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Implementation of interval-associative array in Caché DBMS

The post is written on the basis of an article on the habr: “Interval-associative array” .

Since the initial implementation is based on python slices (sections), an article would be useful for reading: Everything you wanted to know about slices . And, of course, a bit of theory: the Tree of Intervals (Segments) .
So, how will slices look in Caché?

In general, everything (almost) as in python.

Easy to assign:
s i = ## class ( test.intervalmap ). % New ()
> d i . % ( "08:00" , "12:00" , "Ivanov" )
> d i . % ( "12:00" , "16:00" , "Petrov" )
How to find out who was on duty at 13:51?

w i . % Get ( "13:51" )!
It is easy to view the full list of elements (for those who are used to thinking "globally"):

> k % m % = i . % zw %
% ("08:00", "12:00") = "Ivanov"
% ("12:00", "16:00") = "Petrov"
... or in one line:

> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 12:00] => Ivanov, [12:00, 16:00] => Petrov
Delete as in parts:

> d i . % ( "15:00" , "16:00" )
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 12:00] => Ivanov, [12:00, 15:00] => Petrov
... and the whole:

> d i . % ( "12:00" , "16:00" )
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 12:00] => Ivanov
Overlapping keys must be processed correctly:

> d i . % ( "11:00" , "15:00" , "Sidorov" )
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 11:00] => Ivanov, [11:00, 15:00] => Sidorov
Neighboring keys with the same values ​​should be glued automatically. For example, if you appointed Sidorov to watch the same way from 15 to 17, then it is unlikely that it should be two shifts in a row, rather, one longer:

> d i . % ( "15:00" , "17:00" , "Sidorov" )
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 11:00] => Ivanov, [11:00, 17:00] => Sidorov
Add a couple of entries:

> d i . % ( "17:00" , "20:00" , "Petrov" )
> d i . % ( "21:00" , "23:00" , "Sidorov" )
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 11:00] => Ivanov, [11:00, 17:00] => Sidorov, [17:00, 20:00] => Petrov, [21:00, 23:00] => Sidorov
Often there is a task to cut the schedule, leaving only a few of the consecutive elements. For example, you need to find out who closed the working day:

> d i . Shrink ()
> w i . Display ()!
[08:00, 20:00] => Petrov, [21:00, 23:00] => Sidorov
You can use the same method to check whether your schedule completely covers a working day.

A small error was taken into account in the source code for gluing adjacent keys, namely:

>>> timetable = intervalmap() >>> timetable[:] = '' >>> timetable['11:00':'13:00'] = '' >>> print timetable {[None, '13:00'] => '', ['13:00', None] => ''} 


> s i = ## class ( test.intervalmap ). % New ()
> d i . % (,, "Ivanov" )
> d i . % ( "11:00" , "13:00" , "Ivanov" )
> w i . Display ()!
[None, None] => Ivanov
Identical keys in a pair, as in the source code, are not allowed here, but you can turn them on for yourself.
Of course, any numeric / string values ​​can be used as keys. The only thing you need to ensure that all of them within the same array (object) were of the same type.
For example:

> s i = .. % New ()
> d i . % (9 ,, "!" )
> d i . % (, 5, "Hello" )
> d i . % (6.7, "World" )
> w i . Display ()!
[None, 5] => Hello, [6, 7] => World, [9, None] =>!

> d i . Reset ()
> d i . % (, $ zdh ( "10.24.2005" ), "A" )
> d i . % ( $ zdh ( "11.11.2005" ), $ zdh ( " 11/17/2005 " ), "B" )
> d i . % ( $ zdh ( " 11/30/2005 " ) ,, "C" )
> w i . Display ()!
[None, 60197] => A, [60215, 60221] => B, [60234, None] => C
And finally, one more example is more complicated:

> d i . Reset ()
> d i . % (,, $ c (8734))
> d i . % (10.11, "Ivanov" )
> d i . % (12.13, "Ivanov" )
> d i . % (14.16, "Petrov" )
> d i . % (11.15, "Ivanov" )
> d i . % (8.12, "Sidorov" )
> d i . % (20.21)
> d i . % (22 ,, "Sidorov" )
> w i . Display ()!
Result under the spoiler
[None, 8] => ∞, [8, 12] => Sidorov, [12, 15] => Ivanov, [15, 16] => Petrov, [16, 20] => ∞, [21, 22] => ∞, [22, None] => Sidorov

More examples can be found in the source code.

