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Crazy Producer Allowed Internet Users to Wake Up Monster: Cloverfield, Part 3

The article is devoted to the popular film Cloverfield and the game, which formed the main part of the PR-company of the film. The film premiered on January 18, 2008, with the beginning of the game in May 2007. During these 9 months, quite a few events have occurred, which help to more deeply understand the film. The first part of the article (which I highly recommend reading to all the uninitiated) was written by Matt_uza . Continuation was already written by me and it is just necessary to read it on this link: habrahabr.ru/blog/the_future_is_here/41886.html
This time I will not cover the abstract topics and only once again express my gratitude theos for providing materials in Russian.
So this is the last part of the ARG Cloverfield story. In order not to stretch the pleasure, I had to make this post very large, but I am sure that those who are interested in this topic will read without any doubt. Be patient.

Summary of the previous series:
Part one:

Part two:

I will begin the description of the following events with quite an important one:

January 8. Jamie Lazcano posted the next, eighth video for Teddy Hanssen on JamieAndTeddy.com (password jllovesth): youtube.com/watch?v=rNTtWCwHE2A
(Mimicking Teddy) Don't eat it, Jamie ... But I'm hungry!
(It opens the "main evidence" - see the second part, the record for December 10 - and sniffs it) Wow, right up to the nostrils.
(Eats up some evidence) Generally quite tasty ...
Uhhh, why did you send me this?
I feel great, go for a walk ...
Well, Jamie seemed to have eaten the thawed Sea Nectar . I wonder if it acts just like frozen? Waves of pleasure all over your body? Will it turn into a huge whale and go to destroy New York?
Meanwhile, on the same day, a new seventh photo appeared on the site 1-18-08.com, which is actually the frame of the floating boat from the reports:

A little later (apparently, on the same day. Nectar works quickly) a new video appears on JamieAndTeddy.com: youtube.com/watch?v=NsTilJ5mekw
Out of a million ways to show you how I HATE YOU, I decided to show my “Dance of Hate” that I created for you, so that you will know how sick I am!
(then something indescribable follows that Jamie called Hate Dance) I don’t know what kind of crap you sent me, but now I can see everything much clearer!
The video clearly shows that the girl is not in herself. Concentrated Sea Nectar clearly has a negative effect on it.

January 14th. There are updates on the Tagruato website. One of them says:
Open Letter to the Executive Director Ghana Yoshida
Dear Friends, Supporters, Investors, and Members of the Tagruato Family,
From an early age I dreamed of owning a company like this. A company where employees work hard and love each other. A company designed to bring about good changes in our world. A company that would bring prosperity to Japan and spread this wealth and knowledge throughout the universe.
Unfortunately, the last week was dark time for Tagruato, this company I love so deeply. I tried to hide the incident for the benefit of the police investigation, but it is time to confess and tell our story to the world.
Our brilliant newest achievement in the field of oil drilling, Chuoi Station, was attacked by an eco-terrorist group called Tidowave. They staged several explosions at the station and caused death, they set the tower on its knees. Tagruato endured threats from this group for many years and, with the support of our friends in the police force, repelled many previous attacks. The same blow was too strong not to hurt us. Chuoi station was damaged.
We are working tirelessly to prevent environmental damage from explosions, and we are already experimenting in the Atlantic with a new place to rebuild Chuoi station, but for now our work continues in a temporary building. We also opened the Chuoi Station Foundation, which has now received over 300 million yen for the families of Chuoi victims.
On behalf of everyone in Tagruato, I would like to express my gratitude for the huge wave of support that we receive from our business partners, friends and colleagues. We will not rest until these criminals disappear from the streets and answer to the families of the lost from their hands. I know that with your help, Tagruato will not stop fanatics, and the company will remain as I imagined it as a boy: devoted to the knowledge of the magic of our world and controlling our common future.
In short, it is rather a press release in which the company recognizes the tragedy on the tower and blames on all TIDOWave .
Well, the following announcement is more interesting:
Kaitei no Mitsu (Sea Nectar) approved for distribution in the USA
The members of the high corporate board of Tagruato waited for a rare surprise yesterday, when the founder Ghana Yoshida simultaneously appeared on their home screens intended for urgent situations, for a newsgroup. After much discussion, Yoshida reported that kaitei no mitsu, a special ingredient of Slusho !, lovingly called “Sea Nectar”, was approved by the American Nutrition Association.
"Lost on Chuai today would have smiled," commented the agitated Ghana Yoshida. “Tagruato will not retreat before the evil of ecological terror.”
Now Tagruto can continue the comprehensive American campaign to spread Slusho! in the West. In addition to creating three flavors exclusively for the western market, representatives of Slusho! reported that their new audience is waiting for a lot of other surprises. “This has long been our dream,” smiles Slusho administrative coordinator! Mika Sruy. “We have already established relationships with several notable US distributors and are building our own marketing team with a focus on the West.”
The board applauded the news, thanks to its foreign friends for such strong support in difficult times.
“Usually in our celebrations there is more happiness, but it was a sad week,” admitted the head of the administration of Slusho! Ben Miyaki. “I am proud to be part of such a brave company.”
I think it is not worth explaining what benefits the company has for entering the American market.
Video 10 also shows up soon: youtube.com/watch?v=hG7Tm_EXy2I Don't forget that in the west of these bear cubs they are often called “Teddy”.
Poor Jamie ...
New photo on 1-18-08.com!

