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Krovi: Big Data - as dream. 7th series. Big Jobs for Big Data

In previous episodes: Big Data is not just a lot of data. Big Data is a process with positive feedback. "The Obama button" as the embodiment of rtBD & A. Philosophy of the development of Big Data. BD - also Bolt Data. In this series - how to become a BD Analyst?

The other day in the networks appeared an announcement from the Moscow government agencies to recruit 50 BD analysts for the s / n 100tr. Simple “fingerprints” will show that this corresponds to salary, taxes, office and equipment costs ~ 150 million rubles. in year. It's time to start rejoicing that there have appeared projects with Big Data analytics in the capital, and even in the field of health care, the usefulness of which for residents and public banks is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles annually?

Since we have the experience of “cultivating” BD analysts, there is expertise in working with “analysts” of customers from different countries, regions and industries, we wish good luck and hope for a positive result - after all, not the gods burn the pots. Below we present a brief overview of the industries whose people may well try themselves in a new field. As well as a serious tool for the game "Feel yourself an analyst."

Half a year ago, when few still believed in the upcoming crisis, for the new analytical structure, our colleagues took off the cream of “idlers” - interesting people who clearly understood the “stupidity” or uselessness of their current work and were among the first to be ready to “lay the straw”, catching signals of an impending storm in search of a safe future asylum.
Now that the crisis is in full swing, there are plenty of idlers (without quotes) in the labor market, it's time to throw a trawl to search for interesting specialists who are ready to move into new markets with serious prospects. Now many industries are keenly aware of the lack of Big Data analysts - the same Gartner promises ABD market capacity in the United States alone to hundreds of thousands of analysts in the coming years.

If earlier there was hope, for example, for sociologists, then the next “review” at the Grushinsky conference, where the best cadres of sociology and survey research are presented, once again showed: people spoil the future so much that they will not re-analyze ALL data from the worldview; sample "- more expensive. There is, however, a single reverse precedent - a positive case, and even then a student at Moscow State University tried to ban doing a diploma on an “extravagant” topic - for a real big study using Big Data. Quite good Big Data analysts come from people who have graduated from / from HSE (HSE), as well as young, still “unsupervised” marketers, PR specialists, communication reactionaries who are able to react super-quickly to new trends and challenges.

Events in the world, country, regions, cities and villages, during the crisis time in many FCMG markets (electronics, finance, consumer goods, pharma, tourism, sports, media, etc.) the need for ABDs capable of solving new needs grows spitting on a crisis — rather, on the contrary, the crisis has blown up old solutions and industries now demand, demand and demand new “victims” of old industries.

New vacancies do not yet have formal descriptions, popular trainings or smart books (all smart books on ABD are devoted to the “slow” research industry). But then there is a fast-growing flow of tasks from different industries, going directly from companies or through large and medium-sized agencies servicing large “nodes”, new fields, for which previously there was not enough data and time.

For those who want to check themselves out and try the new Big Data Analyst, without filling out some questionnaire applications and interviews, without access to large data arrays, there is a very simple way: select a popular event and look at it with the eyes of many people. You can see and feel the trends and trends of society - not your thoughts and ideas, not the opinions of your inner circle, but other real people - this means you have a clear talent and inclination in Big Data analytics: the willingness to perceive reality in all its diversity.

Remarkable working out of the necessary skills is done on popular shows with live broadcasts - such as “Voice” or “Big Stage” - there is a lot of data from different people, no predictability of results, a lot of nuclearity of the “battlefield” (the number of key-persons strongly influencing developments). Unfortunately, both shows are over, but you should not worry: there are a lot of events that interest large groups of people. This weekend there will be a film about Putin, the celebration of May 9 is widely discussed, then the World Hockey Championship will begin, etc., etc.

For fast-trending events (Golos, Straight Line with Putin, a specific football match), the main sources are Twitter, sometimes with the addition of Instagram and VC - where it is easy to throw out a short emotion, opinion, express an opinion, repost the favorite. For “slow” or “long” events (world championships in popular sports, increasing the number of owners of new versions of the iPhone, presidential elections) it is necessary to analyze all sources: VK, FB, LJ, media, comments, forums, thematic sites and reviews.

Below are a few case studies implemented with sociological companies (VTsIOM), information agencies (RIA Novosti), research structures (“Environment”):

1. The study of public opinion in social media about the charity event “By the World” - vox-populi.ru/whole_world.phtml

2. Interactive infographics "Olympic mood" - ria.ru/sochi2014_news/20140207/993694100.html
based on the dynamics of the number and tonality of messages in social networks devoted to the Olympic Games in Sochi.

3. The forecast of elections in Venezuela (2013) - vox-populi.ru/venezuala.phtml

4. Direct line with President of the Russian Federation V.Putin on April 25, 2013. Monitoring the dynamics of public opinion in social media - vox-populi.ru/pl2013.phtml

5. Easter in social networks - www.pravmir.ru/pasha-v-sotsialnyih-setyah

A small bonus for those who decide to seriously try their hand at a promising specialty, we agreed with our colleagues from Brand Analytics that anyone can use the professional social media analysis system for their research for the period before the end of the May holidays. Promotional code for free registration - " Megamind ", address - br-analytics.ru/account/registration
Here you can see a couple of real topics instituted by professional analysts.

Good analyzes! ;)

Continued: 8th series

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256581/

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