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Monitoring-as-a-service for infrastructures on the example of the Anturis service

Monitoring is one of the integral components of the management of IT infrastructures. Today there are many solutions and approaches to monitoring, the most popular of them can be divided into two groups:


There are many IT specialists who clearly lack only external monitoring, and they are not ready to spend most of their time and money on deploying and maintaining their own monitoring system. Therefore, in the past few years, a new class of solutions has appeared on the market - monitoring-as-a-service or hosted monitoring.

In this case, internal resources (hardware and software, network resources) are monitored mainly with the help of local agents, and external (third-party and own services, synthetic transactions, etc.) using queries from vendor servers. Data is collected on the service side, after which error reports and reports are generated and notifications are sent in case of problems.
In short, the advantages of hosted monitoring are:

Anturis service

One of these services is Anturis . Schematically, the principle of its operation can be represented as follows (the arrows show the dependencies between the components, and the dotted line is the collection and transmission of data):

With this approach, impact-dependencies modeling between the end user experience (EUE) and infrastructure components is tracked, which allows you to quickly identify the causes of problems.

Creation of new monitors takes place through the web GUI, for this it is enough to go through the corresponding wizard (and in the case of internal monitoring, install the agent in advance):

At the moment, Anturis allows you to create the following types of monitors:

The main features of the service include:

You can try Anturis yourself, using the free version for 30 days. To do this, simply create an account on the site Anturis .

Future partnership options

At the moment we are considering the possibility of working together with Anturis, the following options are possible:

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256497/

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