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Robots playing jazz

It's only the beginning. First (at the end of April), the robot ASIMO from Honda acted as a conductor of a symphony orchestra, and now the quartet of Toyota robots (two Partner Robot and two DJ Robot) played well both classical and jazz and anime music. As planned by Toyota, a concert in which four robots (two different models each) played together is a great demonstration of the interaction of smart machines.

Such an event became possible primarily due to the technical features of the robots, which allow them to play instruments such as violin, trumpet and percussion. These are completely new “hands” of the hand (to hold the instruments tightly), as well as artificial lungs and lips (for playing wind instruments).

What can you say? Could it be that soon, instead of live musicians at concerts, we will be waited by groups made up of not making mistakes, not fake or “fake” robots? For the sake of experiment, I would go for such a robo-session. But only once.

via 3DNews


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25667/

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