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Programmers don't understand

To write this article I pushed the article "Your code does not interest anyone . " Or rather, comments to it, which talked about the complete or partial misunderstanding of some readers of Habr why exactly “your code does not interest anyone”.

To understand the position of “your code does not interest anyone,” you need to approach the business: making money, paying salary to your employees, paying taxes, in general, in terms of income / expenses of a company or an individual. For example, the statement “the ideal code is the key to a successful business” may seem logical, but in terms of income / expenditure is not always true.

For example, a low-functional product or a product of insufficient quality for a business selling this product may be much more useful than a full-fledged working version. It sounds illogical, but, alas, more like the truth.

This can be understood by the example of buying a car. When you come to a car dealership, you will be happy to offer the entire range of products for purchase, from which you can choose a car to your taste and afford it. But no one will ever tell you that by paying $ 10,000 for the basic package (this and the following prices are conditional), you will have to pay an additional $ 5,000 for installing additional bells and whistles in the form of a radio tape recorder, an electric window lift, leather interior, although it seems that all this should be included in the $ 10,000 indicated at the beginning. As well as further MOT, purchase of spare parts, etc.
That is, by offering the client a low-functional product for $ 100 and installing it in 1 day, and still completing the product for a client for $ 500 and 3 days, the company wins. And the client subscribes to the annual support of the product for $ 100 / month. And the low-functional product squeezed $ 1700 more than if a full-fledged version were immediately sold.

It also seems logical and understandable: the greater the volume of orders for the minimum time spent by the company, the greater will be its income and the higher the chances of paying wages for its employees. If a company earns $ 1000 in a month for work, and pays a salary of $ 500, the postponement of projects will be fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of delayed payments of salary and so forth.

This means if you do not write software for rockets / satellites, trading, honey. equipment, etc., then, most likely, your income (or your company's income) is not directly dependent on the quality of the code. And this means that your income depends on your volumes and development speed, from which it emerges that “your code does not interest anyone”.

This article is not a call for reducing the quality of development. Just because of excessive perfectionism and the ability to build on the “future features”, the development of many projects has been delayed for months. This is an attempt to show that, in addition to the ideal and convenient code, there are other, equally important, priorities and should be taken into account when developing them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256477/

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