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Java programmer cheat sheet 3. Java collections (standard, guava, apache, trove, gs-collections, and others)

Today I would like to talk about collections in Java. This topic is found in almost any technical interview by a Java developer, but not all developers have mastered all the collections of even the standard library, not to mention all the libraries with alternative implementations of the collections, such as guava, apache, trove and a number of others. Let's see what collections can be found in the Java world and what methods of working with them exist.

This article is useful for both beginners (to get a general understanding of what a collection is and how to work with them), as well as for more experienced programmers who may find something useful in it or simply structure their knowledge. Actually, the main thing is that you have at least a basic knowledge of collections in any programming language, since the article will not have an explanation of what a collection is in principle.

I. Standard Java Collection Library

Naturally, almost everyone knows the main collections in the JDK, but still remember them, if you are sure that you already know everything about standard collections, you can safely skip everything in the spoilers until the next section.

Beginner's Note on Collections
Sometimes it is quite difficult for beginners (especially if they came from other programming languages) to understand that only references / pointers are stored in the Java collection and nothing more. It seems to them that when calling add or put objects are actually stored somewhere inside the collection, this is true only for arrays, when they work with primitive types, but not for collections that store only links. Therefore, very often the beginners begin to answer something like “It depends on the type of objects that they store in” to interview questions like “Is it possible to call the exact size of the ArrayList collection”? This is absolutely not true, since collections never store objects themselves, but only links to them. For example, you can add the same object to the List a million times (more precisely, create a million references to one object).

1) JDK Collection Interfaces
JDK Collection Interfaces
Collection interfaces
IterableAn interface means that the collection has an iterator and can be circumvented with for (Type value: collection). There are almost all collections (except Map)
CollectionThe main interface for most collections (except Map)
ListThe list is an ordered collection, also known as a sequence.
(sequence). Duplicate elements in most implementations are allowed. Allows access by
item index Extends the Collection interface.
SetInterface that implements work with sets (similar to mathematical sets), duplicating
Items are prohibited. It may or may not be orderly. Extends the Collection interface.
QueueA queue is a collection designed to store objects before processing, in contrast to the usual operations on collections, a queue provides additional methods for adding, retrieving, and viewing. Fast access on an index of an element, as a rule, does not contain. Extends the Collection interface
DequeTwo-way queue, supports adding and removing items from both ends. Expands
Queue interface.
MapWorks with matching key - value. Each key corresponds to only one value. AT
unlike other collections does not extend any interfaces (including Collection and Iterable)
SortedSetAutomatically sorted set, or in natural order (for details, see
Comparable interface), or using the Comparator. Extends the Set Interface
SortedMapThis is a map whose keys are automatically sorted, either in natural order, or using
comparator Extends the Map interface.
This is SortedSet, to which additionally added methods for finding the closest value to the specified search value. NavigableSet can be accessed and accessed or in order.
descending values ​​or in ascending order.
This is SortedMap, to which additionally added methods for finding the closest value to the specified search value. Available for access and bypass either in descending order of values ​​or in
ascending order.

Interfaces from the java.util.concurrent package
A multi-threaded Queue implementation containing the ability to set the queue size, condition locks, various methods that handle overflows differently when adding or missing data when received (throw an exception, block the stream continuously or temporarily, return false, etc.)
This multi-threaded queue can block the insertion stream until the receiving thread pulls the element out of the queue, so that it can be used to implement synchronous and asynchronous message passing between threads.
Similar to BlockingQueue, but for a two-way queue
Interface, extends the Map interface. Adds a number of new atomic methods: putIfAbsent, remove, replace, which make it easier and more secure to make multi-threaded programming.
Extends the NavigableMap interface for the multi-threaded version.

If you are interested in more detailed information about interfaces and collections from java.util.concurrent I advise
read here this article .

2) A table with a very brief description of all collections
A table with a very brief description of all the collections.
Type ofSingle threadedMultithreaded
  • ArrayList - the main list, based on an array
  • LinkedList - useful only in some rare cases.
  • Vector - outdated

  • CopyOnWriteArrayList - rare updates, frequent reads

Queues /
  • ArrayDeque - the main implementation, based on an array
  • Stack - outdated
  • PriorityQueue - sorted queue

  • ArrayBlockingQueue - blocking queue
  • ConcurrentLinkedDeque / ConcurrentLinkedQueue - queue on connected nodes
  • DelayQueue - queue with a delay for each item
  • LinkedBlockingDeque / LinkedBlockingQueue - the blocking queue on the connected nodes
  • LinkedTransferQueue - can be used to transfer items
  • PriorityBlockingQueue - multi-threaded PriorityQueue
  • SynchronousQueue - a simple multi-threaded queue

  • HashMap - basic implementation
  • EnumMap - enum as keys
  • Hashtable - outdated
  • IdentityHashMap - keys are compared using ==
  • LinkedHashMap - saves insertion order
  • TreeMap - sorted keys
  • WeakHashMap - weak links, useful for caches

  • ConcurrentHashMap - the main multithreaded implementation
  • ConcurrentSkipListMap - sorted multi-threaded implementation

  • HashSet - the main implementation of the set
  • EnumSet - lots of enums
  • BitSet * - many bits
  • LinkedHashSet - saves insertion order
  • TreeSet - sorted set
  • ConcurrentSkipListSet - sorted multithreaded set
  • CopyOnWriteArraySet - rare updates, frequent reads

* - in fact, although BitSet is called Set'om, the Set interface does not inherit.

3) Obsolete collections in the JDK
Legacy Java Collections
Universal collections of general purpose, which are considered obsolete (legacy)
Originally conceived as a synchronized analogue of HashMap, when it was not yet possible
get the collection version using Collecions.synchronizedMap. At the moment, as a rule
use ConcurrentHashMap. HashTable is slower and less thread-safe than synchronous
HashMap, since it provides synchronism at the level of individual operations, and not entirely at the level
VectorPreviously used as a synchronous version of ArrayList, but outdated for the same reasons as
StackIt used to be used as a queue, but since it is built on the basis of Vector,
also considered obsolete.

Specialized collections built on legacy collections
NameBased onDescription
HashtableAs a data structure built on Hashtable, Properties is a rather outdated construction,
it is much better to use a Map containing strings. Read more why Properties
not recommended use can be found in this discussion .
HashtableThe collection that stores the default settings for the Swing component.

4) Collections that implement the List interface
Collections that implement the List interface
Universal general purpose collections that implement the List:
DescriptionThe size*
ListImplementing a List Interface Based on a Dynamically Variable Array. In most cases, the best possible implementation of the List interface is memory consumption and performance. In extremely rare cases where frequent insertions are required in the beginning or middle of the list with very small
by the number of moves through the list, LinkedList will win in performance (but I advise you to use TreeList from apache in these cases). If you are interested in the details of ArrayList I advise you to look at this article .
4 * N
ListImplementing a List of an interface based on a two-way linked list, i.e. when each item indicates the previous and next item. As a rule, it requires more memory and is worse in performance than an ArrayList, it makes sense to use only in rare cases when it is often necessary to insert / delete in the middle of the list with minimal movements in the list (but I advise you to use TreeList from apache in these cases). It also implements Deque interface. When working through the Queue interface, LinkedList acts as a FIFO queue. If you are interested in the details LinkedList I advise you to look at this article .
24 * N

Collections from the java.util.concurrent package
ListThe implementation of the List interface, similar to ArrayList, but each time the list is modified, is created
new copy of the entire collection. This requires very large resources with every change in the collection,
However, this type of collection does not require synchronization, even if the collection is changed during
iteration time.

Highly specialized collections based on the List.
TitleBased onDescription
ArrayListCollection to store a list of roles (Roles). Highly specialized collection based on
ArrayList with several additional methods
ArrayListCollection to store a list of unresolved roles (Unresolved Roles). Highly specialized
ArrayList based collection with several additional methods
ArrayListCollection for storing MBean attributes. A highly specialized collection based on ArrayList
with several additional methods

* - the size is given in bytes for 32 bit systems and Compressed Oops, where N is the capacity of the list

5) Collections that implement the Set interface (set)
Collections that implement the Set interface (set)
DescriptionThe size*
HashsetSetImplementing a Set interface using hash tables. In most cases, the best possible implementation of the Set interface.
32 * S + 4 * C
HashsetThe implementation of a Set interface based on hash tables and a linked list. Ordered by adding a set that works almost as fast as HashSet. In general, it is almost the same as HashSet, only the order of iteration over the set is determined by the order of adding an element in
set for the first time.
40 * S + 4 * C
Implement the NavigableSet interface using a red-black tree. Sorted using Comparator or natural order, that is, traversal / iteration over the set will occur depending on the sorting rule. Based on TreeMap, just like HashSet is based on HashMap
40 * S
EnumsetSetA high-performance implementation of a Set vector based on a bit vector. All elements of an EnumSet object must belong to a single enum type.
S / 8

* - the size is given in bytes for 32 bit systems and Compressed Oops, where C is the capacity of the list, S is the size of the list

Highly specialized Set-based collections
HashsetA collection for storing information about print jobs (print job's attribute set).
A highly specialized HashSet-based collection with several additional methods.

