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Google App Engine Launcher for Mac OS X

As you know, Google employees are given 20% of their time working on developing projects and products that they are really interested in and what they are passionate about. Google Mac Team is the case.

Google App Engine allows you to run various external web applications, but little attention was paid to integration with Mac. Creating simple applications like “hello world” is too easy, although the possibilities are endless and Mac users certainly need more.

Google Mac blog reports that John Grabowski from Google Mac Team, Mac Team UI designer John Skidgel and App Engine engineer Brett Slatkin, spent their 20% writing the GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app application for Mac OS X.
Launcher is not intended to replace a full-scale IDE or editor. However, at present, with the help of a native Mac application you can perform various complex tasks.

* Several applications in Python, CSS, HTML and JavaScript;
* Command line for launching applications and viewing logs;
* Browser for local verification and the ability to access the console;
* Command line for application deployment;
* Browser to view applications in the toolbar.

Now with a few mouse clicks you can run, view, post logs for your applications. There are also some add-ons similar to drag and drop, integration with the editor, etc.

Download Google App Engine Launcher

via The Social Trend

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25659/

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