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Vulnerability in iOS 8 found disabling devices in range of a Wi-Fi access point

At the international conference on information security issues, Skycure presented information about a vulnerability found in the iOS 8 operating system. This vulnerability allows an infinite reboot cycle to run on a Wi-Fi network device. Thus, the user is deprived of the opportunity to influence the device in any way: the gadget restarts instantly at startup, preventing the menu from entering.

A specially configured Wi-Fi access point that sends a special SSL certificate can be dangerous for an iOS device. Reboot stops if you leave the zone of the access point. In principle, even these special points can not cause any harm to the device if they are not connected to them. The error does not lead to the loss or leakage of data and leads only to a temporary and easily repaired loss of device operation.

The problem was discovered by two Skycure employees. In preparation for the report on network attacks, they bought a new router. After the access point was configured in a certain way, the researchers began to notice more frequent crashes on their iPhone. Subsequently, it turned out that the problem occurs on any iOS device trying to connect to a “special” router.
Vulnerability can become dangerous if “special access points” appear in buildings of large shopping centers, banks and airport terminals. Preventive way to protect against this threat - do not connect your device to suspicious “free” Wi-Fi networks

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256419/

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