Collections from the java.util.concurrent package
SetSimilarly, CopyOnWriteArrayList with each change creates a copy of the entire set, therefore
recommended for very rare collection changes and thread-safe requirements
SetIt is a multi-threaded analogue of the TreeSet

6) Collections that implement the Map interface (associative array)
Collections that implement the Map interface
Universal general purpose collections that implement Map:
DescriptionThe size*
HashmapMapImplementation of the Map interface using hash tables (works as a non-synchronous Hashtable, with
support for keys and null values). In most cases, the best in performance and
Memory Map implementation interface. If you are interested in the details of the HashMap device, I advise you to look at this article .
32 * S + 4 * C
HashmapThe implementation of the Map interface, based on the hash table and the linked list, that is, the keys in the Map
stored and managed in the order of addition. This collection works almost as fast as
HashMap. It can also be useful for creating caches (see
removeEldestEntry (Map.Entry)). If you are interested in the details of the device LinkedHashMap I advise you to look at this article .
40 * S + 4 * C
Implementing NavigableMap with a red-and-black tree, that is, while traversing the collection, keys
will be sorted in order, also NavigableMap allows you to search for the closest value to the key.
40 * S
MapSame as HashMap, but all keys are weak
links (weak references), that is, garbage collected can remove objects keys and objects
values ​​if there are no other references to these objects. WeakHashMap is one of the easiest
ways to take full advantage of weak links.
32 * S + 4 * C
EnummapMapHigh-performance implementation of the Map interface based on a simple array. All keys in
Only one enum can belong to this collection.
4 * C
MapIdentity-based Map, like HashMap, is based on a hash table, but unlike HashMap it
never compares objects to equals, only on whether they are really the same and the same
object in memory. This is, firstly, greatly accelerates the work of the collection, secondly, it is useful for
protection against “spoof attacks” when equals objects are consciously generated by another object.
Third, this collection has many uses for traversing graphs (such as deep copying
or serialization), when you need to avoid processing a single object several times.
8 * C

* - the size is given in bytes for 32 bit systems and Compressed Oops, where C is the capacity of the list, S is the size of the list

Collections from the java.util.concurrent package
Multi-threaded analogue of HashMap. All data is divided into separate segments and blocked only.
individual segments when changing, which significantly speeds up work in a multi-threaded
mode. Iterators never throw a ConcurrentModificationException for this type of collection.
It is a multithreaded analogue of TreeMap

7) Collections based on Queue / Deque interfaces
Queue / Deque based collections
DescriptionThe size*
DequeEffective implementation of the Deque interface, based on a dynamic array, similar
6 * N
DequeThe implementation of the List and Deque interface based on a two-way linked list, that is, when each item points to the previous and next item. When working through the Queue interface, LinkedList acts as a FIFO queue.
40 * N
QueueUnlimited priority queue based on heap (heap). Items sorted in natural
order or using the comparator. Cannot contain null elements.

* - the size is given in bytes for 32 bit systems and Compressed Oops, where C is the capacity of the list, S is the size of the list

Multi-threaded Queue and Deque, which are defined in java.util.concurrent, require a separate article, so here I will not give them if you are interested in information about them I advise you to read this article

8) Other collections
Other collections
TitleDescriptionThe size*
Bit set
Despite the name, BitSet does not implement the Set interface. BitSet is used for compact recording of an array of bits.
N / 8

9) Methods of working with collections
Methods of working with collections
Algorithms- The Collections class contains many useful statistical methods.
To work with any collection:
frequency (Collection, Object)
Returns the number of occurrences of this item in the specified collection.
disjoint (Collection, Collection)Returns true if there are no common items in the two collections.
addAll (Collection <? super T>, T ...)Adds all elements from the specified array (or listed in parameters) to the specified collection.
min (Collection)Return the minimum item from the collection
max (Collection)Returning the maximum item from the collection

To work with lists:
sort (List)Sorting using the sorting algorithm by the compound (merge sort algorithm), whose performance in most cases is close to the performance of quick sorting (high quality quicksort), is guaranteed by O (n * log n) performance (unlike quicksort), and stability (unlike quicksort). Stable sorting is one that does not change the order of the same elements when sorting.
binarySearch (List, Object)Search for an item in the list (list) using the binary search algorithm.
reverse (List)Change the order of all elements of the list (list)
shuffle (list)Shuffle all items in the list in random order
fill (List, Object)Rewriting each item in the list with any value
copy (List dest, List src)Copying one list to another
rotate (List list, int distance)Moves all items in the list for a specified distance.
replaceAll (List list, Object oldVal, Object newVal)Replaces all occurrences of one value with another.
indexOfSubList (List source, List target)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the target list in the source list.
lastIndexOfSubList (List source, List target)Returns the index of the last occurrence of the target list in the source list.
swap (List, int, int)Swaps the items in the specified positions

In Java 8, there was also such a way of working with collections as stream Api, but we will look at examples of its use further in section 5.

10) How are different types of JDK collections inside arranged?
How different types of JDK collections are arranged inside
CollectionDescription of the internal device
ArrayList+ size .
, . AT
. , /
/ .
LinkedListNode, ,
, LinkedList
. ArrayList, ArrayDequery , ( ), ( TreeList apache). .
HashMap-, (buket) Node capacity . -, capacity HashMap . Node . / ( -), Node , , equals , , Node . , (buket) 8 , . ( HashMap ). HashMap .
HashSetHashSet HashMap, Object , . HashSet HashMap.
IdentityHashMapIdentityHashMap HashMap, equals,
. .
Node, ,
( IdentityHashMap )
Node, TreeNode, ,
LinkedHashMap . , LinkedHashMap =
HashMap + LinkedList. LinkedHashMap .
TreeMap/TreeSet- ,

WeakReference ReferenceQueue,
EnumSet/EnumMapEnumSet EnumMap HashSet HashMap
EnumSet EnumMap Enum'.


1) Wrapper implementations – . .
  • Collections.unmodifiableInterface – , UnsupportedOperationException
  • Collections.synchronizedInterface – , -, , .
  • Collections.checkedInterface
    ( ), type-safe view ,
    ClassCastException .
    generic' JDK ,
    , .

2) Adapter implementations
  • newSetFromMap(Map) – Set Map .
  • asLifoQueue(Deque) - view Deque Last In First Out (LIFO).

3) Convenience implementations – «-» .
  • Arrays.asList – (list)
  • emptySet, emptyList emptyMap – empty set, list, or
  • singleton, singletonList singletonMap – set, list map, ( -)
  • nCopies – , n

4) — ( ) .
  • AbstractCollection – Collection , , ( «bag» multiset).
  • AbstractSet — Set .
  • AbstractList – List , (random access), .
  • AbstractSequentialList – List , , (sequential access), linked list.
  • AbstractQueue — Queue .
  • AbstractMap — Map .

  • Iterators – Enumeration , .
  • Iterator – Enumeration , .
  • ListIterator – Iterator lists, Iterator , , , , .

5) Ordering
  • Comparable — , . sorted set map.
  • Comparator — Represents an order relation, which can be used to sort a list or maintin order in a sorted set or map. Can override a type's natural ordering or order objects of a type that does not implement the Comparable interface.

6) Runtime exceptions
  • UnsupportedOperationException – , .
  • ConcurrentModificationException – iterators list iterators, ( ) , views , .

  • RandomAccess — -, ( ) . .

  • Arrays – , , , , . .


, : guava, apache, trove gs-collections. ? Guava Apache Commons Collections Java , Trove — , . GS-collections — github'e (>1300 ), «» guava. .

, , (: , - ).


( ) :
1) Guava — ,
, «» -
, Collections , .

2) Apache Commons Collections — «» guava,
, Java, wrapper'
. map'

3) Trove — ,
( ),

4) GS-collections — ,


Here I will try to briefly consider what new interesting types of collections can be found in different libraries:

3.1 Alternative Guava Collections

Official information: documentation , source codes , javadoc .
How to connect to the project:
Maven, gradle
<dependency> <groupId>com.google.guava</groupId> <artifactId>guava</artifactId> <version>18.0</version> </dependency> 

 dependencies { compile 'com.google.guava:guava:18.0' } 

Google has developed a number of interesting additions to existing collections, which are very, very useful if you can
use the guava library in your project. It can be said that these collections have long become the de facto standard
for most Java projects, so for any experienced developer it’s important to know them, even if for some reason
reasons can not use them in their projects, often at interviews you can hear questions on guava

Let's look at them in more detail. First, consider the interfaces of the main collections and the class groups in guava.

