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Results of the survey about the Entity Framework

I would like to summarize some results of the survey about the Entity Framework, which can be found here.
habrahabr.ru/blog/net/42340.html :

1. More than two-thirds of the habranaseniya not used in the work of asp.net. And so it was obvious that most wrote in php / python / erlang / perl / ruby, now it is documented. Asp.net as a platform lags far behind in our country. This is also due to some platform cumbersomeness and its focus on the windows / .net platform, which many, often unfairly, do not like, despise or ignore.

2. I am glad that among a small number of .net developers there are those who keep up with the times and try to follow the course that Microsoft offers. Entity Framework - from this opera, this is a new, flexible tool that offers a fresh look at working with data.

3. Conclusion for yourself. Writing articles about the Entity Framework (some already spinning in my head) is as simple as possible, trying to convey the essence of the mechanism to programmers who do not write on asp.net. In a sense, this will serve to popularize the technology, and on the other hand, through discussion, will allow to compare the approaches of EF and other techniques used everywhere by the same php programmers.
4. In the vote was the item "This is a bad question." It was a deliberate trap for “evil” habra people. In fact, why in the context of the topic .Net the question about EF is bad? It is bad only for those who are waiting for Habr fun and entertainment, news feeds, geeks and gadgets, in other words, for many Habr - IT digest, but not a place for programmer discussions. I make such a conclusion for myself, a moot point, of course, but nonetheless.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25649/

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