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Jeff Atwood: “Your password is too short!”

I'm already tired of writing passwords . But like taxes, e-mail and red eyes, they are not going anywhere. What can I say, based on experience:

What can a developer do with this?

This is usually done using a password complexity indicator , which works interactively.


This is used when it is impossible to avoid storing passwords.
The easiest way to strengthen the password, making it longer. Other things being equal, the exponential law says that the longer the password, the better. I love secret phrases , although it's very hard to type on touchscreens in our mobile world. But how long should the password be?

When developing Discourse, it was necessary to choose the minimum acceptable password length. I chose 8, based on quick research. This is not so much, but if you use a sufficient number of different characters, it should be enough to protect against attacks.

And I do not mean those attacks, when the selection of passwords occurs through the reloading of pages or input forms. This may work for the most popular passwords, but usually sites and applications are protected from frequent data re-entry.

I mean high-speed offline selection of hashes, where the hacker has a database of leaked passwords. Such leaks were and will be.

If you are unlucky, the developers of the application, service or site store passwords in clear text. This is not often the case lately - progress. But even if they saved the password in a hash - pray that it was a slow and complex hashing algorithm, such as bcrypt . And they chose a sufficient number of iterations. Oops, it was relevant for a long time, in the Middle Ages, around 2010. I wanted to say that scrypt should be chosen as an algorithm.

And everything will be fine. Yes?

You will say that “a large array for hacking” is exotic. Excuse me. An array of 24 ordinary GPUs optimized for fast hash selection is available to any agency and medium-sized business. Moreover, they do not have to buy, and you can rent - for example, in the cloud. And imagine what a national scale agency is capable of. Horror.


Even if we discard this scenario, then in the column “simple offline brute force” is only 37 minutes.

Let's try to extend the password. What happens?

9 characters - 2 minutes
10 characters - 2 hours
11 characters - 6 days
12 characters - 1 year
13 characters - 64 years

Maybe add special characters?

8 characters - 1 minute
9 characters - 2 hours
10 characters - 1 week
11 characters - 2 years
12 characters - 2 centuries

Already not bad, but only the 12-character mark, containing upper and lower case, numbers and special characters, seems to be safe.

And “big arrays for hacking” will not become slower. There will always be a number of characters that, thanks to the exponent, will be unattainable, but over time, the processor power will only grow.


I'll tell you what, unfortunate user: if your password is shorter than 12 different characters, you are in danger. Create random passwords no shorter than 12 characters.

Of course, all these calculations depend on the hashing algorithm used . We'll have to accept that all the passwords you use will be stored with encryption with the stupidest and fastest algorithm. There are too many old programs and algorithms that will live for a long, long time.


But these are only tips - you need to adjust the settings to the realities of your server systems. For example, we had a case where a bug in Discourse allowed users to drive passwords up to 20,000 characters long, and the hash count of this password took many seconds.

And now I’ll go I’ll change my PayPal password.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256671/

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