Note : if the table does not fit entirely, try zooming out the page or open it in another browser.
TitleDescriptionImplementation examplesExamples of using
… etc.
Although in the standard Java collection framework it is possible to make the collection immutable by calling
Collections.unmodifiableCollection (unmodifiableList or unmodifiableMap), but this approach is not the most
optimal because a separate type for immutable collections allows you to be sure that
the collection is really immutable, instead of runtime errors, when you try to change the collection,
there will be errors during the compilation of the project, besides, in the standard Java collection framework, immutable
collections still spend resources on synchronization support for multi-threaded reading, etc.
operations, while the ImmutableCollection guava "knows" that they are immutable and optimized with
considering this.
JDK: ImmutableCollection ,
Immmutablelist ,
ImmutableSet ,
ImmutableSortedSet ,
ImmutableMap ,
Guava: ImmutableMultiset ,
ImmutableSortedMultiset ,
ImmutableMultimap ,
ImmutableListMultimap ,
ImmutableSetMultimap ,
ImmutableBiMap ,
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap ,
- if the public method returns a collection that other classes are guaranteed not to change,
- if it is known that the values ​​of the collection should never change again
The collection is similar to Set, but allows you to additionally count the number of additions of the element. Highly
useful for those tasks when you need not only to know if a given element is in a given set, but also
count their number (the simplest example is counting the number of references to certain words in
any text). That is, this collection is a more convenient version of the collection Map <T, Integer>, with methods specifically designed for such collections, allows very much
reduce the amount of excess code in such cases.
TreeMultiset ,
Concurrenthashmultiset ,
- count the number of occurrences of words in the text
- count the number of letters in the text
- counting the count of any objects
Practically any experienced Java developer faced the need to use structures like Map <K, List <V >> or Map <K, Set <V >>, and you had to write a lot of extra code, to simplify the work of the guava library, Multimap was entered, There are collections that allow you to simply work with cases when
one key and many values ​​for this key. Unlike constructions like Map <K, Set <V >>, Multimap provides a number of convenient functions for shortening code and simplifying algorithms.
ArrayListMultimap ,
HashMultimap ,
LinkedListMultimap ,
LinkedHashMultimap ,
TreeMultimap ,
ImmutableListMultimap ,
- implementation of one-to-many relationships, such as:
teacher - students
department - employees
chief - subordinates
Quite often there are situations when you want to create a Map'u working in both directions, that is,
when a key and a value can be swapped (for example, a Russian-English dictionary, when in one case
it is required to receive in the Russian word - English, in another vice versa in English-Russian). Usually this
it is solved by creating two Map, where in one will be key1-key2, in the other key2-key1). BiMap allows
solve this problem with just one collection. In addition, it eliminates problems and errors.
synchronization when using two collections.
ImmutableBiMap ,
EnumBiMap ,
- dictionary for translation from one language to another and vice versa
- any data conversion in both directions,
This collection is used to replace collections of the type Map <FirstName, Map <LastName, Person >>,
which are inconvenient to use.
TreeBasedTable ,
- table, for example, as in Excel
- any complex data structures with a large number of columns,
Sometimes you need to store in Map'e not a key-value, but a type-value of this type, for this purpose this
collection. That is, it is technically more convenient and safer analog Map
<? extends B>, B>
MutableClassToInstanceMap ,
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap .
Collection to store different open and closed segments of numerical values, while the segments can
unite with each other.
ImmmutableRangeSet ,
Geometric cuts
Time slices
A collection that is similar to a RangeSet, but the segments are never merged with each other.ImmutableRangeMap ,
Geometric cuts
Time slices
A collection similar to ConcurrentMap, but you can also specify the time each is stored
element. A very convenient collection for organizing caches, counting the number of incorrect passwords for
some period of time, etc. tasks
ForwardingLoadingCache ,
storage erroneous
password entry attempts

3.2 New types of collections from Apache Commons Collections

Official information : documentation , source codes , user documentation , javadoc .
How to connect to the project:
Maven, Gradle, Ivy
 <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> <artifactId>commons-collections4</artifactId> <version>4.0</version> </dependency> 


 <dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-collections4" rev="4.0"/> 

Note : if the table does not fit entirely, try zooming out the page or open it in another browser.
TitleDescriptionImplementation examplesExamples of using
Interface similar to Immutable guava classesUnmodifiableBag ,
UnmodifiableBidiMap ,
UnmodifiableCollection ,
UnmodifiableList ,
in all cases when you need to create an unmodified collection
Analogue of the Map interface, but allowing to iterate over the Map directly without creating an entry set. Used by
in almost all implementations of Map in this library.
and a number of others
Same as usual maps.
Allows you to create maps that are ordered by adding, but not using sortingLinkedMap
In cases when the List is used separately and the Map separately
Analogue of BiMap from Guava, that is, the ability to get a value by key, and a key by valueTreeBidiMap
DualHashBidiMap ,
DualLinkedHashBidiMap ,
Any one-to-one conversions that need to be done both ways.
Analogue Multiset from Guava, that is, the ability to save the number of elements of each typeCollectionBag ,
SynchronizedBag ,
counting the count of any objects
Allows you to create dynamic collections, limited to some size from aboveCircularFifoQueue ,
FixedSizeList ,
FixedSizeMap ,
in the case when you know for sure that there cannot be more than a certain number in the collection
Analogue Multimap from Guava, that is, the ability to save multiple items for one keyMultiValueMapfor collections with connections one key - many values
Collection for creating and storing ordered treesPatriciaTriemaking trees
Replacing ArrayList and LinkedList if you want to insert an element into the middle of the list, since this list stores data in a tree form, which allows on the one hand to relatively quickly obtain data on the index, on the other hand to quickly insert data into the middle of the list.Treelistreplacing LinkedList with frequent additions / accents in the middle of the list

3.3 Trove collections

Unlike other libraries of alternative collections, Trove does not offer any new unique types.
collections, but it offers optimization of existing:
First, as you know, primitive Java types cannot be added to standard collections, only their wrappers, which dramatically
increases memory usage and somewhat degrades collection performance. Trove offers a collection of collections
whose keys and values ​​may contain primitive types.

Secondly, standard collections are often not implemented in the most optimal way to consume memory, for example, each HashMap element is stored in a separate object, and HashSet is a HashMap that stores fake objects instead of keys. Trove offers its own implementation of such collections based on arrays and open addressing, which can significantly reduce the required memory and in some cases improve performance.

Update: In the comments to the article, it was suggested that Trove is poorly used in new projects, as it is inferior in all respects to fastutil or GS (number of bugs, full interface coverage, performance, support activity, etc.). Unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged analysis / comparison of Trove with fastutil and GS, so I can’t check this opinion, just consider it when choosing a library of alternative collections.

Official information: documentation , source codes , javadoc .
How to connect to the project:
Maven, Gradle, Ivy
 <dependency> <groupId>net.sf.trove4j</groupId> <artifactId>trove4j</artifactId> <version>3.0.3</version> </dependency> 


 <dependency org="net.sf.trove4j" name="trove4j" rev="3.0.3"/> 

TitleJDK AnalogDescription
THashMapHashmapThe implementation of the Map interface, which uses a hash table with the " open addressing " algorithm to resolve collisions (unlike HashMap where the chaining method is used). This allows you not to store and create objects of the Node class, while greatly saving memory and, in some cases, improving performance.
THashSetHashsetAn implementation of a Set interface that uses a hash table with an " open addressing " algorithm to resolve collisions
TLinkedHashSetLinkedHashSetAnalogue to LinkedHashSet, but using hash tables with the " open addressing " algorithm
TlinkedlistLinkedlistA more productive analogue of the linked list, but imposing a number of restrictions on the data.
TByteArrayList ,
TIntArrayList , etc.
ArrayListAn analogue of ArrayList, which directly stores primitive numeric values, which drastically reduces memory costs and speeds up processing. There are collections for all seven primitive numeric types, the naming pattern T [Type] ArrayList
TCharLinkedList ,
TFloatLinkedList , etc.
LinkedlistAnalog LinkedList for storing seven primitive numeric types, naming pattern T [Type] LinkedList
TByteArrayStack ,
ArrayDequeryImplementing a stack to store primitive numeric types, naming pattern T [Type] LinkedList
TIntQueue ,
ArrayDequeryQueue implementation for storing primitive numeric types, naming pattern T [Type] Queue
TShortHashSet ,
HashsetImplementing a Set interface for storing primitive types, with an open addressing algorithm, naming pattern T [Type] HashSet
TLongLongHashMap ,
TFloatObjectHashMap ,
TShortObjectHashMap , etc.
HashmapMap implementation of an interface for storing primitive types, with an open addressing algorithm, naming pattern T [Type] [Type] HashMap, where the type can be Object