Class code

Class test.intervalmap Extends% RegisteredObject [ Final ]
Parameter None [ Final , Internal ] = -1 ;
Property bounds As% List [ Internal , Private , ReadOnly , ServerOnly = 1, Transient ];
Property items As% List [ Internal , Private , ReadOnly , ServerOnly = 1, Transient ];
Property upperItem [ InitialExpression = {.. #None }, Internal , Private , ReadOnly , ServerOnly = 1, Transient ];
Property % [ MultiDimensional , ReadOnly , ServerOnly = 1, Transient ];
ClassMethod Slice ( list As% List , start , end , value As% List ) As% List [ Internal , Private ]
if start = end {
if start = "" {
set list = ""
} elseif start = 1 {
set list = value _ list
} else {
if start > $ listlength ( list ) {
set list = list _ value
} else {
set : start < $ listlength ( list ) start = start +1
set $ list ( list , start , start ) = value _ $ listbuild ( $ list ( list , start ))
} else {
if end = "" {
set : start > $ listlength ( list ) start = $ listlength ( list )
set $ list ( list , start , * + 1) = value
} else {
set start = $ get ( start , 1)
if end = 1 {
set list = .. Slice ( list , start , end , value )
} else {
set $ list ( list , start , end -1) = value
quit list
Method Reset ()
kill i %%
set (i% bounds, i% items) = "" , i% upperItem = .. #None
Method % ( start = { $ get ( start , .. #None )}, stop = { $ get ( stop , .. #None )}, value = { $ get ( value , .. #None )}) As% Status
quit :( start > = stop ) & (( start '= .. #None ) & ( stop ' = .. #None )) $$$ OK

set startPoint = $ select ( start = .. #None : 0,1: .. bisectLeft ( start ))
set endPoint = $ select ( stop = .. #None : 0,1: .. bisectLeft ( stop ))

if startPoint > = 1 {
set :( startPoint <= $ listlength (.. bounds )) && ( $ list (.. bounds , startPoint ) < start ) startPoint = startPoint + 1
set :( endPoint > = 1) && ( endPoint <= $ listlength (.. bounds )) && ( $ list (.. bounds , endPoint ) <= stop ) endPoint = endPoint + 1

if endPoint > = 1 {
set i% bounds = .. Slice (i% bounds, startPoint , endPoint , $ listbuild ( start , stop ))
set i% items = .. Slice (i% items, startPoint , endPoint , $ select ( startPoint <= $ listlength (.. items ): $ listbuild ( $ list (.. items , startPoint ), value ), 1: $ listbuild (.. upperItem , value )))
} else {
set $ list (i% bounds, startPoint , * + 1) = $ listbuild ( start )
set $ list (i% items, startPoint , * + 1) = $ select ( startPoint <= $ listlength (.. items ): $ listbuild ( $ list (.. items , startPoint ), value ), 1: $ listbuild ( .. upperItem ))
set i% upperItem = value
} else {
if endPoint > = 1 {
set i% bounds = .. Slice (i% bounds, 1, endPoint , $ listbuild ( stop ))
set i% items = .. Slice (i% items, 1, endPoint , $ listbuild ( value ))
} else {
set (i% bounds, i% items) = ""
set i% upperItem = value
set i = 1
while ( i <= ( $ listlength (.. items ) -1))
if $ list (.. items , i ) = $ list (.. items , i +1) {
set $ list (i% items, i , i ) = ""
set $ list (i% bounds, i , i ) = ""
} else {
set i = i +1
set :( $ listlength (.. items ) = 1) && ( $ list (i% items, 1) = i% upperItem) (i% items, i% bounds) = ""

do .. repr ()

