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"Chasing your head", do not overheat!

The problem of insufficient mental performance and fatigue, as it turned out, worries a lot of people. On “Habré” there were citizens who, who jokingly, who seriously advised in the comments amphetamines, Prozac, Nootropil, Ginkgo, Vinpocetine.

The level of ignorance of some "advisers" rolls over. In this post I will talk about what not to do. That it is necessary to do, I will tell in the following.


The effect of them, of course, is. Amphetamine derivatives are part of drugs that help to carry increased mental and physical exertion, for example, to scouting scouts. If a tired horse is stimulated with a stun gun, he will run faster, but then he will fall and die. Some long-term non-medical use of amphetamines is an addiction, severe side effects and death. Among the "charms" - the development of schizophrenia-like psychosis.
Especially sorry for those fools who are trying to use the "club pills" to improve efficiency. In addition to amphetamines, these pills contain a bunch of synthesis byproducts. As drunks fend and die from fusel oils and methanol, so consumers of this shit get hepatic and renal insufficiency, fall into a coma from the by-products of the synthesis. The process is something handicraft and cleaning bad.

Prozac and other antidepressants

If, in the case of amphetamines, you should write a will, then, as you prepare to get hooked on Prozac, warn your woman that there will be no sex. What is it all about? Prozac is an antidepressant. Despite the fact that in common parlance, many people call their inoperable state “depressed”, in 99% of cases it is not associated with real depression. Accordingly, they will not give any meaningful and sustained improvement in mental performance. They just have a different mechanism of action. And a variety of side effects. For example, decreased sexual desire and erectile function.
All you need to know about antidepressants: they should be taken only as prescribed by a psychiatrist and under his control.

By the way, those who manage, sitting on Prozac, eat ecstasy or other amphetamine-containing drugs, dont die in trivial terms. And drink vodka, yeah.


Opinions differ on the effectiveness of these drugs. At one time, a teacher at the Department of Neurology told me: “In those doses in which you can take it without a doctor’s control, it is not nootropil that works, but self-hypnosis.” Other colleagues use it and praise it. I experienced its positive effect on myself (what if it was a self-suggestion? )

In general, Nootropil is a relatively safe drug, but this does not mean that we should immediately rush to eat it. In the next article I will talk about non-drug methods, which in my practice have shown significant effectiveness without “Nootropil”.

One "wise guy" in the comments wrote "in the plans for the transition to Vinpocetine." If the brain vessels are not changed, then this group of nootropics will not give anything at all. Harm, probably, will not be much, but the benefits will not be accurate.

Dietary Supplements

Well, if they are at least harmless. Facilitate self-hypnosis. But sometimes, instead of sawdust, these expensive capsules contain not at all harmless shavings, but weed, causing first a rise in mood, then dependence, and then disorders of varying severity.

Lyrically digressing from the problem of mental retardation. As a doctor, I consider dietary supplements to be evil. An illustrative example of one fan of dietary supplements, which has developed a terrible osteoporosis on the background of a long and abundant use of horseradish knows what additives. We were still told at the institute: her bones broke like sugar. Well, do not count the number of older people who have earned heart attacks, strokes, hypertensive crises and other complications due to the rejection of "harmful chemical pills" in favor of "natural herbal supplements." A certain grandmother was prescribed antihypertensive therapy prescribed to her for life, and then she found a “hedgehog”, who cried out, they say, “they were crazy there, they put you on pills”. And she offered her grandmother crushed sawdust in capsules. Against the background of the abrupt cancellation of the drug, the grandmother “knocks out traffic jams” the next evening. Hypertensive crisis, rupture of the vessel, hemorrhage in the brain. But all natural, no "harmful chemistry."


One of the local users, who admitted the absence of medical education, advised to take B vitamins 2-3 times a day. There is a reasonable grain in this. But here the vitamins are dispensed not in "times", but between "two" or "three" times a day, the difference can be significant.

This is especially true of vitamins like the Vitrum Super Stress. They generally can not take more than one capsule per day. Excessive amounts of certain vitamins will not be absorbed by the cells, and their metabolism will follow an unfavorable alternative biochemical pathway. Read about hypervitaminosis, clever.


Some alarmist expressed, they say, "caffeine is the strongest drug." Nothing like that, of course. But do not take it more than there is in coffee or tea. Side effects of caffeine will be stronger than that of "Nootropil" or vitamin. Don't overheat the cpu guys.

As idiotic advice comes from non-specialists, I will expand and supplement this note, and one of these days I will lay out a really working method.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25651/

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