3.4 GS-collections collections

The main feature of this library is that it is illogical and ugly that the methods for processing collections (sorting, searching) are not added to the collection classes themselves, but are used by Collections.sort, etc. methods, so GS-collections offered the idea of ​​“rich” collections (rich collections), which store all the methods of processing, searching, sorting, that is, instead of Collections.sort (list), it is simply called list.sort. Therefore, the library offers its analogues of standard collections and, in addition, a number of new collections.
Official information : documentation , source codes , user documentation , javadoc .
How to connect to the project:
Maven, Gradle, Ivy
 <dependency> <groupId>com.goldmansachs</groupId> <artifactId>gs-collections-api</artifactId> <version>6.2.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.goldmansachs</groupId> <artifactId>gs-collections</artifactId> <version>6.2.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.goldmansachs</groupId> <artifactId>gs-collections-testutils</artifactId> <version>6.2.0</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.goldmansachs</groupId> <artifactId>gs-collections-forkjoin</artifactId> <version>6.2.0</version> </dependency> 

 compile 'com.goldmansachs:gs-collections-api:6.2.0' compile 'com.goldmansachs:gs-collections:6.2.0' testCompile 'com.goldmansachs:gs-collections-testutils:6.2.0' compile 'com.goldmansachs:gs-collections-forkjoin:6.2.0' 

 <dependency org="com.goldmansachs" name="gs-collections-api" rev="6.2.0" /> <dependency org="com.goldmansachs" name="gs-collections" rev="6.2.0" /> <dependency org="com.goldmansachs" name="gs-collections-testutils" rev="6.2.0" /> <dependency org="com.goldmansachs" name="gs-collections-forkjoin" rev="6.2.0"/> 

TitleJDK AnalogDescription
FastlistArrayListAnalog ArrayList with the ability to use functions like sort, select, etc. right at the collection object
UnifiedsetHashsetAnalog HashSet. See FastList
TreeSortedSetTreesetAnalogue TreeSet. See FastList
UnifiedmapHashmapAnalog HashMap. See FastList
TreeSortedMapTreemapAnalogue TreeMap. See FastList
Hashbimap-BiMap implementation, see Guava
Hashbag-Multiset implementation, see Guava
Treebag-Implementing a sorted BiMap, see Guava
ArrayStackArrayDequeImplement a stack with a "last-in, first-out" order, similar to the Stack JDK class
FastListMultimap-Multimap implementation, see Guava
IntArrayList ,
-Collections of primitive different types, the principle of naming is the same as that of a trove, but besides analogs of JDK, there are also analogs of collections Stack, Bag

3.5 Fastutil Collections

Let's take a very brief look at this library for working with collections of primitive types.
More information can be found: documentation , source codes , javadoc
Collections of various primitive types, naming principle [Type] ArrayList, [Type] ArrayPriorityQueue, etc. for lists or sets, and [Key Type] 2 [Type Values] OpenHashMap, etc. for Map.
DoubleOpenHashBigSet, etc.
Collections of various primitive types are very large, these collections allow the use of long elements instead of int. Inside, data is usually stored as an array of arrays. It is not recommended to use such collections where the usual ones are enough, since productivity losses can reach approximately 30%, however such collections allow working with a really large amount of data.

3.6 Other collection libraries and a little about the performance of primitive collections

In addition to Trove and Fastutil, there are several other well-known libraries that implement collections of primitive types and faster analogs of standard collections:
1) HPPC - High Performance Primitive Collections for Java, also provides primitive collections similar to those from the JDK,
2) Koloboke (another name HFTC) - as can be understood from the name of this library of primitive types developed by a Russian programmer (Roman Leventov) in the framework of the OpenHFT project. The library also serves to implement high-performance primitive collections.

If you are interested in comparing the performance of different libraries, I advise you to look at this article , but you need to take into account that only the HashMap collections were tested and under certain conditions. In addition, they measured only the speed of work, not taking into account the memory occupied (for example, HashMap jdk can take much more memory than analogs from trove), and sometimes the memory can be even more important than performance.

Update: In the comments to the article, it was suggested that Trove is poorly used in new projects, as it is inferior in all respects to fastutil or GS (number of bugs, full interface coverage, performance, support activity, etc.). Unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to conduct a full-fledged analysis / comparison of Trove with fastutil and GS, so I can’t check this opinion, just consider it when choosing a library of alternative collections.

Iv. Comparison of the implementation of the most popular alternative collections in different libraries

4.1 Implementing a multiset (MultiSet / Bag) in guava, Apache Commons Collections and GS libraries

So, a multiset is a set that preserves not only the fact that there are elements in the set, but also the number
occurrences in it. In the JDK, it can be emulated by the Map construct.
<T, Integer>, but, naturally, specialized collections allow using significantly less code. Compare
Which implementations of this collection are offered by different libraries:

Note : if the table does not fit entirely, try zooming out the page or open it in another browser.
Collection typeGuavaApache Commons CollectionsGS CollectionsJDK
Collection order not definedHashmultiset
HashMap <String, Integer>
Sorted in preset or natural orderTreeMultiset
TreeMap <String, Integer>
In order of additionLinkedHashMultiset
--LinkedHashMap <String, Integere>
Collections.synchronizedMap (HashMap <String, Integer>)
Multithreaded and sorted-SynchronizedSortedBag
Collections.synchronizedSortedMap (TreeMap <String, Integer>)
Not changeableImmmutableMultiset
Collections.unmodifiableMap (HashMap <String, Integer>)
Unmodifiable and sortedImmutableSortedMultiset
UnmodifiableSortedBagCollections.unmodifiableSortedMap (TreeMap <String, Integer>)

Examples of using multiset (MultiSet / Bag) to count words in text

There is a task : a line of the text “Hello World! Hello All! Hi World! ”, You need to disassemble it into separate
words where the separator is just a space, save to some collection and output the number of entries for each
words, the total number of words in the text and the number of unique words.

Let's see how to do this with
1. Different Multiset options from Guava:
Use guava HashMultiset to count words
Note that the output order in System.out.println (multiset) and in
System.out.println (multiset.elementSet ()) is arbitrary, that is, not defined.
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Multiset<String> multiset = HashMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(multiset); //  [Hi, Hello x 2, World! x 2, All!] -    //     System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + multiset.count("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + multiset.count("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + multiset.count("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + multiset.count("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + multiset.count("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(multiset.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiset.elementSet().size()); // 4 

Use guava's TreeMultiset to count words
Note that the output order in System.out.println (multiset) and in
System.out.println (multiset.elementSet ()) is natural, that is, the words are sorted alphabetically.
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Multiset<String> multiset = TreeMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(multiset); //  [All!, Hello x 2, Hi, World! x 2]-    //     System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()); //  [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]-    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + multiset.count("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + multiset.count("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + multiset.count("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + multiset.count("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + multiset.count("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(multiset.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiset.elementSet().size()); // 4 

LinkedHashMultisetTest guava
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) —
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Multiset<String> multiset = LinkedHashMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(multiset); //  [Hello x 2, World! x 2, All!, Hi]-      //     System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi] -      //      System.out.println("Hello = " + multiset.count("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + multiset.count("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + multiset.count("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + multiset.count("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + multiset.count("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(multiset.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiset.elementSet().size()); // 4 

ConcurrentHashMultiset guava
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) — , ,
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Multiset<String> multiset = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(multiset); //  [Hi, Hello x 2, World! x 2, All!] -    //     System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + multiset.count("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + multiset.count("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + multiset.count("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + multiset.count("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + multiset.count("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(multiset.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiset.elementSet().size()); // 4 

2. Bag Apache Commons Collections:
HashBag Apache Commons Collections
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) — , .
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Bag bag = new HashBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [1:Hi,2:Hello,2:World!,1:All!] -    //     System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.getCount("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.getCount("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.getCount("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.getCount("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.getCount("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet().size()); // 4 

TreeBag Apache Commons Collections
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) — , .
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Bag bag = new TreeBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [1:All!,2:Hello,1:Hi,2:World!]-    //     System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet()); //  [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]-    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.getCount("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.getCount("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.getCount("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.getCount("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.getCount("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet().size()); // 4 

SynchronizedBag Apache Commons Collections
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) — , ,
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Bag bag = SynchronizedBag.synchronizedBag(new HashBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [1:Hi,2:Hello,2:World!,1:All!] -    //     System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.getCount("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.getCount("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.getCount("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.getCount("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.getCount("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet().size()); // 4 

SynchronizedSortedBag Apache Commons Collections
, System.out.println(multiset)
System.out.println(multiset.elementSet()) — , ,
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset Bag bag = SynchronizedSortedBag.synchronizedBag(new TreeBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [1:All!,2:Hello,1:Hi,2:World!]-    //     System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet()); //  [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]-    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.getCount("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.getCount("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.getCount("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.getCount("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.getCount("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); //  6 //       System.out.println(bag.uniqueSet().size()); //  4 

3. Bag GS Collections:
MutableBag GS Collections
, System.out.println(bag) System.out.println(bag.toSet()) —

  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset MutableBag<String> bag = HashBag.newBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [Hi, World!, World!, Hello, Hello, All!]-    //     System.out.println(bag.toSet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.occurrencesOf("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.occurrencesOf("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(bag.toSet().size()); // 4 

