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Temporal relativistic ontological space

This is not a top level ontology. Most precisely, what you see is called the conceptual-categorical grid of the object's thinking from elementary perception to the limits of generalization.

This web was created as a basis for ontological work with complex and supercomplex systems.
Although it may be better to call it the simple words “picture for meditation.”


For the majority, the difference between the terms “chronal” and “temporal” (this distinction is made by me in event-temporal ontology) will not be understood, the latter can be read as “ideal” - this is not entirely accurate, but for initial meditation it will do.

Multicolored words - the subject, mechanism, organism and project - the same colored rectangles, which indicate the boundaries of systems of different levels of complexity.


In the comments asked for an example. Here he is:

Probably better to start with the external contour of the " project ". Let it be a major engineering project, such as the flight into space or the creation of nuclear energy. We pass along the perimeter: the goal is the concept (new) - activity - hierarchy - actualization (embodiment) - (as a result) evolution. Evolution (in this case, science and technology) is realized in the course of purposeful work on building up a new hierarchical level by updating the new concept .

Individual enterprises, institutions, and design offices involved in the project should be considered as organisms . The meaning of their actions : in the course of its development, as a result, get separate systems of the project that perform certain functions .

As a result of the actions of organisms, we have mechanisms : dynamic structures with certain properties that are realized in related directional processes .

Item level / details I think you can not paint - everything seems to be clear.

In the explanation, concepts with chronal and spatial axes were omitted, because of the meaning is trivial.

Of course, the passages along the axes are also interesting, but I hope that they can be easily handled with understanding.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256331/

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