quit $$$ OK
Method % Get ( x ) As% String [ ServerOnly = 1]
set index = .. bisectRight ( x )
set r = $ select ( index <= $ listlength (i% items): $ list (i% items, index ), 1: i% upperItem)
quit $ select ( r = .. #None : "" , 1: r )
Method bisectLeft ( x ) As% String [ Internal , Private , ServerOnly = 1]
set lo = 1
set hi = $ listlength (i% bounds) +1
while ( lo < hi ) {
set mid = ( lo + hi ) \ 2
if $ list (i% bounds, mid ) < x {
set lo = mid +1
} else {
set hi = mid
quit lo
Method bisectRight ( x ) As% String [ Internal , Private , ServerOnly = 1]
set lo = 1
set hi = $ listlength (i% bounds) +1
while ( lo < hi ) {
set mid = ( lo + hi ) \ 2
if x < $ list (i% bounds, mid ) {
set hi = mid
} else {
set lo = mid +1
quit lo
Method repr () [ Internal , Private , ServerOnly = 1]
kill i %%
set previousBound = .. #None
for i = 1: 1: $ listlength (.. bounds ) {
set b = $ list (.. bounds , i )
set v = $ list (.. items , i )
set : v '= .. #None i %% ( previousBound , b ) = v
set previousBound = b
set : .. upperItem '= .. #None i %% ( previousBound , .. #None ) = .. upperItem
Method Shrink ()
set i = 1
while ( i <= ( $ listlength (.. items ) -1))
if $ list (.. items , i ) '= .. #None , $ list (.. items , i +1)' = .. #None {
set $ list (i% items, i , i ) = ""
set $ list (i% bounds, i , i ) = ""
} else {
set i = i +1
do .. repr ()
Method Display () As% String
#define IsNone (% s) $ s (% s = .. # None: "None" , 1:% s)

set key = $ query (i %%, 1, v ), s = ""
while ( key '= "" ) {
set s = s _ $ listbuild ( $$$ FormatText ( "[% 1,% 2] =>% 3" , $$$ IsNone ( $ qsubscript ( key , 1)), $$$ IsNone ( $ qsubscript ( key , 2)), v ))
set key = $ query (@ key , 1, v )
quit $ listtostring ( s , "," )
/// <example> d ## class (test.intervalmap) .Test1 () </ example>
ClassMethod Test1 () [ Internal , ServerOnly = 1]
new %
set old = $ system .Process . Undefined (2)

try {
set i = .. % New ()
do i . % ( "08:00" , "12:00" , "Ivanov" )
do i . % ( "12:00" , "16:00" , "Petrov" )
do i . % ( "15:00" , "16:00" )
do i . % ( "12:00" , "16:00" )
do i . % ( "11:00" , "15:00" , "Sidorov" )
do i . % ( "15:00" , "17:00" , "Sidorov" )
do i . % ( "17:00" , "20:00" , "Petrov" )
do i . % ( "21:00" , "23:00" , "Sidorov" )
write i . Display ()!
write "[13:51] =" , i . % Get ( "13:51" )!
; k% m% = i.% zw%
do i . Shrink ()
write i . Display ()!
} catch ( ex ) {
#dim ex As % Exception.AbstractException
write "Error =" , ex . DisplayString () ,!
do $ system .Process . Undefined ( old )
/// <example> d ## class (test.intervalmap) .Test2 () </ example>
ClassMethod Test2 () [ Internal , ServerOnly = 1]
#define Assert (% i,% s) if% i.Display () '=% s {$$$ ThrowStatus ( $$$ ERROR ( $$$ GeneralError , % s )) }} {w% i.Display ( )!
#define AssertGet (% i,% t,% s) if% i.% Get (% t) '=% s {$$$ ThrowStatus ( $$$ ERROR ( $$$ GeneralError , % s )) }} else { w "(% t) =" ,% i.% Get (% t) ,!}
set old = $ system .Process . Undefined (2)

try {

set i = .. % New ()
do i . % (0.5, "0-5" )
do i . % (8.12, "8-12" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 2, "0-5" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 10, "8-12" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , -1, "" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 17, "" )

do i . % (4.9, "4-9" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[0, 4] => 0-5, [4, 9] => 4-9, [9, 12] => 8-12" )
do i . % (, 0, "less than 0" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , -5, "less than 0" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 0, "0-5" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 0] => less than 0, [0, 4] => 0-5, [4, 9] => 4-9, [9, 12] => 8- 12 " )