If you play around with the levels, the photo looks like this:

What is behind the squares - no one knows, but we guess!
January 15. News on Tagruato.jp:
Yoshida Carries Joy of Taste to the Big Apple
Ghana Yoshida today with honor came aboard a private plane Tagruato that takes him directly to New York, to the United States. He will meet with the appointed chief executive officer, Glen Warner, owner of BevVo, the largest privatized water producer in the world. “Glen has a lot of ideas for spreading Slusho! by water from the translator: (or by water communications? .. no, hardly), says Yoshida. “I wanted to come myself to learn more about them.”
Yoshida will spend four days in New York before going on a tour of the United States about the future Slusho factories!
An interesting coincidence, because now we know that the monster’s attack falls on one of the days when Yoshida was in New York.
New photo on 1-18-08.com! Taken with a night vision device, it shows us a massive army attack on something or someone ...

January 16th A new photo on the site 1-18-08.com: fisherman gets something from the bloody water.

At about the same time, the first release of manga based on Cloverfield was discovered. It comes out in Japanese and the fans have no idea what it will be about. Whether it will be the background of the film, or some events taking place in parallel with the game. only some time later it turns out that this part begins the story of how the Monster got to New York, and presumably about the childhood of Ghana Yoshida , executive director of Tagruato (because of the reverent attitude of the main character of the manga to his mother (Noriko?) They agreed on the opinion that Chisinau is Ghana). Manga itself can be downloaded here: ifolder.ru/6619055 Attention! Manga is nezerkalena! Read should be RIGHT LEFT. For the translation we thank the users of LJ Kosmopol, Red Max and theos.

January 17. The update on the TIDOwave website is a completely unintelligible new post:
Omit the horns. If we calm down, then not forever. May the great mother protect her servants during their greatest need. She rules with our hands.

A new photo is immediately found on the site 1-18-08.com:

January 18th. A new (and last) video was posted by Jamie Lazcano on JamieAndTeddy.com (password is jllovesth). There she is in an evening dress, now literally, probably, runs off to Rob's party.
I don't need you anymore, hehe, I finally don't need you. And you know what? I feel like a completely new woman. And this type will be the first night of my rest of life. And I have ... Lily arranged something, and I go there. And I don’t know, I feel like, as if, well, it’s like I'm the happiest, happiest in my whole life. And I do not know, I have a lot of energy and bulk of sex with Snyder. And it will be just awesome, and in my opinion, you need to say goodbye to these breasts, because you will never see them, and here with this. I think you're pathetic.

