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ASP.NET, job search, interview questions

Perhaps this topic will be interesting to novice ASP.NET programmers. I have been here lately for interviews, I want to change jobs. Gathered some questions asked by the technical staff at the interview (for the position of Senior .NET developer).


Does ASP.NET have a caching mechanism and what does it provide?
When does Button1_OnClick event occur in the page life cycle? (It is considered that there is a button on the form. They clicked on the button.)

Tell us how you would do this task:
There is a list of objects (for example, incoming messages).
1. Bring them to the Readers page so that there is a CheckBox near each header.
2. The user selects some messages (via Checkboxes), presses "OK", the selected messages must be deleted.


Name the concept of OOP.

As, is - what is it, how is it applied?

What is the difference between abstract and virtual classes? Between virtual and abstract methods?

Dispose (), Finalize () - what are these methods, how are they used in .NET?

What does .NET use for (...) {...} construction for? And here IDisposable?

That will bring this code (do not pry into the studio! :):
- XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument ();
x.LoadXml ("<root />");
Console.WriteLine (x.ToString ());
Console.ReadKey ();


What joins know? What is the difference?

There is a scheme

Customer (Id, Name)
Sale (Id, CustomerId, Date, Sum)

Write requests:
1. The best buyer of all time (the Customer, who has the most in total Sum field)
2. The best buyer for each month (the same as 1, only for each month of the current year)

If the topic is relevant, I can continue. Write your questions from the interviews, I'm interested :)

1. In the topic - only those questions that I remember. There were still quite simple questions (how to invert the string?) And questions that I forgot :)
2. The place of action is Moscow.
3. Transferred to .NET

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25669/

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