MutableSortedBag GS Collections
, System.out.println(bag) System.out.println(bag.toSortedSet()) — , ..
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //  Multiset MutableSortedBag<String> bag = TreeBag.newBag(Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" "))); //  -   System.out.println(bag); //  [All!, Hello, Hello, Hi, World!, World!]-    //     System.out.println(bag.toSortedSet()); //  [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]-    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + bag.occurrencesOf("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + bag.occurrencesOf("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + bag.occurrencesOf("Empty")); //  0 //        System.out.println(bag.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(bag.toSet().size()); // 4 

4. , JDK multiSet HashMap
multiSet HashMap
, , , multiSet
  //     String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; List<String> listResult = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //   Multiset c  HashMap   Map<String, Integer> fakeMultiset = new HashMap<String,Integer>(listResult.size()); for(String word: listResult) { Integer cnt = fakeMultiset.get(word); fakeMultiset.put(word, cnt == null ? 1 : cnt + 1); } //  -   System.out.println(fakeMultiset); //  {World!=2, Hi=1, Hello=2, All!=1}-    //     System.out.println(fakeMultiset.keySet()); //  [World!, Hi, Hello, All!] -    //      System.out.println("Hello = " + fakeMultiset.get("Hello")); //  2 System.out.println("World = " + fakeMultiset.get("World!")); //  2 System.out.println("All = " + fakeMultiset.get("All!")); //  1 System.out.println("Hi = " + fakeMultiset.get("Hi")); //  1 System.out.println("Empty = " + fakeMultiset.get("Empty")); //  null //        Integer cnt = 0; for (Integer wordCount : fakeMultiset.values()){ cnt += wordCount; } System.out.println(cnt); // 6 //      System.out.println(fakeMultiset.size()); // 4 

4.2 Multimap guava, Apache Commons Collections GS Collections

, Multimap map, .
, — ,
— , JDK

: , .






new HashMap<K,

new HashMap<K,
Set>(), TreeSet.class);



List>(), ArrayList.class);
K, ArrayList<V>>



LinkedHashMap<K, Set>(),


new TreeMap<K,

, Apache Commons Collections ,
. guava ,
map' . GS Collections
multimap Bag (HashBagMultimap), . multiset multimap.


: «Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!»,
, Hello ..

1. Multimap Guava:
HashMultimap guava
, , (
HashMap, HashSet). .
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List <String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = HashMultimap.create(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} -    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

ArrayListMultimapTest guava
, ,
( HashMap, ArrayList).
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List <String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} -    ,     //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi]-    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

LinkedHashMultimapTest guava
, (
LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet).
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List <String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3], Hi=[4]}-   //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi]-    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

LinkedListMultimapTest guava
, (
LinkedHashMap, LinkedList).
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List <String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3], Hi=[4]}-   //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi]-    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

TreeMultimapTest guava
, (
TreeMap, TreeSet).
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Multimap<String, Integer> multiMap = TreeMultimap.create(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3], Hi=[4]}-   //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi]-    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

2. MultiValueMap Apache Commons Collections:
MultiValueMap Apache Commons Collections
, ( HashMap
ArrayList )
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MultiMap<String, Integer> multiMap = new MultiValueMap<String, Integer>(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} -    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  null //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

MultiValueMap, TreeMap<String, TreeSet>()
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MultiMap<String, Integer> multiMap = MultiValueMap.multiValueMap(new TreeMap<String, Set>(), TreeSet.class); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {All!=[3], Hello=[0, 2], Hi=[4], World!=[1, 5]} -   //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [All!, Hello, Hi, World!]    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  null //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

MultiValueMap, LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashSet>()
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MultiMap<String, Integer> multiMap = MultiValueMap.multiValueMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Set>(), LinkedHashSet.class); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3], Hi=[4]} -    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keySet()); //  [Hello, World!, All!, Hi] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  null //       System.out.println(multiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

3. Multimap GS Collections:
  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MutableListMultimap<String, Integer> multiMap = new FastListMultimap<String, Integer>(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], World!=[1, 5], Hello=[0, 2], All!=[3]}-    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keysView()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //        System.out.println(multiMap.keysView().size()); // 4 

  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MutableBagMultimap<String, Integer> multiMap = new HashBagMultimap<String, Integer>(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], World!=[1, 5], Hello=[0, 2], All!=[3]}-    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keysView()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //        System.out.println(multiMap.keysView().size()); // 4 

  String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap MutableSortedSetMultimap<String, Integer> multiMap = new TreeSortedSetMultimap<String, Integer>(); //  Multimap int i = 0; for(String word: words) { multiMap.put(word, i); i++; } //       System.out.println(multiMap); //  {Hi=[4], World!=[1, 5], Hello=[0, 2], All!=[3]}-    //     System.out.println(multiMap.keysView()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + multiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + multiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + multiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + multiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + multiMap.get("Empty")); //  [] //        System.out.println(multiMap.size()); // 6 //        System.out.println(multiMap.keysView().size()); // 4 

4. , JDK multiMap HashMap
multiMap HashMap
  final int LIST_INDEXES_CAPACITY = 50; String INPUT_TEXT = "Hello World! Hello All! Hi World!"; //       List<String> words = Arrays.asList(INPUT_TEXT.split(" ")); //  Multimap Map<String, List<Integer>> fakeMultiMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(words.size()); //  map int i = 0; for(String word: words) { List<Integer> indexes = fakeMultiMap.get(word); if(indexes == null) { indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(LIST_INDEXES_CAPACITY); fakeMultiMap.put(word, indexes); } indexes.add(i); i++; } //       System.out.println(fakeMultiMap); //  {Hi=[4], Hello=[0, 2], World!=[1, 5], All!=[3]} -    //     System.out.println(fakeMultiMap.keySet()); //  [Hi, Hello, World!, All!] -    //        System.out.println("Hello = " + fakeMultiMap.get("Hello")); //  [0, 2] System.out.println("World = " + fakeMultiMap.get("World!")); //  [1, 5] System.out.println("All = " + fakeMultiMap.get("All!")); //  [3] System.out.println("Hi = " + fakeMultiMap.get("Hi")); //  [4] System.out.println("Empty = " + fakeMultiMap.get("Empty")); //  null //        int cnt = 0; for(List<Integer> lists: fakeMultiMap.values()) { cnt += lists.size(); } System.out.println(cnt); // 6 //        System.out.println(fakeMultiMap.keySet().size()); // 4 

4.3 BiMap guava, Apache Commons Collections GS Collections

BiMap , HashBiMap guava GS Collections
BidiMap Apache Commons Collections. HashBiMap, guava Enum
, EnumHashBiMap EnumBiMap, Apache Commons Collections
, .

BiMap - «»,

: ,
- , .

1. BiMap Guava:
BiMap guava
  String[] englishWords = {"one", "two", "three","ball","snow"}; String[] russianWords = {"", "", "","","c"}; //  Multiset BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create(englishWords.length); //  -  int i = 0; for(String englishWord: englishWords) { biMap.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMap); //  {two=, three=, snow=c, ball=, one=} -    //     System.out.println(biMap.keySet()); //  [two, three, snow, ball, one] -    System.out.println(biMap.values()); //  [, , c, , ]-    //      System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get("one")); //  one =  System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get("two")); //  two =  System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("")); //   = ball System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("c")); //   = snow System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 5 

EnumBiMap guava
  enum ENGLISH_WORD { ONE, TWO, THREE, BALL, SNOW } enum POLISH_WORD { JEDEN, DWA, TRZY, KULA, SNIEG } //    - ,         public static void main(String[] args) { ENGLISH_WORD[] englishWords = ENGLISH_WORD.values(); POLISH_WORD[] polishWords = POLISH_WORD.values(); //  Multiset BiMap<ENGLISH_WORD, POLISH_WORD> biMap = EnumBiMap.create(ENGLISH_WORD.class, POLISH_WORD.class); //  -  int i = 0; for(ENGLISH_WORD englishWord: englishWords) { biMap.put(englishWord, polishWords[i]); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMap); //  {ONE=JEDEN, TWO=DWA, THREE=TRZY, BALL=KULA, SNOW=SNIEG} //     System.out.println(biMap.keySet()); //  [ONE, TWO, THREE, BALL, SNOW] System.out.println(biMap.values()); //  [JEDEN, DWA, TRZY, KULA, SNIEG] //      System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get(ENGLISH_WORD.ONE)); //  one = JEDEN System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get(ENGLISH_WORD.TWO)); //  two = DWA System.out.println("kula = " + biMap.inverse().get(POLISH_WORD.KULA)); //  kula = BALL System.out.println("snieg = " + biMap.inverse().get(POLISH_WORD.SNIEG)); //  snieg = SNOW System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 5 } 