Jamie is very, very excited. It is not clear whether from an overdose of nectar, or from its lack, because there was not so much in the package. At this we say goodbye to Jamie (temporarily?). There is no news from her until today, although some claim that they saw her as a drunk on Rob's farewell party.
And on the same day there is an attempt on the life of Ghana Yoshida . On the Tagruato website today appeared the following news:
Ghana Defends Attack
Tagruato is proud to announce that Ghana Yoshida, unscathed after a recent attack, continues its journey as planned. “They tried to give me a hand,” Yoshida smiles at today's BevVo press conference. “But I can still point to the stars.”
Yesterday, a radical gang came up against Yoshida when he was leaving a prestigious restaurant. The group was barely able to hold Yoshida and throw liquid on his head before he fought back, throwing the gang in different directions. Tagruato security officials say the attackers are the same people who caused the incident at Chuai station a couple less than a month ago.
Yoshida did not lose heart despite the incident and assures his followers that this trick will not affect the spread of Slusho! in America. “In fact, I have to thank the criminals,” Yoshida grins. - Because of them I had to postpone the meeting. Now I can extend my visit to New York. I look forward to getting to know this beautiful city even more. ”
When asked if he was afraid of future attacks by the radicals, who reportedly disappeared after escaping from Yoshida’s superiority, he replied: "No, I don’t have to worry about them anymore."

A few hours later, the site tagruato.jp was closed for maintenance. The picture on the main page, by the way, is called tag_final. Should we wait for news from this site now or is it all?
And the guys from TIDOwave screwed up in full. They set themselves up with Chuo, and now they set themselves up even more, unwittingly, confirming the charges of destroying the station. Even if they are not to blame, who will believe now? To wait for the head of a huge corporation in a crowded place and pour liquid on it is not the most effective method of saving the environment. In the fight, they still forgot what they are fighting for. Well and ran into. Their website tidowave.com was closed due to a criminal investigation into their involvement in both incidents. The code 18,2332b means that they are charged with international terrorism.

January 18th. Updating on the blogs of the main characters a few hours before the surprise party for Rob :
Hud -> Rob - January 18, 2008 4:03 pm
dude, do you have plans for tonight? I've been thinking to look at the whole 7th season of buffy if you come
Rob -> Hud January 18, 2008 4:08 PM
In general, it would be great. However, Grimes unexpectedly invited me to watch My Beautiful Lady, if he has either free tickets or something else. What time do you start?
Hud -> Rob January 18, 2008 4:13 PM
Time is an illusion, Rob. Two times later than lunch.
Post Jamie January 18, 2008 16:13 - Current mood: energetic
Someone who sees me tonight naked - and his name is not Teddy. The main event of this evening will be how I will have fun - a free, lonely, sexy girl. This is the beginning of a new era, I directly feel it.
Post Lily January 18, 2008 4:45 PM - Current mood: stress
WHAT, NO ONE WHO HAS A BUCKET FOR ICE!?!? - Aaaaaaaaanenavizhuparneyonilenivye and help aaaaaaaaaa!
Bat -> Lily January 18, 2008 4:39 PM
Okay, I think I’ll still come. Only I can be late.
And indeed, Bet was late for the party :(

January 18th. The premiere of the film in the States and other advanced countries. In some cities, the film was shown a week or two later. After the premiere, the game subsided for a certain time and the fans wondered if there would be a continuation?
The film itself was the source of many Christmas eggs, among which I would like to point out two: the fall of the Tagruato satellite in the most recent frames of the film, for more detail here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNSMpnLuVSc&fmt=18 (read info video, there is a link to clear screenshots). And also the find at the end of the credits, showing the encrypted message from Rob, looks very interesting: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG1vXDxmnOI
Not paid attention to the fans and another project of JJ Abrams Lost , and even managed to find something interesting. Here in one of the initial frames, the Dharma Initiative logo is visible: 1211143827-pearlmonstro-38kb.jpg
And here is a frame from the ARG "LOST: Expirience" , in which meticulous fans saw a frame from Cloverfield:

January 23. Sites TIDOwave and Tagruato are working again, but there are no visible updates yet. Presumably, this was done in the pause between the stages of the game so that those who did not know about it, but who watched the movie and became interested, could familiarize themselves with them.

March 7th Pay attention to how much time has passed. Around this time, the second, more informative, in my opinion, part of the manga appears. Translation involved in dada_liest and theos. This part (as well as all the others) is not mirrored and should be read from right to left. Download here: ifolder.ru/6619510
March 29. A strange symbol appeared on the Slusho.jp website on the main page and in the Contest section. He looks like a combined sword and quotation mark (nine?).

