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Python Meetup 03/27/15: machine learning, python AST and player statistics World of Tanks

Traditionally, the last Friday of the month was held Python Meetup. In the March meeting with guest speakers, we understood the following topics:

Video and links to the presentation, see under the cut. Enjoy watching!


Machine learning with Python / Oleg Shidlovsky
Web developer Doist
In Oleg's report, you can learn about the basic concepts of Machine learning and see examples of working with libraries, with which you can easily solve problems related to machine learning.
Watch Oleg's presentation

Python AST: between source code and bytecode / Nikolay Karelin
VPI Development Center Systems Architect

In this report, you can get acquainted with the details of the Python AST device and, in particular, learn some interesting facts about the work of the Hy dialect.
Watch the presentation of Nicholas

How to download World of Tanks player statistics for one night / Pavel Perestoronin

How to stop using multithreaded code with Requests, Asyncio and Aiohttp? Using the example of the Wargaming Public API, Paul showed how single-threaded asynchronous code works more efficiently than naive multi-threaded.
Watch the presentation of Paul

The next Python Meetup will take place this Friday, April 24th.

Program mitap :

Details and registration

See you at the Python Meetup!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256425/

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