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Debian Jessie 8.0 Release

Debian release released under the code name Jessie.

The new release contains much more programs than its predecessor Wheezy - more than 12,000 packages have been added, and in total there are more than 43,500 packages in this release. In addition, most of the packages - more than 24,500 - have been updated (this is approximately 66% of the Wheezy package base). Another 5441 package has been removed for various reasons.

The official Debian distribution now takes from 9 to 10 DVDs, or from 61 to 69 CDs (depending on the architecture) with the packages assembled, and 8 DVDs or 46 CDs of the package are used with the source code. Also available is a multi-architecture version of the DVD distribution, including the amd64, i386 architectures and source code. In addition, Debian is released as Blu-ray images, three images for the amd64 and i386 architectures for each architecture and two for the source code . Due to the size, very large packages did not get into the CD assemblies; These packages are on DVD and BD.
Jessie is distributed with multiple desktop environments. The main ones are GNOME 3.14, KDE 4.11, Xfce 4.10, and LXDE. The environment can now be selected during the Debian installation via tasksel. The version of the Linux kernel in Jessie is 3.16.

In this release, among other things, the following software has been updated:
PackageVersion 7 (wheezy)Version in 8 (jessie)
BIND DNS server9.89.9
Courier MTA0.680.73
Exim default e-mail server4.804.84
GNU Compiler Collection, the default compiler4.7 for PC, 4.6 on others4.9
GNU C Library2.132.19
Linux kernel imagebranch 3.2branch 3.16
Postfix MTA2.92.11
Python 33.23.4
Office applications have also been updated, including the following:

We should also mention the default system initialization change: SysVinit is changed to systemd. Its feature is the intensive parallelization of the launch of services during the system boot process, which allows to significantly speed up the launch of the operating system. This decision caused a large number of discussions in the community and a negative reaction from some of its representatives. However, Jessie provides the ability to return to SysVinit .

The new release has disabled the SSLv3 protocol, in addition to MySQL, MariaDB is enabled, OpenJDK 7/8 and Tomcat 7/8 are available (OpenJDK 8 is available from backports ), Android SDK Tools are enabled, Docker containers, professional applications have been updated ( Debian Med , Debian Science , Debian Geographical Information Systems ).

It is noteworthy that this time the developers announced the release in almost a month, and not in two weeks, as usual. In addition, the release was carried out in one day, although usually it was allotted all weekend. And Microsoft invites you to celebrate the release of Jessie on LinuxFest Northwest on April 25 and 26, 2015.

Congratulations to all involved and sympathizers with the new release!

Before upgrading the system, Debian developers strongly recommend making a backup of the information you would not want to lose and note that previous releases recommended using aptitude for the upgrade. In this release, using aptitude is not recommended. After upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie, it is recommended to clear old packages before rebooting the system.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256617/

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