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Miracle Yudo Yukit fish or the 128th website builder

Almost a month and a half ago, we announced the launch of the open beta of our new site builder uKit - https://ukit.com

On the technical side
Certainly, many will be interested to learn more about the real loaded project on the node + mongo, how kibana, gulp are used, about building a template system with the less preprocessor. But! We will tell all about this when some time has passed, and experience of real, rather than test-prototype use will be accumulated. So that the stories turned out to be interesting, with rakes, blackjack and bearded sysadmins.
For now, just talk about what and why we did.
And anticipating the question, you, of course, well done, but ...

Why the hell is Yukozu second, and what is the world N + 1 constructor?
Over the years of working with an audience that trustingly came to us to make websites, we have gained tremendous experience in this area. A huge base of tear complaints and racks with options for the behavior of a variety of users in extreme conditions of Yukoza. We listened to them, tried to adapt the existing monstro-system and nevertheless decided that it would be enough to stop flies with cutlets and try to satisfy with one product both beginners in site-building and half-horses. Enough chasing two hares! Therefore, from now on, those who want to dig out and get a portal with a forum, a catalog and snowflakes - they are in Yukoz. And for those who actually need five minutes (the time has gone) a visually effective, in every way adaptive theme site - in Yukit.

But let's be honest - the site-builders market is not the only one alive by Yukoz now, there are a lot of solutions like “business site in five minutes,” but they still don’t have a whole range of things. So the differences between Yukit and there will be, and in some places very significant.
If you had better see once than read a hundred times, then here is a small trailer .

What is the feature?
In Yukit’s philosophy, we proceeded from the premise that a real businessman is never a webmaster. And when it comes to the site, we know better what structure and functionality it needs a site.
Let's look at a specific example: on Friday evening you go to the website of a bar-restaurant from a phone, with the clear goal to find out what time it is, to find a phone for reservation and a map? In 99 cases out of 100, the phone appears on the Contacts page and is not clickable, because it is ... a picture, an address in the basement in small print, and the opening hours are not mentioned in principle. And yes, having suffered, you find out that this is the site of the bar “The Last Drop” in St. Petersburg, and not at all in Moscow.
And this is not because the site designer was bribed by the restaurant’s competitors; they simply do not pay attention to such things, to the detriment of the steak slider on the main one.
We collected all the mistakes that people like to admit in business sites, and tried to make Yukit so that in it, with all the efforts, the sites would be as user-friendly as possible for the end user. After all, if the user quickly found what he was looking for, called, ordered, wrote, then the site fulfilled its main purpose.
A site created in Yukit will always have a micro-markup for search engines, contacts that are nailed in a cap and easily found by the user. Everything will work adequately on the tablet, mobile and desktop: dial phones, and the card will be transferred to Google on click.

I'm sick of the lyrics - I want numbers!

How do we want this effect? The first is well-thought out structured patterns in which attention was paid not only to whether they look beautiful, but also to whether the necessary and useful information for the business is immediately visible to the visitor.

The second is the Wizard , which is filled in when creating the site, in which it is proposed to immediately enter important information specifically for this type of business. For example, if you create a website of a model or photographer, then special attention will be paid to the gallery and a bunch of social networks. Time will show whether this idea will work as we have conceived, whether users will actually fill in the data, and not skip the wizard.

With the right choice of topics and the full passage of the wizard, the user receives a partially finished website in which to enter their texts. The page structure is also already thought out for it - there are contacts, a services page, a page with a blank for the price. And no loremIpsum - default texts on the pages are also meaningful and related to the subject of the site. (The exception is made by universal templates that do not have any specific subject - there are also such.)

Simple things are hard to do.
We have something to compare. The system of Yukoz has a year of pre-release development and almost 10 years of operation (a la so much they don’t live on the Internet). Yukoz is often blamed for the fact that the system is complicated, confused, and blatantly lying about the fact that it is easily accessible for beginners. Ok, it's time to admit - yes, Yukoz is a very difficult system from the end user's point of view.

But Yukit is really easy to work with and thought out about what the final result will be. The designer has such control over the elements that in order to break the appearance of the template - you need to try. When removing-adding elements, the grid is automatically reset, the images themselves resize. It is impossible to write green on red, and when dragging text to a black background, it will automatically change to a well-read white.
However, as shown by a month and a half of flight in beta, the user’s desire to put his bmp logo in a hat, drawn by his nephew during school holidays, will not save anything, but we will work on it :)

Disclaimer ugliness
Yes, we deliberately locked in the functionality of the pipette for an arbitrary choice of background color and text on it. Only predefined color schemes.
Light yellow on dark yellow - this is fine and in trend, but let's not scoff at the site visitor. Therefore, there will be no random color selection. And sets of brilliant_rosochki also will not. And the snowflakes falling through the site will not be either. Sorry :) (There should be a photo of our design team in black uniform under cover of night, while the programmers are sleeping, wiping the pipette functionality from the code.)
The same goes for the ability to write a Comic Sans header. Typography kits will be added, but without the ability to mix Arial with Times. It’s like putting on a ball gown and fishing jackets at the same time - it’s better to lie in different closets, without the possibility of eclecticism.

No plans whatsoever
We do not plan to do two things: the first is to enable users to interfere with the site code. All needs should be covered by hundreds of different widgets, which we will give the opportunity to embed. We are not trying to cover everything on our own (as opposed to Yukoz, where the comment system is its own, postal forms are its own, etc.) As practice shows, if someone has a service tailored to a specific function, then embed it to yourself into the system as a widget - this is much more efficient. Therefore, all proposals for the integration of a very well!

And the second thing that we wouldn’t like to do is unnecessarily complicate the interface with functionality. This is often the case when a project grows and trends dictate that the site should now be able to do this, the rosettes falling from the left corner or user pop-up windows coming into fashion come into fashion. The functional layers, the number of levers and switches increases. So - we will try very hard so that this fate does not overtake us, and the interface, on the contrary, boils down to just three buttons! How? But about this below :)

And what are your plans?
This is just the start, and we will work on a lot of things a lot.
The first is templates and themes. New ones will be added, current ones will be improved and debugged.
The second is widgets. They will become more and more. They will help to make a thematic site for a truly effective tool. Chat rooms to communicate with users, search tour forms, ordering a taxi, online appointments. All this can be added to the site in one click (more precisely, one drag).
The third is promotion tools. The Internet is full of solutions that help newcomers to the promotion of the site. They will be integrated into Yukit, so that at the exit the user has a combine to get customers. By and large, consisting of three magic buttons - “Create a site” , “Make it look cool” , “Promote a site” .

Digital camera
Some data on how the flight is in beta, to dilute the tone of “stop praising yourself”. Immediately, I’ll make a reservation that it’s still the existence of a product that isn’t quite in combat conditions; the audience Yukoz, which we actively attracted in the initial stages of testing, gives a strong bias. Because of all the numbers have to speak with some caution. Above them is the shadow of a spherical horse in vacuum.

In a month and a half of testing, over 20 thousand sites were created and 600 of them with their domains. Daily activity in the admin is observed in about a thousand of them. The average percentage of passage of the Wizard is 60%. Of those categories that are given a choice, the categories “Photographer” and “Tourism” are especially popular. Although I’ll make a reservation once again that there are not many categories yet, and there are very successful examples of the “Spare parts for tractor” sites on the “Tattooer” theme template.

We conducted five functional updates (one with a complete collapse and emergency resuscitation) and one test DDoS (the record time of the sysadmin jumping out of bed was measured :))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/256319/

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