EnumHashBiMap guava
  enum ENGLISH_WORD { ONE, TWO, THREE, BALL, SNOW } //    - ,         public static void main(String[] args) { ENGLISH_WORD[] englishWords = ENGLISH_WORD.values(); String[] russianWords = {"", "", "","","c"}; //  Multiset BiMap<ENGLISH_WORD, String> biMap = EnumHashBiMap.create(ENGLISH_WORD.class); //  -  int i = 0; for(ENGLISH_WORD englishWord: englishWords) { biMap.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMap); //  {ONE=, TWO=, THREE=, BALL=, SNOW=c} //     System.out.println(biMap.keySet()); //  [ONE, TWO, THREE, BALL, SNOW] System.out.println(biMap.values()); //  [, , , , c] //      System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get(ENGLISH_WORD.ONE)); //  one =  System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get(ENGLISH_WORD.TWO)); //  two =  System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("")); //   = BALL System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("c")); //   = SNOW System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 5 } 

2. C BidiMap Apache Commons Collections:
DualHashBidiMap Apache Commons Collections
  String[] englishWords = {"one", "two", "three","ball","snow"}; String[] russianWords = {"", "", "","","c"}; //  Multiset BidiMap<String, String> biMap = new DualHashBidiMap(); //  -  int i = 0; for(String englishWord: englishWords) { biMap.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMap); //  {ball=, snow=c, one=, two=, three=}-    //     System.out.println(biMap.keySet()); //  [ball, snow, one, two, three]-    System.out.println(biMap.values()); //  [, c, , , ]-    //      System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get("one")); //  one =  System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get("two")); //  two =  System.out.println(" = " + biMap.getKey("")); //   = ball System.out.println(" = " + biMap.getKey("c")); //   = snow System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 5 

3. C HashBiMap GS Collections:
HashBiMap GS Collections
  String[] englishWords = {"one", "two", "three","ball","snow"}; String[] russianWords = {"", "", "","","c"}; //  Multiset MutableBiMap<String, String> biMap = new HashBiMap(englishWords.length); //  -  int i = 0; for(String englishWord: englishWords) { biMap.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMap); //  {two=, ball=, one=, snow=c, three=} -    //     System.out.println(biMap.keySet()); //  [snow, two, one, three, ball] -    System.out.println(biMap.values()); //  [, , , c, ] -    //      System.out.println("one = " + biMap.get("one")); //  one =  System.out.println("two = " + biMap.get("two")); //  two =  System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("")); //   = ball System.out.println(" = " + biMap.inverse().get("c")); //   = snow System.out.println("empty = " + biMap.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMap.size()); // 5 

4. , JDK
HashMap BiMap
  String[] englishWords = {"one", "two", "three","ball","snow"}; String[] russianWords = {"", "", "","","c"}; //   BiMap Map<String, String> biMapKeys = new HashMap(englishWords.length); Map<String, String> biMapValues = new HashMap(russianWords.length); //  -  int i = 0; for(String englishWord: englishWords) { biMapKeys.put(englishWord, russianWords[i]); biMapValues.put(russianWords[i], englishWord); i++; } //  -   System.out.println(biMapKeys); //  {ball=, two=, three=, snow=c, one=}-    //     System.out.println(biMapKeys.keySet()); //  [ball, two, three, snow, one] -    System.out.println(biMapValues.keySet()); //  [, , , c, ] -    //      System.out.println("one = " + biMapKeys.get("one")); //  one =  System.out.println("two = " + biMapKeys.get("two")); //  two =  System.out.println(" = " + biMapValues.get("")); //   = ball System.out.println(" = " + biMapValues.get("c")); //   = snow System.out.println("empty = " + biMapValues.get("empty")); //  empty = null //       System.out.println(biMapKeys.size()); // 5 


, JDK. , , ( ), , .

5.1 .

Guava gs-collections new, jdk.

5.1.1) (List)
new ArrayList<>()Lists.newArrayList()FastList.newList()
Arrays.asList(«1», «2», «3»)Lists.newArrayList(«1», «2», «3»)FastList.newListWith(«1», «2», «3»)

new ArrayList<>(100)Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(100)FastList.newList(100)

new ArrayList<>(collection)Lists.newArrayList(collection)FastList.newList(collection)



--FastList.newWithNValues(10, () -> «1»)
  //     List<String> emptyGuava = Lists.newArrayList(); // c  guava List<String> emptyJDK = new ArrayList<>(); //  JDK MutableList<String> emptyGS = FastList.newList(); // c  gs //     100  List < String > exactly100 = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(100); // c  guava List<String> exactly100JDK = new ArrayList<>(100); //  JDK MutableList<String> empty100GS = FastList.newList(100); // c  gs //       100  (   100) List<String> approx100 = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(100); // c  guava List<String> approx100JDK = new ArrayList<>(115); //  JDK MutableList<String> approx100GS = FastList.newList(115); // c  gs //      List<String> withElements = Lists.newArrayList("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // c  guava List<String> withElementsJDK = Arrays.asList("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); //  JDK MutableList<String> withElementsGS = FastList.newListWith("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // c  gs System.out.println(withElements); System.out.println(withElementsJDK); System.out.println(withElementsGS); //      Iterable  (   ) Collection<String> collection = new HashSet<>(3); collection.add("1"); collection.add("2"); collection.add("3"); List<String> fromIterable = Lists.newArrayList(collection); // c  guava List<String> fromIterableJDK = new ArrayList<>(collection); //  JDK MutableList<String> fromIterableGS = FastList.newList(collection); // c  gs System.out.println(fromIterable); System.out.println(fromIterableJDK); System.out.println(fromIterableGS); /*    JDK   Collection ,  guava  gs  Iterable */ //    Iterator' Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator(); List<String> fromIterator = Lists.newArrayList(iterator); // c  guava,   JDK  System.out.println(fromIterator); //     String[] array = {"4", "5", "6"}; List<String> fromArray = Lists.newArrayList(array); // c  guava List<String> fromArrayJDK = Arrays.asList(array); //  JDK MutableList<String> fromArrayGS = FastList.newListWith(array); // c  gs System.out.println(fromArray); System.out.println(fromArrayJDK); System.out.println(fromArrayGS); //    c   MutableList<String> fromFabricGS = FastList.newWithNValues(10, () -> String.valueOf(Math.random())); // c  gs System.out.println(fromFabricGS); 

5.1.2) (set)

new HashSet<>()Sets.newHashSet()UnifiedSet.newSet()

new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(«alpha», «beta», «gamma»))Sets.newHashSet(«alpha», «beta», «gamma»)UnifiedSet.newSetWith(«alpha», «beta», «gamma»)

new HashSet<>(collection)Sets.newHashSet(collection)UnifiedSet.newSet(collection)



new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(array))Sets.newHashSet(array)UnifiedSet.newSetWith(array)
  //     Set<String> emptyGuava = Sets.newHashSet(); // c  guava Set<String> emptyJDK = new HashSet<>(); //  JDK Set<String> emptyGS = UnifiedSet.newSet(); // c  gs //       100  (   100) Set<String> approx100 = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(100); // c  guava Set<String> approx100JDK = new HashSet<>(130); //  JDK Set<String> approx100GS = UnifiedSet.newSet(130); // c  gs //      Set<String> withElements = Sets.newHashSet("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // c  guava Set<String> withElementsJDK = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("alpha", "beta", "gamma")); //  JDK Set<String> withElementsGS = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("alpha", "beta", "gamma"); // c  gs System.out.println(withElements); System.out.println(withElementsJDK); System.out.println(withElementsGS); //      Iterable  (   ) Collection<String> collection = new ArrayList<>(3); collection.add("1"); collection.add("2"); collection.add("3"); Set<String> fromIterable = Sets.newHashSet(collection); // c  guava Set<String> fromIterableJDK = new HashSet<>(collection); //  JDK Set<String> fromIterableGS = UnifiedSet.newSet(collection); // c  gs System.out.println(fromIterable); System.out.println(fromIterableJDK); System.out.println(fromIterableGS); /*    JDK   Collection ,  guava  Iterable */ //    Iterator' Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator(); Set<String> fromIterator = Sets.newHashSet(iterator); // c  guava,   JDK  System.out.println(fromIterator); //     String[] array = {"4", "5", "6"}; Set<String> fromArray = Sets.newHashSet(array); // c  guava Set<String> fromArrayJDK = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(array)); //  JDK Set<String> fromArrayGS = UnifiedSet.newSetWith(array); // c  gs System.out.println(fromArray); System.out.println(fromArrayJDK); System.out.println(fromArrayGS); 

5.1.3) Map
map'new HashMap<>()Maps.newHashMap()UnifiedMap.newMap()
map' c
new HashMap<>(130)Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(100)UnifiedMap.newMap(130)
map' map'new HashMap<>(map)Maps.newHashMap(map)UnifiedMap.newMap(map)
map'--UnifiedMap.newWithKeysValues(«1», «a», «2», «b»)
Map<String, String> emptyGuava = Maps.newHashMap(); // c guava
Map<String, String> emptyJDK = new HashMap<>(); // JDK
Map<String, String> emptyGS = UnifiedMap.newMap(); // c gs

// map' 100 ( 100)
Map<String, String> approx100 = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(100); // c guava
Map<String, String> approx100JDK = new HashMap<>(130); // JDK
Map<String, String> approx100GS = UnifiedMap.newMap(130); // c gs

// map' map'
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(3);
Map<String, String> withMap = Maps.newHashMap(map); // c guava
Map<String, String> withMapJDK = new HashMap<>(map); // JDK
Map<String, String> withMapGS = UnifiedMap.newMap(map); // c gs


// map'
Map<String, String> withKeys = UnifiedMap.newWithKeysValues(«1», «a», «2», «b»);

5.2 .

