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Seven tips on how to regain interest in life

1. We use music. We throw out absolutely all the sad melodies from the player, specially select positive, active music, under which one wants to live.

2. Every day we get a dose of new jokes - let's say you can read the section “Humor in Habrahabr” . Learn to look at everything positively. Any inappropriate thought should be dismissed immediately (a thought to caress, for example). Do not forget about feelings too. We try to live with positive emotions. You can fall in love with someone :)

3. We transform any surging negative emotions into tasks that we solve. We feel that there is a lack of some quality in character - we define it, but whether it really is necessary, and if so, we set a goal to develop this quality.
4. Set goals at all. Any, the main thing that they were. We work on their achievement, we work. We praise ourselves for any success, and for any failure (we remember two things: a negative result is also a result, and a mistake is a source of experience and a chance to rise even higher).

5. Doing sports. It is desirable with an eye on several years in advance. Swimming, cycling will do well, but even simple walking and jogging is effective here. And the more - the better. Football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, roller skating, skateboarding, etc.

6. Every day we determine why we lived this day. We find, for which to praise ourselves. You can have a special notebook for feedback with you. In this notebook you can write about your difficulties, set goals, draw, write poetry, etc.

7. If there are no friends yet, we start, look for, communicate. A good company will never let you be bored and sad.

But remember: as one Eastern wisdom says, the journey of a thousand li begins with the first step. Therefore, it is important to want to change. No book, no training will help you find a desire to change.

But if you somewhere in the region realized that you could not cope with your psychological problems yourself - contact a specialist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25637/

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