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Anti-aural decisions

Anti-aural decisions


In order to quickly take action in the event of force majeure situations it would be good to have “rolled-up rails” - typical solutions. As you know, the best way to avoid dangers is to prepare for them. The following is the experience of Russian managers and consultants who have experienced some or other difficulties with the “thieves of time”
- situations that consume our time, without bringing any benefit. This article can be used as a stimulus material for developing your own recipes for "anti-aura decisions."
Collected the most frequent "thieves of time", unexpected questions and problems that knock your schedule, disrupting the performance of important work, forcing you to lose concentration, being distracted by them. Each of them is offered several solutions. At the same time, not just emergency response, but proactive
procedures that need to be carried out in advance in order to successfully cope with surprises. Conventionally, we denote these solutions as “lines of defense against C,” which, according to the Eisenhower matrix, means urgent, but not important matters.

Phone calls

It is required to develop a quick categorization of these calls. To immediately, from the first seconds know what scenario to apply to the "incoming". Next, a number of categories of incoming calls and response scenarios are proposed.

1. Personal calls

- Ask to speak shorter
- Interrogate call back at another time
- Allocate time for personal calls and warn all loved ones to call the windows provided
- Install an answering machine
- “Send to 3 letters”: Write all by SMS. “And if there is anything in the case - send an SMS!”

2. Professional calls

but. Management calls

- Phrase: “Sorry, I'm talking to a client now”
- Phrase: “I speak intercity”
- Prevent, call before starting a task that requires concentration, and clarify "what is needed from me?" In the next hour, can I work in silence? No distractions? ”
- Idea: the answering machine takes periods of your employment from the schedule and reports it with voice or text (SMS, e-mail, ICQ)! Technically feasible.
True, there are no real examples of use in Russia. It is possible that the embodiment of this idea will bring millions to the creator of such a software shell;)
- In response to a call, an SMS is sent when you can call back
To make this move economical, you must first set up SMS response templates. The latest Nokia models have this service as a full-time feature. You reset the call - and the SMS is automatically sent to the caller.

B. Calls from colleagues

- Postpone
- To pick up the phone, having understood that this is a “C” task, switch to the answering machine
- Quickly understand the essence of the topic and move the conversation to another time
- Highlight areas for communication (when it is better to call you)
Suggested options, two windows: morning and evening
- Require to state the structure in a structured way.

with. Customer calls

- Request to call back: “they call the authorities on the carpet ...”
- listen structured, respond quickly
- “I understood the task, I will call you back at a certain time ...”
- Accept the call, fixing it on the incoming letterhead, and transfer it to an authorized person

Man suddenly comes

This is the most common problem in open offices. When all those who are not busy and who are bored are constantly distracting their neighbors or nearby people. Also reduce
the efficiency of the work of visitors who descended unexpectedly. The following decision branches can be applied to these “thieves of time”.

- It is recommended to conduct a conversation while standing to quickly complete the conversation.
- Employment alarms: flags, caps, etc. For example, in Ulyanovsk, in the company “Palace row”, employees, when working independently, put a red flag on the table. If it is set, this is a “no distraction signal!” After the completion of the work, the checkbox is removed from the “signal position” - it means that you can approach to ask questions, etc.
- Close to the guest, cause discomfort, reduce the psychological distance
- To cause unpleasant sounds, for example foam plastic on the glass
- Make a red button, when you click on it, the phone rings in a minute, and you urgently need to exit!
- Create a guest room, where the mini-library, video library is located, so that the visitor waits with benefit
- At the entrance is filled with a list of questions. Some kind of customer profile, in which he marks, with which he came (as in the McDonald's order list). Formalization of questions
speeds up communication
- Reorientation of its activity in your direction, towards your goals
- Redirect to another person: “Duty Manager,” “Duty by Space”
- On the business card to indicate the office hours: from ... to ...
Thereby to limit visitors in time inconvenient to you
- Schedule of reception (telephone multichannel to easily reach)
- Combine meeting with lunch. Business lunches, as the leader figuratively put it, “a trip to dinner”
- To organize a place for open meetings in the company (negotiation)

Intra-brand "brake pads"

This section contains task breakers horizontally and vertically. That is, it will be about the chiefs, subordinates and colleagues. Especially in large companies, according to tradition, there were unscheduled meetings and sessions of “strategic parties” and questions for 15 minutes, which linger on for hours. With a regular, ragged schedule, the productivity of your work is reduced and it is almost impossible to fulfill the planned one. How to be in such cases? It is ideal to warn them, but if they are already nearby, then it is worth considering the following recommendations.

1. You have been assigned a “flash meeting”

- Participate in the meeting by phone
- Hold a meeting while standing. For example, VimpelCom has a meeting room with no chairs. With this organization, all issues are resolved promptly. There is no desire to drive with forks on water, because everyone wants to leave as soon as possible,
more comfortable conditions
- Develop a list of meetings that are not solved by the volunteers. As a result, the register of meetings, in front of each of which - a list of issues
- Segment the time of the meeting. Set time markers, pacemakers, in the form of a timer for 10-15 minutes. Each period of time to compare with the agenda to accelerate progress towards the goal.
- Agree on the format of meetings. For example, in the company “ Group” there are posters on the walls: “10 rules of meetings”. This helps the participants to adhere to the established regulations, stimulates the high-quality and quick resolution of issues.
- To state in the corporate management that the agenda for the meeting will be sent no later than 24 hours before the meeting start time. By definition, “flash meetings” disappear, and you have a day to prepare for them.
- Introduce a rule of protection against meetings. Describe when you have the right to “decline invitation to a meeting”
- Keep a record and conduct a meeting on the protocol. At the same time there should be a moderator who monitors the rules of the issues raised.
- To hold a meeting before lunch: in this case, each participant tends to speak constructively, since the delay turns out for him to be late for lunch and shorten it