Collections.frequency(collection, «1»)Iterables.frequency(iterable, «1»)CollectionUtils.cardinality(«1», iterable)mutableCollection.count((each) -> «a1».equals(each))
collection.stream().findFirst().orElse(«1»)Iterables.getFirst(iterable, «1»)CollectionUtils.get(iterable, 0)orderedIterable.getFirst()
collection.stream().skip(collection.size()-1).findFirst().orElse(«1»);Iterables.getLast(iterable, «1»)CollectionUtils.get(collection, collection.size()-1)orderedIterable.getLast()
Collections.binarySearch(list, «13»)Ordering.natural().binarySearch(list, «13»)mutableList.binarySearch(«13»)
collection.stream().filter(«13»::equals).findFirst().get()Iterables.find(iterable, «13»::equals)CollectionUtils.find(iterable, «13»::equals)mutableList.select(«13»::equals).get(0)
collection.stream().filter((s) -> s.contains(«1»)).collect(Collectors.toList())Iterables.filter(iterable, (s) -> s.contains(«1»))CollectionUtils.select(iterable, (s) -> s.contains(«1»))mutableCollection.select((s) -> s.contains(«1»))
, : collection — Collection, iterable — Iterable, list — List, orderedIterable mutableList GS (orderedIterable — , mutableList — )

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; MutableCollection<String> collectionGS = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); //     int i1 = Iterables.frequency(iterable, "a1"); //   guava int i2 = Collections.frequency(collection, "a1"); // c  JDK int i3 = CollectionUtils.cardinality("a1", iterable); // c  Apache int i4 = collectionGS.count((s) -> "a1".equals(s)); long i5 = collection.stream().filter((s) -> "a1".equals(s)).count(); // c  stream JDK System.out.println("count = " + i1 + ":" + i2 + ":" + i3 + ":" + i4 + ":" + i5); //  count = 2:2:2:2:2 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); OrderedIterable<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //     Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator(); // c  JDK String jdk = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next(): "1"; String guava = Iterables.getFirst(iterable, "1"); //   guava String apache = CollectionUtils.get(iterable, 0); // c  Apache String gs = orderedIterable.getFirst(); // c  GS String stream = collection.stream().findFirst().orElse("1"); // c  Stream API System.out.println("first = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs + ":" + stream); //  first = a1:a1:a1:a1:a1 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a8"); OrderedIterable<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a8"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //     Iterator<String> iterator = collection.iterator(); // c  JDK String jdk = "1"; while(iterator.hasNext()) { jdk = iterator.next(); } String guava = Iterables.getLast(iterable, "1"); //   guava String apache = CollectionUtils.get(collection, collection.size()-1); // c  Apache String gs = orderedIterable.getLast(); // c  GS String stream = collection.stream().skip(collection.size()-1).findFirst().orElse("1"); // c  Stream API System.out.println("last = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs + ":" + stream); //  last = a8:a8:a8:a8:a8 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("5", "1", "3", "8", "4"); OrderedIterable<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("5", "1", "3", "8", "4"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //     String jdk = Collections.max(collection); // c  JDK String gs = orderedIterable.max(); // c  GS String guava = Ordering.natural().max(iterable); //   guava System.out.println("max = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + gs); //  max = 8:8:8 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("5", "1", "3", "8", "4"); OrderedIterable<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("5", "1", "3", "8", "4"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //     String jdk = Collections.min(collection); // c  JDK String gs = orderedIterable.min(); // c  GS String guava = Ordering.natural().min(iterable); //   guava System.out.println("min = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + gs); //  min = 1:1:1 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a3"); OrderedIterable<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("a3"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //     String guava = Iterables.getOnlyElement(iterable); //   guava String jdk = collection.iterator().next(); // c  JDK String apache = CollectionUtils.extractSingleton(collection); // c  Apache assert(orderedIterable.size() > 1);// c  GS String gs = orderedIterable.getFirst(); System.out.println("single = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  single = a3:a3:a3:a3 

  List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList("2", "4", "13", "31", "43"); MutableList<String> mutableList = FastList.newListWith("2", "4","13", "31", "43"); //      int jdk = Collections.binarySearch(list, "13"); int guava = Ordering.natural().binarySearch(list, "13"); int gs = mutableList.binarySearch("13"); System.out.println("find = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + gs); //  find = 2:2:2 
  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); MutableCollection<String> orderedIterable = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //       String jdk = collection.stream().skip(2).findFirst().get(); // c  JDK String guava = Iterables.get(iterable, 2); //   guava String apache = CollectionUtils.get(iterable, 2); // c  Apache System.out.println("third = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache); //  third = a3:a3:a3 
  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("2", "14", "3", "13", "43"); MutableCollection<String> mutableCollection = FastList.newListWith("2", "14", "3", "13", "43"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; //      List<String> jdk = collection.stream().filter((s) -> s.contains("1")).collect(Collectors.toList()); // c  JDK Iterable<String> guava = Iterables.filter(iterable, (s) -> s.contains("1")); //   guava Collection<String> apache = CollectionUtils.select(iterable, (s) -> s.contains("1")); // c  Apache MutableCollection<String> gs = mutableCollection.select((s) -> s.contains("1")); // c  GS System.out.println("select = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  select = [14, 13]:[14, 13]:[14, 13]:[14, 13] 

5.3 ,

collection1.containsAll(collection2)Iterables.elementsEqual(iterable1, iterable2)CollectionUtils.containsAll(collection1, collection2)mutableCollection1.containsAll(mutableCollection2)
!Collections.disjoint(collection1, collection2)!Sets.intersection(set1, set2).isEmpty()CollectionUtils.containsAny(collection1, collection2)!mutableSet1.intersect(mutableSet2).isEmpty()
()Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(set1);
Sets.intersection(set1, set2)CollectionUtils.intersection(collection1, collection2)mutableSet1.intersect(mutableSet2)
Collections.disjoint(collection1, collection2)Sets.intersection(set1, set2).isEmpty()!CollectionUtils.containsAny(collection1, collection2)mutableSet1.intersect(mutableSet2).isEmpty()
, (difference)Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(set1);
Sets.difference(set1, set2)CollectionUtils.removeAll(collection1, collection2)mutableSet1.difference(mutableSet2)
(symmetric difference)Sets.symmetricDifference(set1, set2)CollectionUtils.disjunction(collection1, collection2)mutableSet1.symmetricDifference(mutableSet2)
Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(set1);
Sets.union(set1, set2)CollectionUtils.union(collection1, collection2)mutableSet1.union(mutableSet2)

  Collection<String> collection1 = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Collection<String> collection2 = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable1 = collection1; Iterable<String> iterable2 = collection2; MutableCollection<String> mutableCollection1 = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); MutableCollection<String> mutableCollection2 = FastList.newListWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); //      boolean jdk = collection1.containsAll(collection2); // c  JDK boolean guava = Iterables.elementsEqual(iterable1, iterable2); //   guava boolean apache = CollectionUtils.containsAll(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache boolean gs = mutableCollection1.containsAll(mutableCollection2); // c  GS System.out.println("containsAll = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  containsAll = true:true:true:true 

  Collection<String> collection1 = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Collection<String> collection2 = Lists.newArrayList("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet1 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet2 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); //           boolean jdk = !Collections.disjoint(collection1, collection2); // c  JDK boolean guava = !Sets.intersection(set1, set2).isEmpty(); //   guava boolean apache = CollectionUtils.containsAny(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache boolean gs = !mutableSet1.intersect(mutableSet2).isEmpty(); // c  GS System.out.println("containsAny = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  containsAny = true:true:true:true 

3) ()
  Collection<String> collection1 = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Collection<String> collection2 = Lists.newArrayList("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet1 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet2 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a4", "a8", "a3", "a5"); //        Set<String> jdk = new HashSet<>(set1); // c  JDK jdk.retainAll(set2); Set<String> guava = Sets.intersection(set1, set2); //   guava Collection<String> apache = CollectionUtils.intersection(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache Set<String> gs = mutableSet1.intersect(mutableSet2); // c  GS System.out.println("intersect = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  intersect = [a3]:[a3]:[a3]:[a3] 

