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Kurchatov Convergent Education Project

We return the experiment to school

The main result of schooling is the development of basic theoretical concepts (time, substance, volume, amount) and the ability to apply them in solving practical problems and obtaining new knowledge. Natural scientists believe that the future is in interdisciplinary research in the field of chemistry, physics and biology. Convergent learning, for the implementation of which the Kurchatov project was created, is aimed at creating just such an interdisciplinary educational environment in the classroom and in extracurricular activities of students.

Project Background

One of the problems of modern education is the traditional teaching of the subjects of the natural science cycle in isolation from each other, with the result that students have an incomplete formation of a complete picture of the world.

Project task

To form a system of ideas about the world at the stage of primary education, which determines the motivation of the student and the entire subsequent educational cycle.

Project Goals

- To form among schoolchildren the motivation to receive science education.
- To lay the foundations of the perception of the surrounding world as a whole on the basis of interdisciplinary educational programs.
- Provide an opportunity to participate in the implementation of educational and research projects.
- Orient graduate students on admission to the best universities, leading interdisciplinary training.

about the project

The project involved 37 Moscow schools, which are united by an interest in new technologies, the active development of new educational methods. Within the framework of the project, these schools are equipped with the most modern educational and laboratory equipment designed for conducting lessons, experimental workshops and field work in 4 subjects: physics, chemistry, geography and biology. Also, each school was supplied with computer equipment, necessary software, consumables for laboratory equipment, and even furniture.

In order to fully utilize the supplied high-tech equipment, commissioning work was carried out, teachers were trained, teaching materials were supplied to schools, and service support was provided.
Participating schools not only use the equipment themselves, but also work as a network of innovative educational institutions of "walking distance". Teachers and students from other schools use these resource centers to learn from experience and conduct on-site activities.

The concept of the project was formed by Moscow educational institutions together with the Kurchatov Institute. Within the framework of the project, Softline, in addition to the supply of computer, educational equipment and software, conducted commissioning, teacher training and provides technical support. The competition in which Softline won this contract was organized by the District Department of Education of the CJSC of Moscow on the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education.

Convergent learning

One of the founders of the Kurchatov project, Mikhail V. Kovalchuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, notes that information and nanotechnologies should become the basis for the convergence of sciences and technologies:
- transition to nano-sizes;
- change the development paradigm from analysis to synthesis;
- rapprochement and interpenetration of inorganics and the organic world of living nature;
- interdisciplinary approach instead of narrow specializations.

These provisions determine the content of educational resources of the Kurchatov project.

Equipment supplied

The foundation for all sets of laboratory equipment is the use of modern technology, as close as possible to that used by adult scientists in real laboratories. It is complemented by computer technology (after all, modern laboratory equipment is connected to a computer) and new solutions in the field of ergonomics of the educational environment.

Each office includes:
- interactive whiteboard,
- digital laboratory equipment, sensors,
- necessary consumables,
- educational furniture.

For the full use of the equipment, electronic educational resources and specialized software are provided.

Laboratory equipment


The Chemistry Cabinet is equipped with a spectrophotometer, which allows quantitative and kinetic measurements, to determine the absorption spectrum of substances.
The digital ion meter allows you to carry out high-precision measurements and investigate the concentration of ions in any solutions.
Electronic scales allow you to measure mass with an accuracy of up to a thousand and solve problems in quantitative chemistry.
Reagent kits allow you to carry out not only basic experiments from the school chemistry course, but also to study the physical and chemical indicators of substances and prepare for specialized Olympiads.


The Cabinet of Physics is equipped with an atomic force microscope, with which it is possible to study the physical properties and structure of matter at the level of nanoscale.
The set "Laser Radiation" allows you to receive holographic images of various three-dimensional objects.
The kit for determining the specific electron charge makes it possible to observe and investigate the motion of electrons in a magnetic field.
The telescope allows you to study in detail the various astronomical objects and phenomena (lunar and solar eclipses), as well as map the starry sky.


Thanks to the modern digital remote meteorological station, it is possible to create a school meteorological service, and in combination with other equipment (in biology, chemistry and physics) - the implementation of environmental monitoring of abiotic environmental factors.
The ScanEx hardware-software complex for receiving Earth remote sensing data allows using space technologies to help obtain the most up-to-date information on the processes and phenomena occurring on the planet.
Interactive tables allow you to work with interactive maps, 3D-models of natural objects and phenomena, satellite imagery.