2. An unscheduled order of the authorities (“the boss's foolishness”, interference from the management)

- To organize the referent, who distributes orders from the head of subordinates in certain windows
- Give the supervisor feedback in the form of training, which results in unplanned "twitching" of staff
- To give the manager the opportunity to set priorities for the tasks, this is in case he is “sane”
- To fix his orders and show in a week: what and how was given from his side. Indicate which part of them is “B” and which part is “A”
- Receive a “responsibility interval” from a manager. The time interval during which the manager does not interfere in the work of the employee. For example, in the morning an employee was assigned a list of tasks - in the evening they checked the quality of implementation. In this
If the responsibility interval is equal to a working day, 8 hours.
If on Monday we set the tasks and check on Friday, then the responsibility interval is a week.

Failures of technology

The more complex the system, the higher the likelihood that it will fail. This is exactly one of the basic tenets of cybernetics. Due to the fact that the modern pace of life does not allow to abandon technology, we are forced to “make friends” with it and be ready for failures. Solutions to these minor and major technical troubles are described.
in this part.

1. Failures of equipment

- Make a schedule of control equipment (regular inspection). This way you will be aware of the “probability of problems”
- Troubleshooting Instructions
- An arrangement with a copy center for leasing or priority printing
- Always in the office should be a spare cartridge to the printer
- Think over duplicate functions (scanner, copier, digital camera). If the copier is broken, you can make a copy via fax, scanner and printer
- Photograph and send printed materials
- To conduct training alarms, emergency situations handling
- Create cognitive maps. Description of the infrastructure within the radius of the office. Where you can buy, print, etc.
- To establish a positive communication with neighbors, whose help can be used in the case of trawling

2. "Mail does not reach"

- Have a reserve in the form of free servers. Recommended mail.ru, yandex.ru
- Be able to quickly find and forward the desired letter
- Set up an email client for quick access to the recently sent e-mail

Personal and world problems

This section contains personal reasons for “unexpected” disruptions in work schedule. These include traffic jams as well as problems with the tone of the body, invasion
relatives and natural disasters. Today it is the least developed segment of time loss prevention.

1. Traffic jams

- A good solution is parallel activity:
1. Make a series of short calls
2. Using free hands, make a series of long calls
3. Listen to audio courses: business, foreign languages, etc.
4. Listen to audiobooks
- You need to know the traffic traffic. At what time there are traffic jams, detour options. Plan trips in “no-off time”
- Make appointments close to the metro to avoid wasting time on the road
- Learn to use webcams. Hold virtual meetings instead of traveling much cheaper
- Try to arrange a meeting in the car: "I'll give you a lift"
- To avoid traffic jams in the morning (before work), you can get up early before traffic jams and rush for a few minutes to Moscow to workplace (many acquaintances of consultant Irina K. do this)

- To avoid traffic jams in the evening (after work) - get a subscription at a sports club next to work and go to work out after work, and after playing sports it will be rush hour, then home!
- If you live next to a work colleague, then you can arrange to take turns to go to his or her own car, then the “free” driver will be able to make out, for example, working papers.
- Use the "mixed" way of moving around the city. For example, by car you reach a certain metro station (which can be reached without traffic jams), then you take the subway and go to your destination (especially convenient if
It is located near the subway)
- If you need to bring something / take and not necessarily a personal presence, you can use the courier service

2. Sudden personal problems with yourself (sick, unwell)

- Keep one employee informed about the project. Build work in pairs (cluster model)
- Provide the possibility of "virtual work, home office"
- Conclude a "contract with the body"
- Take advantage of tonics - tea from cocci :)
- Regularly take vitamins, get enough sleep, engage in physical activity
- Make the most effective use of the time when you feel a surge of energy and strength, as well as a special inspiration when working (so that for the time of indisposition there are fewer unfinished business)

3. Invasion of relatives and / or friends

- To discuss with loved ones situations when it is worth calling, and when it is better to wait
- Mark explicitly what is urgent, what is important
- Have an agreement with the hotel: where to move them
- “We will come” - in response to say: “I am not in the city!”
- Partial participation in communication with them, forwarding to others to solve problems. Participation by other resources, not time
- Download arriving relatives immediately, so that they rarely come. For example, to give them house cleaning, purchasing on the market, etc.

4. Animals

The story of one of the participants: “in the morning the dog ran away, not
I can close the gate: it will not go, and I can not go.
Had 30 minutes to look for her, in the end, the day's schedule was knocked down
morning itself ... "
- Tie a leash with a bollard
- Cut a hole in the door so that it can

5. Natural disasters (lights turned off, etc.)

- Develop a work algorithm in case it does not:
1. Light
2. Links
3. Other cataclysms
- Have in the office a supply of paper materials in case of failure of the light or computer equipment
- Think over non-volatile devices. For example, a printer on batteries
- Use the technique of "agree with the technique." This situation is vividly demonstrated in the film “Mission Serenity”, the last 15 minutes of the film.

A. Gorbachev. “Leader time. 24 + 2 ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25650/

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