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BarCamp Caucasus - June 7-8, 2008

BarCamp Caucasus will be held on June 7th and 8th in Tbilisi - a non-conference on blogs, podcasts, social networks, new media, citizen journalism, web 2.0, and everything connected with it.

BarCamp Caucasus 2008

As part of BarCamp Caucasus, Innovation Incubator will also be held: a special event where you can present your projects, software, services or any other innovations that you think will be interesting for potential investors and partners. The idea of ​​Incubator Innovation is to help young people with new fresh ideas to bring them to partners and stakeholders.
More information about Innovation Incubator here: barcamp-kavkaz.org/incubator-of-innovations

Please remember that you need to register on the official BarCamp Caucasus website to take part in BarCamp!

Venue BarCamp - Georgian National Open-Air Museum .

Important: for participants from Russia, special grants for travel expenses have been allocated!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25634/

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