4) , (difference)
  Collection<String> collection1 = Lists.newArrayList("a2", "a3"); Collection<String> collection2 = Lists.newArrayList("a8", "a3", "a5"); Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet("a2", "a3"); Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet("a8", "a3", "a5"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet1 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a2", "a3"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet2 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a8", "a3", "a5"); //   ,          (difference) Set<String> jdk = new HashSet<>(set1); // c  JDK jdk.removeAll(set2); Set<String> guava = Sets.difference(set1, set2); //   guava Collection<String> apache = CollectionUtils.removeAll(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache Set<String> gs = mutableSet1.difference(mutableSet2); // c  GS System.out.println("difference = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  difference = [a2]:[a2]:[a2]:[a2] 

5) (symmetric difference)
  Collection<String> collection1 = Lists.newArrayList("a2", "a3"); Collection<String> collection2 = Lists.newArrayList("a8", "a3", "a5"); Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet("a2", "a3"); Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet("a8", "a3", "a5"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet1 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a2", "a3"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet2 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a8", "a3", "a5"); //     (symmetric difference)    Set<String> intersect = new HashSet<>(set1); // c  JDK intersect.retainAll(set2); Set<String> jdk = new HashSet<>(set1); jdk.addAll(set2); jdk.removeAll(intersect); Set<String> guava = Sets.symmetricDifference(set1, set2); //   guava Collection<String> apache = CollectionUtils.disjunction(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache Set<String> gs = mutableSet1.symmetricDifference(mutableSet2); // c  GS System.out.println("symmetricDifference = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  symmetricDifference = [a2, a5, a8]:[a2, a5, a8]:[a2, a5, a8]:[a2, a5, a8] 

  Set<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet("a1", "a2"); Set<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet("a4"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet1 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a1", "a2"); MutableSet<String> mutableSet2 = UnifiedSet.newSetWith("a4"); Collection<String> collection1 = set1; Collection<String> collection2 = set2; //     Set<String> jdk = new HashSet<>(set1); // c  JDK jdk.addAll(set2); Set<String> guava = Sets.union(set1, set2); //   guava Collection<String> apache = CollectionUtils.union(collection1, collection2); // c  Apache Set<String> gs = mutableSet1.union(mutableSet2); // c  GS System.out.println("union = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  union = [a1, a2, a4]:[a1, a2, a4]:[a1, a2, a4]:[a1, a2, a4] 


collection.removeIf((s) -> s.contains(«1»))Iterables.removeIf(iterable, (s) -> s.contains(«1»))CollectionUtils.filter(iterable, (s) -> !s.contains(«1»))mutableCollection.removeIf((Predicate<String>) (s) -> s.contains(«1»))
collection.removeIf((s) -> !s.contains(«1»))Iterables.removeIf(iterable, (s) -> !s.contains(«1»))CollectionUtils.filter(iterable, (s) -> s.contains(«1»))mutableCollection.removeIf((Predicate<String>) (s) -> !s.contains(«1»))
collection.stream().map((s) -> s + "_1").collect(Collectors.toList())Iterables.transform(iterable, (s) -> s + "_1")CollectionUtils.transform(collection, (s) -> s + "_1")mutableCollection.collect((s) -> s + "_1")
collection.stream().forEach((s) -> s.append("_1"))Iterables.transform(iterable, (s) -> s.append("_1"))CollectionUtils.transform(collection, (s) -> s.append("_1"))mutableCollection.forEach((Procedure<StringBuilder>) (s) -> s.append("_1"))

  List<String> jdk = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable = jdk; MutableList<String> gs = FastList.newList(jdk); //   Collections.sort(jdk); //   jdk List<String> guava = Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(iterable); //   guava gs.sortThis(); // c  gs System.out.println("sort = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + gs); //  sort = [a1, a1, a2, a3]:[a1, a1, a2, a3]:[a1, a1, a2, a3] 

  Collection<String> jdk = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> guava = Lists.newArrayList(jdk); Iterable<String> apache = Lists.newArrayList(jdk); MutableCollection<String> gs = FastList.newList(jdk); //      jdk.removeIf((s) -> s.contains("1")); //   jdk Iterables.removeIf(guava, (s) -> s.contains("1")); //   guava CollectionUtils.filter(apache, (s) -> !s.contains("1")); //   apache gs.removeIf((Predicate<String>) (s) -> s.contains("1")); // c  gs System.out.println("removeIf = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  removeIf = [a2, a3]:[a2, a3]:[a2, a3]:[a2, a3] 

  Collection<String> jdk = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> guava = Lists.newArrayList(jdk); Iterable<String> apache = Lists.newArrayList(jdk); MutableCollection<String> gs = FastList.newList(jdk); //       jdk.removeIf((s) -> !s.contains("1")); //   jdk Iterables.removeIf(guava, (s) -> !s.contains("1")); //   guava CollectionUtils.filter(apache, (s) -> s.contains("1")); //   apache gs.removeIf((Predicate<String>) (s) -> !s.contains("1")); // c  gs System.out.println("retainIf = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  retainIf = [a1, a1]:[a1, a1]:[a1, a1]:[a1, a1] 

  Collection<String> collection = Lists.newArrayList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a1"); Iterable<String> iterable = collection; Collection<String> apache = Lists.newArrayList(collection); MutableCollection<String> mutableCollection = FastList.newList(collection); //        List<String> jdk = collection.stream().map((s) -> s + "_1").collect(Collectors.toList()); //   jdk Iterable<String> guava = Iterables.transform(iterable, (s) -> s + "_1"); //   guava CollectionUtils.transform(apache, (s) -> s + "_1"); //   apache MutableCollection<String> gs = mutableCollection.collect((s) -> s + "_1"); // c  gs System.out.println("transform = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); //  transform = [a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a1_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a1_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a1_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1, a1_1] 

  Collection<StringBuilder> jdk = Lists.newArrayList(new StringBuilder("a1"), new StringBuilder("a2"), new StringBuilder("a3")); Iterable<StringBuilder> iterable = Lists.newArrayList(new StringBuilder("a1"), new StringBuilder("a2"), new StringBuilder("a3"));; Collection<StringBuilder> apache = Lists.newArrayList(new StringBuilder("a1"), new StringBuilder("a2"), new StringBuilder("a3")); MutableCollection<StringBuilder> gs = FastList.newListWith(new StringBuilder("a1"), new StringBuilder("a2"), new StringBuilder("a3")); //      jdk.stream().forEach((s) -> s.append("_1")); //   jdk Iterable<StringBuilder> guava = Iterables.transform(iterable, (s) -> s.append("_1")); //   guava CollectionUtils.transform(apache, (s) -> s.append("_1")); //   apache gs.forEach((Procedure<StringBuilder>) (s) -> s.append("_1")); // c  gs System.out.println("change = " + jdk + ":" + guava + ":" + apache + ":" + gs); // changeAll = [a1_1, a2_1, a3_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1]:[a1_1, a2_1, a3_1] 



( Java, ):
1) () — , ,
— ,
— , ,
— ,
, ,

2) (Stack) — , «LIFO» (« — »). AT
, /.
3) (Queue) — , «FIFO» (« — »). AT
4) (Double-ended queue) — ,
5) (. priority queue) — ,
. ,
(heap) — , ,
6) (), (Associative array, Dictionary) — ,
«— »
- (hashtable) — , ,
- (Multimap multihash) — -,
- - (bi-map) — -,
, ,
- (hashtable) — -, ,
- (hashtable) — -, ,
7) — ,
— , ,
— , , ,
— , , ,
8) — 1 0,
10) — , ,
11) — ,

Java :

: , .
etc. JDK
1) ()
2) (Stack)LinkedListArrayDequeArrayStack
3) (Queue)LinkedListArrayDequeCircularFifoQueue
4) LinkedListArrayDeque
6) ()HashMapHashedMapUnifiedMap
- (hashtable)HashSetHashMapHashedMapUnifiedMap
- -HashBiMapBidiMapHashBiMap
7) HashSetUnifiedSet
8) BitSet
9) RangeSet
10) TreeSetTreeMapPatriciaTrieTreeSortedSet
11) LinkedHashMap

VII. Conclusion

, , , . , ( ) , - .

github' .

, :
1. java.util.concurrent.* tutorial
2. Trove library: using primitive collections for performance
3. Java performance tuning tips
4. Large HashMap overview
5. Memory consumption of popular Java data types
6. , , , javadoc

PPS I also advise you to look at my opensource project [useful-java-links] (https://github.com/Vedenin/useful-java-links/tree/master/link-rus) - perhaps the most comprehensive collection of useful Java libraries, frameworks and Russian-language instructional videos. There is also a similar [English version] (https://github.com/Vedenin/useful-java-links/) of this project and start the opensource subproject [Hello world] (https://github.com/Vedenin/useful-java -links / tree / master / helloworlds) for preparing a collection of simple examples for different Java libraries in one maven project (I will be grateful for any help).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256877/

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