do i . % (21 ,, "more than twenty" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 42, "more than twenty" )
do i . % (, "10.5-15.5" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 11.5, "10.5-15.5" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 0.5, "0-5" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 0] => less than 0, [0, 4] => 0-5, [4, 9] => 4-9, [9, 10.5] => 8- 12, [10.5, 15.5] => 10.5-15.5, [21, None] => more than twenty " )

do i . Reset ()

do i . % (0,2,1)
do i . % (2.8.2)
do i . % (4,, 3)
do i . % (5,6,4)
$$$ Assert ( i , "[0, 2] => 1, [2, 4] => 2, [4, 5] => 3, [5, 6] => 4, [6, None] = > 3 " )

} catch ( ex ) {
#dim ex As % Exception.AbstractException
write "Error =" , ex . DisplayString () ,!
do $ system .Process . Undefined ( old )
/// <example> d ## class (test.intervalmap) .Test3 () </ example>
ClassMethod Test3 () [ Internal , ServerOnly = 1]
#define Assert (% i,% s) if% i.Display () '=% s $$$ ThrowStatus ( $$$ ERROR ( $$$ GeneralError , % s ))
#define AssertGet (% i,% t,% s) if% i.% Get (% t) '=% s $$$ ThrowStatus ( $$$ ERROR ( $$$ GeneralError , % s ))
set old = $ system .Process . Undefined (2)

try {

set i = .. % New ()
do i . % (9 ,, "!" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[9, None] =>!" )
do i . % (, 5, "Hello" )
do i . % (6.7, "World" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 5] => Hello, [6, 7] => World, [9, None] =>!" )
do i . % (8.10, "(Test)" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 5] => Hello, [6, 7] => World, [8, 10] => (Test), [10, None] =>!" )
do i . % (, 3, "My," )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 3] => My ,, [3, 5] => Hello, [6, 7] => World, [8, 10] => (Test), [10, None] =>! " )
do i . % (5.5.6, "Cruel" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 3] => My ,, [3, 5] => Hello, [5.5, 6] => Cruel, [6, 7] => World, [8, 10] => (Test), [10, None] =>! " )
do i . % (6.6.5, "And Harsh" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 3] => My ,, [3, 5] => Hello, [5.5, 6] => Cruel, [6, 6.5] => And Harsh, [6.5, 7 ] => World, [8, 10] => (Test), [10, None] =>! " )
do i . % (5.9,6.6)
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 3] => My ,, [3, 5] => Hello, [5.5, 5.9] => Cruel, [6.6, 7] => World, [8, 10] => (Test), [10, None] =>! " )
write "Test 1 OK" ,!

do i . Reset ()
do i . % (, 0, "A" )
do i . % (2.5, "B" )
do i . % (8.10, "C" )
do i . % (12 ,, "D" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, 0] => A, [2, 5] => B, [8, 10] => C, [12, None] => D" )
do i . % (,, "K" )
$$$ Assert ( i , "[None, None] => K" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 5, "K" )
do i . % (0.10, "L" )
do i . % (6.8, "M" )
do i . % (20 ,, "J" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , -1, "K" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 5, "L" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 7, "M" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 9, "L" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , 15, "K" )
write "Test 2 OK" ,!

do i . Reset ()
do i . % (, $ zdateh ( "10.24.2005" ), "A" )
do i . % ( $ zdateh ( "11.11.2005" ), $ zdateh ( "17.11.2005" ), "B" )
do i . % ( $ zdateh ( " 11/30/2005 " ), "C" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( "09/25/2005" ), "A" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( "10/23/2005" ), "A" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( " 10.26.2005 " ), "" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( " 11/09/2005 " ), "" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( "11/16/2005" ), "B" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( "11/23/2005" ), "" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( "11/29/2005" ), "" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( " 11/30/2005 " ), "C" )
$$$ AssertGet ( i , $ zdateh ( " 12/03/2005 " ), "C" )
write "Test 3 OK" ,!

} catch ( ex ) {
#dim ex As % Exception.AbstractException
write "Error =" , ex . DisplayString () ,!
do $ system .Process . Undefined ( old )

Or download the test.intervalmap class .
The code has been tested on the Caché 2015.1 version, but it will not be difficult to remake the class for previous versions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256851/

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