The set of equipment for biology allows you to conduct research and experiments on school grounds, park areas, water bodies.
The set of equipment includes a mobile laboratory necessary for carrying out biological-ecological and biological-chemical research, analysis of soil, water and air.
The Molecular Biology set allows you to isolate DNA from biological objects, to carry out biochemical diagnostics.

Innovative furniture

Completely revised the concept of furniture, which consists in the rejection of a large number of wires and the impossibility of mobile movement in the classroom.

The modern system of the upper supply line of communications is used, which simplifies the installation of power circuits, water, gas, ventilation systems, etc.

The transforming class can be used as a lecture room or as a class for workshops.

Visualization system

Modern blackboard systems with short-focus projectors and integrated interactive whiteboards.
Computer control system class equipment.

The use of video walls as elements of accessible visualization.

3D technology

The possibility of carrying out virtual laboratory work in 3D.

Application of technology "Augmented Reality".

Multitasking and cross-platform.

The output of videos in 3D mode allows you to increase efficiency and interest in the educational process.
Interactive globe with a set of interactive maps with the ability to display relevant information received from satellites online.

The system of 3D content integrated into the common complex allows studying the processes “from the inside”.

Distance learning

The use of modern software products to create distance learning based on innovative classes.
Organization of online broadcasts on the Internet with the ability to connect other institutions to the educational process.

From delivery to full use


In order to dozens of large and small boxes, which were brought to each of the 37 schools, were unloaded on the first floor and put on balance, turned into laboratory classes, a huge amount of commissioning work had to be done.

According to the terms of delivery, each school had to prepare the premises according to the technical requirements governing the number and location of outlets, the placement of water supply and sewage, the preparation of ventilation chambers for connecting extracts, etc. A team of installers came to the prepared site, which assembled columns for interactive boards, island tables with hoods, assembled furniture, connected communications.

At the next stage, servers and PCs, network equipment were installed and configured. Then it was the turn of the assembly of laboratory equipment, connection to computers, installation of special software.

At the final stage, the finished laboratory classes were tested and transferred to schools.


For the development of new technology for all teachers, training was conducted on the basis of methodological recommendations on the use of training equipment in all subjects. System administrators have also been trained in the use of software and equipment, including specialized equipment, such as projectors, interactive tables, etc.


The project provides 3-year support for all supplied equipment. Since the guarantee of most manufacturers is 1 year, the supplier under the contract, Softline, assumed further support. In this case, the guarantee provided for the replacement of non-working equipment in a period of not more than 2 working days.

Currently, applications are accepted both by phone and through a special functionality on the school portal shkola.softline.ru. Applications are processed by dedicated engineers. In the future, it is planned to transfer the processing of applications to Softline’s own servicedesk, which has ample opportunities to track applications, connect any necessary specialists and managers to solve problems.

Currently, the volume of applications - about 30 per month - from the banal problems with power supply and ending with a full repair of equipment.

The scale of the Kurchatov project is large, and a special storage of replacement equipment was organized for warranty service.

City Methodical Center mosmetod.ru

On the website of the methodological center you can find:
- Lists of equipment of the Kurchatov project;
- Guidelines for the placement and use of educational equipment in all subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, geography).
- Collection of instructions on labor protection and safety.

These materials made it possible to connect and set up equipment in a timely manner, to properly place it in educational laboratories, taking into account SanPiN requirements.


The ability to learn. For the first time in the history of national education, the ability to learn is highlighted as an independent and important result of education in modern federal state educational standards. The activity development of the subject, individual projects that students can perform in converged laboratories, form the ability for independent thinking and cognition.

Interdisciplinary education. Training in convergent laboratories is aimed at mastering universal educational activities and concepts located at the intersection of subject disciplines, which in the future allow to achieve high subject results.

Effective education. The equipment of the project allows for individual and group research work, to successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam, and enroll in natural science and engineering faculties of universities.

New requirements for the execution of the state contract

Compared to traditional ones, we applied higher requirements in the following parameters:

Type of Requirements
Extended warranty period. 3 years warranty for all delivered goods.
Center technical support and information support. Call center, website, monthly reports, quarterly preventive visits of specialists.
Swap Fund. Replacement of equipment in a period not exceeding 2 working days
Professional development of specialists working with equipment. Advanced training of specialists with the issuance of state certificate.
Additional financial guarantees. For the whole warranty period.
Full readiness for work. Full commissioning and installation on site
Functional compatibility. The product must be technically and functionally compatible with each other and in the aggregate must constitute a single hardware-laboratory complex of convergent learning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256703/

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