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Open access to research results

The guys from Kiberleninki launched an excellent initiative on the IC, which implies the introduction of total open access for all (state-funded) research results in the Russian Federation.

Open access to the results of scientific research and the introduction of open licenses for them will allow us to increase the transparency of science, reduce irrational costs, get rid of funding for duplicate research and double funding.

Open access contributes to the development of services based on scientific data, including commercial ones (ORCID analogues, DOI, services for building and analyzing science fronts, expert systems, plagiarism recognition systems, knowledge bases, scientometric and analytical services, mobile applications, etc.).

The consequence of the introduction of open access will be the development of public examination of the quality of science and the creation of a public base of experts necessary for the qualitative review and analysis of research projects.
Open access will increase the audience coverage of scientific publications and help the development of interdisciplinary research.

Some more boring details here .

Foreign experience

Currently, the leading countries of the world (Great Britain, Australia, USA, etc.) actively support programs for the development of open access to scientific publications.

In mid-March 2015, the US National Science Foundation adopted new measures that obligate grantees to publish their articles in open access after publishing them in a scientific journal [7]. With the support of the state, it is planned to develop the already existing large object and institutional OA repositories with different financing models (payment for use or placement), and to create new ones.

In Russia, the open access policy for scientific publications has not yet been determined. There is only one pilot project OA-repository (CyberLeninka). Today you have the opportunity to influence the future of Russian science, to make it more open, and therefore more competitive.

Here: www.roi.ru/18915

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256441/

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