separate articles.

What can be said about nanosemantika? For more than a decade of experience, the company has achieved excellent results and excellent characteristics of virtual interlocutors:

The company has developed a public service www.iii.ru , where you can make your interlocutor. In total, about 3.5 million info has been created at the moment. Employees of the company analyzed the dialogues: quite a few people talk with interlocutor robots quite seriously.

One of the interlocutors was built into ICQ. He communicated with anyone who wanted to, until he was banned from ICQ for gigantic traffic. Interesting things were discovered. There were sessions of incredible length. The average session was several hundred replicas, and the maximum was 1600 replicas. This means that in this case the person talked for 10-12 hours continuously. So, for all the seeming simplicity of the patterned approach, people really detained information.

From the difficulties that we faced, the most significant for us was that in our case, learning the info turns into a very time consuming process. In short, we first prepare the interactive part of info. Then, based on it, we are preparing a language model on which the recognition system is trained. Moreover, the process of preparing a language model often takes more time than the preparation of dialogues. But we will tell about it in the article about speech recognition in our project.

What our info can

What we have achieved. Infa answers

  1. Meaningful and expressed grammatically correctly;
  2. They contain information that a human interlocutor needs;
  3. Correspond to the communicative situation;
  4. Diverse in the way of expression;
  5. Emotionally painted.

Find infa. Dialogue Example 1


As you could understand, this is inf for dating online. So say, info-pickup. He can play the role of both sexes, using aggressive or calm tactics to the user's choice. The goal is to arrange a meeting. Once the goal is reached, control is transferred to the user's hands.

On the basis of it, we can make info, which, for example, will negotiate with the community administrators on the placement of promotional posts. Or negotiate with them about their entry into the information community, the material of which they can use for their own purposes. Or we can make info that will handle issues from social networks and act as a technical support officer.

In general, the range of application of such information is incredibly wide. The first thing that comes to mind:

If you have any suggestions, write!

Dialogue Example 2

Inf: Hello! I know a lot about Yota. If you have questions, I will try to help.
User: will iota be in Chekhov?
Inf: Some areas of the main highways and certain cities of the Moscow Region are included in the network construction plan as part of Moscow’s coverage. The network has already appeared in Lyubertsy, Balashikha, Ramenskoye, other localities of the Moscow region are next in turn. Check our coverage map and if there is no coverage for the address you are interested in, leave your request. As soon as the cover appears there, we will inform you.
User: if the iota icon is yellow, what does it mean?
Inf: If you are given the status “Connected with restrictions” in Yota Access, this means that you need to deposit money into your personal account. In this mode of operation of the device, our site and personal account are available. After payment you need to enter your personal account and activate the device. If the device is already activated, and the status has not changed, you should try to reconnect it to the computer.

On the event website, our partners made a demonstration robot . It is available in the personal account of each participant. You will find a link to it under the “Demonstration” tab.

You can chat with the demo info to visually see the virtual interlocutor in action and get valuable advice from him on how to train the robot. To do this, go to the "Testing" section.

And in the "Templates" section you can see how chatbot templates are made. This will help you to better understand how to correctly form the templates of your info, so that it successfully and correctly supported the dialogue.

About Evgenia Gustmane

In 2012, on the Turing Test, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing, the chatbot won for the first time. You can read more on the wiki , it is well described both about the conditions of the competition and the results of Zhenya Gustman.
At the Skolkovo Robotics conference we managed to talk with the creator of Gustman, Vladimir Veselov. Our team has long been acquainted with him, a very pleasant person who, unfortunately, lives far away from us (Veselov is now working in Amazon). We asked Vladimir about how Zhenya managed to circle the jury around his finger, to make some of them believe in the reality of this chatbot.
Surprisingly, it all sounds pretty simple, but brilliant.
Zhenya introduced himself as a 13-year-old boy from Odessa. In this case, the jury consisted of adults, for whom, of course, there is a barrier in understanding the 13-year-old boy. In addition, Zhenya explained to everyone that English is not his native language for him. These two points explained to the person all the mistakes and inconsistencies of Gustman's answers during the dialogue.
In general, Zhenya was able to speak only on two topics: about where he came from, and also about what he loves. He translated the conversation on any topic into a story about himself - and he could speak very well about himself.
After winning the Turing Test, Zhenya bought iFree, but failed to monetize the project, and they froze Zhenya.

In general, this story is indicative, firstly, because simple mechanics can work for passing the Turing Test, and secondly, that the Turing Test is, first of all, a sport, and the chatbot is created for it purely for the task of passing the test, and not for real-world applications in solving real problems.

In general, go ahead and see you on the first Russian-language Turing Test!

PS We know that there are other approaches to the creation of interactive systems. If you know how to solve it better (in your opinion) than with the help of info, write, discuss and discuss. For example, a recent post is a very interesting and funny idea.

More information about our project can be found on the social networking pages:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/257037/

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