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First sales experience at Unity Asset Store

I have been developing small mobile projects on the Unity3D engine for several years now and sometimes I visit the Asset Store to buy useful assets. Recently, I decided to try to create an asset for sale in this store and see what happens.

After studying the categories of assets in the Asset Store, I stopped at Complete Projects. In this category, completed projects and game templates for the most lazy developers are sold. I decided to make one of these templates, designed to create a simple tank arcade. Here's what came of it:

The essence of the created project is to provide ready-made game logic to those who are not very good at owning the engine or want to create a game in a short time. It was based on the well-known mobile arcade game Tank Hero. The game itself is quite simple: controlling the tank you need to blow up all the enemy tanks. In general, the creation of the prototype took a week and a half and this is what was implemented during this time:
1) Tank control scripts

2) Three types of shells for tanks

3) Artificial intelligence for opponents based on Raycast feature
4) The basic interface of the game (lifebar, counter opponents, various menus)
5) Main menu with settings and 3 demo levels.

In the project I did not use a single 3D model, all the tanks and levels were made of engine primitives. Using written scripts, I created 5 different types of enemies, each of which has its own characteristics. If desired, they could be done many times more.

When the project was completely ready, it was time to learn the rules for publishing in the Asset Store. The rules for this site are quite strict, even for the use of a single JPG texture in the project, the publication may be rejected. Also, you cannot use other assets that are already commercially available in your project. But I did not have such problems, because everything was done by hand.

Then I went directly to the publication: I opened the project in Unity, added the Asset Store Tools plugin to it. It is only needed to upload project files for sale in the Asset Store. All other information about the project being sold is indicated on the Asset Store website in the Publisher section. Here you need to add a description of the project in English, icon, medium and large promotional images and screenshots. In the description usually insert a link to the demonstration of his project, which opens through Unity WebPlayer. I decided to do the same, and at the same time add a link to the Android APK file to show the cross-platform project. It is also required to indicate the value of the asset being sold. In the publication rules in the Pricing Guidelines section there is a price table, based on which you can set the price for your asset. I indicated $ 30 based on the fact that complete projects are the most expensive assets. When everything was ready, I sent the publication for review by the administration of the Asset Store. According to them, the check takes about 5 working days, but I waited for the publication for almost 2 weeks.

I was not aware of ways to promote my project in the Asset Store. I decided to get by with the Unity forum, where there is an Assets and Asset Store section and published information about my project on it. After the publication of an asset, it can be seen at the top of the list only when sorting by the date of addition or when entering certain words from the title and description into the search.

To date, a week has passed since publication, and I am ready to share with you modest sales results:

Comments are welcome any questions on the topic, as well as your sales history on this site. Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256379/

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