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How to know the effectiveness of the page in the App Store or Google Play?

Hello! We are SplitMetrics and want to talk about the service for testing visual elements and copyright of mobile application pages in app stores. We drove through the tests for more than 1 million users and began to understand which elements on the pages are important and which chips work ...

Our story began when Apple sent a request for Promotional Art Work to feature our application. For a long time we could not choose an option that would suit everyone and would lead the maximum number of races. Hours of discussions led to the fact that we have filled a certain compromise version, not understanding how effective it will be. The feature gave us a good number of installations, but we felt that it was not the maximum. The answer came by itself: our page in the App Store simply could not “sell” the application. After examining the market, we realized that no one was ready to help us and provide a ready-made service for preliminary testing of various page variations on the App Store or Google Play. Then we decided to make such a service for ourselves and everyone who likes to count conversion.


Why conduct a / b tests for the App Store and Google Play?

On the web, a / b testing today will surprise few people. Any self-respecting site is testing options landing pages, forms and so on. With mobile applications, everything is much more complicated: to replace any graphic element on a page, you need to reload the build and wait about 7 days to wait for approval from the App Store team. SplitMetrics simplifies the process and allows you to test design and copyright elements without uploading them directly to the App Store and testing in combat conditions.

Mobile development teams always have a lot of ideas about how the pages should look in the App Store: what can be icons, screenshots, descriptions and other elements. Each of these elements affects the conversion, which depends on how well you were able to tell and show why you need a product and what it is. Increasing the conversion will raise the app in the search results of the App Store and Google Play, it will help to significantly reduce the cost of traffic and increase the amount of organic traffic.

What can be tested?

Now you can conduct experiments with application pages for iPhone, iPad and Android. You can check how the following items affect your conversion:

You can find out how important the presence of video on the page of your game. Or, which description more effectively speaks to the user. Check if the conversion rates change the order and the visual component of the screenshots. Successful mobile application manufacturers, for example, optimize icons even before they are launched in app store.

How it works?

Ease of use allows you to use the web application as a developer, and marketers, experts on user acquisition. The process takes only a couple of minutes. SplitMetrics loads the page by reference from app store. Using a simple constructor, you can create alternative versions of pages that differ in one element. In a couple of seconds, the system will generate landing pages - exact copies of the pages in the app store. It remains to send traffic and wait for results. The application collects analytics of user behavior and shows which version of the application works best.

Intuition or experimental data?

Today for any product, incl. and mobile, it is important to be able to stand out and bring your idea to the audience. There are only 3-4 seconds to convince the user to choose a specific application: the icon, title, screenshots and general impression should “speak” in his language and be crystal clear. SplitMetrics provides a unique opportunity to make effective decisions based on experimental data — even before launching a product to find out what really hooks a representative of the target audience, and to optimize an existing product in order to achieve maximum profit.

While we are in beta and use the platform for free. Register at splitmetrics.com , and write questions in the comments. We will be very grateful for the feedback.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256711/

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