April, 4. On the site 1-18-08.com - a new photo, or rather the announcement that Teddy Henssen disappeared (the former boyfriend Jamie Lazcano , who left in the TIDOwave grouping to the station Chuai for some kind of clandestine investigation or sabotage of the work of Tagruato corporation:

According to the ad, it was last seen on December 7, 2007, that is, this ad is, like the rest of the photos on the site, in the time space of the game, not the movie: somewhere before October 4, Jamie received a box from Teddy that should not was open until December 9th. Among other things, there was a message in her that if he did not get in touch with her until December 9th, Tagruato would declassify him and something would happen to him.
We first see what Teddy looks like.
On the reverse side of the photo is a symbol from the last post that appeared recently on the Slusho drink site! . Next to him are some very small characters that at first glance look like # 430. The trap is that the symbol is reflected along the horizontal axis (there is an inverted nine, therefore, perhaps, the symbols should be read the same way.
On the front side of the photo, if you increase the contrast in the lower left corner, you can look at something. These are either compression artifacts or the word mute.

April, 4. The sword sword symbol appeared on Tagruato in the About Us and Deep Sea Drilling sections. He also appeared on JamieAndTeddy.com (password jllovesth). The file name is t543w.jpg, which suggests that the file is associated with TIDOwave . It is even possible that a sword is the letter T, and a squiggle is a wave (Wave).

April 8th. The logo of the “sword of squiggle” (t543w) appeared on the main page of the JamieAndTeddy.com site, as well as on the top banner of the TIDOwave site, thus appearing on all in-game sites. Who puts this logo and for what purpose?
Also on this day in the west there is a DVD with a film, in which a lot of additional materials and two alternative endings. In one of them the final scene in the park was replaced, and in the second, between the farewell dialogue of the characters and the scene in the park, you can see a frame for a second, as someone found a camera. However, apparently, these messages do not carry any messages in themselves and are provided simply for your reference. You can also watch them together with deleted scenes from the movie: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dzlv8mF70w

April 11th. Update on the website TIDOwave .
On April 2, in the last post of January 17, 2008, someone MissingTeddyHanssen (Teddy Hanssen’s Investigation) left a comment with the following content.
Well, where are these “fearless, glorious warriors” that everyone was talking about? No one answers calls. No one opens the door. My brother is still somewhere out there, and you guys don't give a damn. I'm friends too. If it were not for your idiotic sectarian pens, he would still be here with me. It's all your fault !!! Underpants!!! I hope you die!
Since comments on the site can be left by anyone — including you, they are considered “out of the game” and are not given attention. Until now, since a new post has just appeared on the site, which addresses MissingTeddyHanssen .
April 11, 2008:
For MissingTeddyHanssen
There will be no help. Stop your share.
There's nothing here.

14th of April. To the last post on the site TIDOwave wrote a comment already familiar to us MissingTeddyHanssen :
April 14, 2008 4:05 pm
I knew it. You are cheap stuff. And if you seriously think that I will stop looking for a brother, then you are dumber than I thought. Anyone who has a lie can come to my blog. We need to stick together. There are more people who are affected. It can not be that I was the only one.
The blog mentioned in the commentary was very easy to find - at the obvious address of MissingTeddyHanssen.blogspot.com. He is led by the girl Alyse Hanssen (apparently, Elyse Henssen) - the older sister Teddy . On December 7, 2007, he had to call her about plans for the holidays, but he did not call. Since then, she has been looking for him. She started this blog in March 2008.
From the blog, we learn that Teddy used to work for ParafFUN! (I remind: Tagruato division, engaged in the production of paraffin wax). However, in the summer of 2007, he suddenly quit his job and started working for TIDOwave . 7- , (John Garrettie), . , , , , , , . TIDOwave ( « »), Tagruato . , , . -.

April 17th .
, , — . — «» , . - ? , . , - BlackBerry* . !
— john.garrettie@yahoo.com . .

April 18th. . :
18 2008 16:47
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25673/

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